Trinity Acres Rescue and Mandatory Declawing

Oh boy, dear readers. Just when I think I’ve heard everything there is to hear about declawing in the U.S., I find something new that shocks and sickens me.

Trinity Acres Rescue, located in Dimondale, Michigan (see map below), requires mandatory declawing of ALL rescues before being placed in a new home.

Trinity Acres Rescue has been in existence since 1987. At a first glance of their website they seem to run a decent rescue.

Their rescue is run by a network of foster homes and there is no fixed location. Those wanting to adopt a cat must make an appointment and applicants are carefully screened. Sounds good so far, doesn’t it?

Until you read the paragraph about the cost for a cat and what it includes. Cats run between $45-$140, which includes spay/neuter and DECLAWING! All cats adopted must be declawed before going to their new homes.

View Larger Map

I read about Trinity Acres Rescue on the Facebook page of DeclawingCrippled My Paws. I respect that organization as one of the leaders in the anti-declawing crusade. So I decided to check into Trinity Acres. It’s true folks.

What are the people at Trinity thinking?! Will someone from their rescue please explain it to me why a cat MUST be declawed before going to it’s forever home?

I’m way more than ticked off on this logic. Not only is the cat being mutilated before ever leaving their custody, but it’s done on a mandatory basis. In other words, if you don’t want a declawed cat, adopt from some place else. They go so far as to list the date of mutilation on the individual cat profile. Check it out for yourself. I guess it’s a good thing because the vet who treats this cat down the road will have an exact date as to when this cat was put into HELL which will last the rest of its life.

Why is this something they want to BRAG about?! – here’s their webpage where they advertise through Click on any of the cats and read the description. Declawed! Declawed! Declawed!!!

Their official rescue page is here. Why don’t we all give them a call and send an email and tell them how we feel about their belief in mutilating all cats regardless? Their phone number is 517-410-0074 and their email is It sure sounds as though someone needs to educate them. Maybe they think what they’re doing is a GOOD thing for the cats.

I’d really like to see them turn things around with their thinking. I like the way they do things up until the mandatory declawing part. The cats are fostered, which usually means more love and attention is paid to the cat. Any kittens not old enough to be spay/neutered before adoption must be returned to them or taken to the adopter’s private vet for this. All of this is in the contract between Trinity Acres Rescue and the adopter.

Since the spay/neuter of KITTENS at a future date is in the contract, it leads me to believe DECLAWING is done on kittens regardless of age before they leave foster care, as there’s no contract mentioned about declawing of KITTENS at an older age. UGH!!! I hope someone who has dealt with them will correct me if I’m wrong.

Please correct me someone! PLEASE? I don’t want to hear about baby kittens being mutilated. It’s bad enough to know the adults cats are having part of their toes chopped off.

I’m not going to include any pictures of the cats they have up for adoption. I’d hate to get in the middle of a photo copyright issue. The photos are there on the Petfinder page. All those beautiful cats maimed for life by people who think they’re doing a good thing.

For those of you who aren’t against declawing yet, please read a few a few articles by vet nurses who have witnessed the pain and the bloody bandages and the bloody cages. I believe have a few vet nurses who would be willing to help sway you to our anti-declawing movement.

Declawing From The Veterinary Staff’s Point Of View

Recently Declawed Cat Pictures

I’m going end this article before my blood pressure gets any higher.

Comments anyone? Especially from vet nurses who have witnessed the mutilation firsthand. I’d also like to know if any other rescues/shelters REQUIRE declawing before adoption.

Please don’t tell me there are MORE rescues out there who demand declawing as mandatory before adoption!


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Trinity Acres Rescue and Mandatory Declawing

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May 11, 2012
Tto Cats Need Claws and Cat Lover NEW
by: Anonymous

“A home at such high cost to the cat is NOT a fit home for ANY cat”

It sounds like your view is that it is better off for the cat to live it’s life in a cage or be put down than to be declawed.

I guess that’s where we disagree because I completely agree that a cat is happiest with it’s claws intact. I also agree that pet owners should not declaw their cats, but instead train them not to claw furniture and buy a scratching post.

