George Osborne, the Chancellor of the Exchequer of the British government, the person in whom we have entrusted the economy of Great Britain, is being irresponsibly with respect to looking after his family cat: Freya – a tubby tabby. Some people might say that he is being irresponsible with the lives of British citizens too.
I don’t want to receive a comment (fat chance) from him saying his wife looks after the cat. A cat is a family responsibility. His wife looks very fragrant but, clearly, fragrance does not translate to good cat caretaking.

George works from No 11 Downing Street and lives there, too, as far as I am aware. To visitors not living in the UK, Downing Street is a very central location in London, close to the Thames and near the Houses of Parliament.
Freya is fat. OK, that is not unusual but it does demonstrate a careless approach to cat caretaking.
Far worse is the fact that Freya is allowed to wander around central London. Allowing a cat to roam is fine if the place where you live is reasonably safe from a cat’s perspective but central London? No. There is nothing but masses of dense traffic and Freya seems to be amongst it from time to time or a lot.
Freya has been seen in a public house (“pub”) on the other side of Whitehall. Whitehall is a busy and wide road that connects to Downing Street. She’ll have to cross it to get to the pub and journey fraught with danger.
Freya has also been seen in Trafalgar Square! Now, that is extraordinary. Trafalgar Square is at the end of Whitehall. It is about 800 metres from Downing Street and the traffic is awesome all along the route and at Trafalgar Square, unless Freya finds some fancy way to get there that avoids traffic.
The conclusion must be that the Osborne family are allowing their cat to roam widely in a place that is totally unsuited to it. Some cats are great at avoiding cars and lorries. They even learn to look and check but they are not that expert at it and eventually an accident is liable to happen, especially in the places around Downing Street.
lol.. that whole comment was hilarious.
Caroline Larry is the cat nextdoor which is the house of the Primeminister of England. They got him to keep the mouse situation under control. Freya lives nextdoor has been known to squabble with Larry who is a bit on the lazy side. I saw a photo of her slapping Larry.
You are right that just the fact of being in government they should take care of what example they set in regard to their cat. Both Larry and Freya are allowed out. Freya likes to wander more though and has once been lost. She is microchipped luckily. However thats not all, London is a ridiculously dangerous place for a cat, especially arounnd that area so that’s the real and most obvious reason neither cat should be allowed anywhere except, ideally, and enclosed garden at the back.
If it were not so dangerous then it would be fine to let them out. Ideally every cat should be able to spend lots of time outside.