Tonight my cat acted as a guard dog and alerted me to a burglar on my roof

Tonight, about 30 minutes ago (it is now 02:44), my cat heard the footfall of a burglar on my flat roof and alerted me. He had heard something which I had not.

My cat alerted me to a burglar tonight about 30 minutes ago
My cat alerted me to a burglar tonight about 30 minutes ago

He was with me in bed at the time (under the covers as it happens). He immediately got up and remained alert looking towards the source of the sound. I looked towards the skylight in a part of my roof which is flat and saw the silhouette of a hooded man in dark clothes.

He was peering through a closed, upstairs window. I shouted at him loudly and rudely! He ran across the flat roof and disappeared from view. I immediately went onto the roof to try and get or confront him. He had disappeared. I searched for him for about 10 minutes.

I discovered that he had climbed onto the roof via a wall that had recently been constructed by my neighbour. He had no doubt escape using the same route and run down the road. He had about 3 minutes to do that; the time it took for me to get onto the flat roof where he had been.

My cat Gabriel sleeping on my bed
My cat Gabriel sleeping on my bed

The point of the story is twofold, (a) my cat acted as a guard dog tonight and alerted me to a burglar. As we know cats have superb hearing, which superior to ours. Also they are more attuned to sounds and generally more alert at all times. He picked up the faint sound of the footfall of a burglar who was very gingerly walking on my flat roof looking for access to my house and (b) I will have to have a word with my neighbour to put a barrier up on that bit of wall that he has constructed.

There is a third issue in fact; I now know that there are burglars around here and although I am always vigilant – for example I always lock the front door even when I am at home – I will have to step up my anti-burglary methods.

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6 thoughts on “Tonight my cat acted as a guard dog and alerted me to a burglar on my roof”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. Yes, I know. I want to hurt that burglar. I want to hurt him badly. I feel in the mood for violence.

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