Internet surfers search for “tortoiseshell cat half face”. What they are searching for is the famous Venus, the torbie cat with a face that is split between black on the right side and the orange tabby pattern on the left. It looks extraordinary but it is not that unusual to be honest for a tortie or torbie cat to have a sharp demarcation in color within the pattern on the face. There are many other examples on the internet. Venus is the best because by pure chance the demarcation line is plumb dead straight down the middle of the face.
Another far less well known cat who is a torbie has what I consider to be as interesting a facial pattern or even more interesting.
I believe both these cats are torbies because you can see the tabby pattern within the tortoiseshell colors.
I tried to figure out the genetics behind the famous Venus face on this page.
The “masked one” is the best. I think it is the most interesting pattern I have seen.
It’s hard not to shake the image of the “masked” one.
I’ve never seen anything like her. So easy to fall in love.
Ofcourse the venus is pretty, but I’m not a fan of smudged faces.