Trapping feral cats advice please

by Dee
(Florida USA)

I’d like some advice on trapping the few remaining canny feral cats of one of my feral cat colonies.

Several months ago, I posted that my Florida county has approved a small cat rescue group here to sponsor our first TNR program (link to earlier post).

It is at full speed and so am I. I have been managing 2 feral colonies for a long time – one large (32 cats) and one small (10 cats). I am nearly finished with TNR on the large colony but am having problems humanely trapping the last few.

They are trap-shy and nothing is working for me. I’m sure they are that way having witnessed their companions confined in an object that loudly snaps shut, even though I am always in the area and quickly pick up the traps and bring them inside until their appointment.

I’ve tried every sort of enticement I could think of, ie. tuna, mackerel, sardines, chicken, cheese, etc., and they are not going for it. I know they don’t understand that I want what’s best for them. If anyone has any ideas that may help me help these last few, I would appreciate it,

In the meantime, the best idea I came up with today is to just move on to my second colony and let this large one “rest” awhile.

My delusional thinking tells me that these last guys and gals may “forget” after a time. Any thoughts?


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Trapping feral cats advice please

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Feb 10, 2012 Response
by: Michael

I see that only Ruth has responded to your request. I have never trapped feral cats. What you say indicates that the remaining feral cats have become accustomed to your traps.

You have tried all kinds of food except raw food. You might consider trying the sort of food that people feed their pet wild cats (servals etc.). You can get frozen mice and even canned food for wildcats. That might do it. The linked page provides some insights into feeding a serval.

It may be the cage that they associate with being trapped.

If you can get your hands of a different looking cage or disguise the existing one that might work.

I am simply guessing but you might like what say. Good luck. I admire you for what you do.


Feb 09, 2012 Cats aren’t daft
by: Ruth

A bit of a problem for you Dee as cats aren’t daft and they’ve obviously cottoned on it’s a trap cage. Although if they did but know it you are trying to help them.
I hated using those noisy things when we were doing TNR for Cats Protection. They make a plastic one now which wouldn’t be half so scary for cats but of course they’ll be expensive.
Have you tried sardines or pilchards in tomato sauce ? Not many cats can resist that.
Good luck.

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

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