But, the point I’m trying to make is that these shelter cats don’t have many options. Shelters are full all across the country and the problem isn’t getting better. Most of these cats aren’t ever going to find homes and most will either be put down or live their lives out in a steel cage sleeping next to their litter box. So, is it wrong for a shelter to declaw some of the kittens to keep up with the demand for the adoption of declawed cats? In my opinion, absolutuley not if it is done professionally and allowed to heal properly, etc. If I were one of those cats, I’d be the first one volunteering for declawing to increase my chances of getting out of there. I’ve seen plenty of extremely happy, healthy declawed cats that have better lives than a lot of humans let alone clawed cats.

I’m not condoning the declawing of cats in general, but as an alternative to what I’ve mentioned before. It’s not a perfect world and there are things far, far worse happening to animals than declawing at the shelter. Most, if not all, wouldn’t think twice about giving up their claws for a ticket out of the shelter.
If you want to make a difference, put some pamphlets out at the shelters. But, a word of advice, don’t make declawing out to be the big bloody massacre that most describe it as on here. Declawing can have negative side effects, but don’t overdo it because people won’t take it seriously. When you describe these cats as “mutilated” “crippled” “unhappy” “in pain” etc. people just stop listening because it’s not true for the the majority of declawed cats. I’m not saying it doesn’t happen, but be realistic about it. Give the facts and use some tact!

May 08, 2012
No good Rescue declaws NEW
by: Cats NEED claws

Anonymous it’s you who is not doing the cats any favors by condoning the mutilation of them for people who are so ignorant they don’t want a cat, they want an adapted animal.
Rescue Centres are in a prime position to stop this cruelty by adopting out only the cats already mutilated, not putting more through the same agony.
A home at such high cost to the cat is NOT a fit home for ANY cat.
There are many cats needing homes but I’d like to know how many declawed cats are returned to the Centre with complications from their declawing?
That data is swept under the carpet I think.
When Trinity Acres stop declawing altogether then we will believe you that it’s a good place.

May 08, 2012
THEY should be educating also NEW
by: Cat lover

‘They do declaw some of the cats though most likely to keep up with the demand they have on the adoption of declawed cats’

So they ARE deliberately crippling cats,turning perfectly healthy cats into disabled cats.
If they truly DO have the best interests of the cats at heart as you say they do,then surely THEIR aim should also be to educate the ignorant who demand the declawing!

May 08, 2012
at the time NEW
by: Elisa

At the time of this writing every cat they had available on petfinder was declawed while in their care. I’m glad they now also offer cats who are not required to be declawed. Their rescue was one of the best i’d ever researched except for that one issue. I can’t change the article as I don’t have access to it and the declawing issue was true at. The time it was written. I agree declawing must be stopped through education. I live in an area where all vets offer declawing. Sometimes you can’t fix stupid.

May 07, 2012
The Truth about Trinity Acres NEW
by: Anonymous

Contrary to what this site would lead you to believe, declawing is not mandatory at Trinity Acres Rescue. They actually have more clawed cats available for adoption than declawed cats. You can check their listings on Petfinder or visit the rescue to verify this.
They do declaw some of the cats though, most likely to keep up with the demand they have on the adoption of declawed cats.
The fact is that there are way too many cats without homes and there are people out there that are only willing to adopt a declawed cat. If you really want to stop the declawing of cats, your aim should be to educate the people that demand the declawing. I’ve been to Trinity Acres to adopt a cat from them, and I can assure you that they are only doing what’s in the best interest of these animals.
Please re-check your facts about the mandatory declawing at Trinity Acres and update your site. I respect your intentions, but I don’t believe that you are doing the cats at Trinity Acres any favors by posting this libelous information and advising people not to adopt them.

May 03, 2012
Untrue NEW
by: Anonymous

I adopted my cats from here. Declawing is NOT mandatory. I personally wanted declawed cats, and this rescue had some to choose from. They also have cats that have their claws. Please remove this slander! It’s UNTRUE!

Apr 18, 2012
a year and a half NEW
by: elisa

This article was written over a year ago. At that time the cats had their declawed dates listed alongside their information. The cats were declawed while in the custody of Trinity. I sincerely hope they no longer declaw before adopting out. The rescue seemed like a great rescue other than for all the declawing.

Apr 18, 2012
Declaing is NOT mandatory at Trinity Acres NEW
by: Dee

I have just reread the Trinity Acres site and have been there to adopt cats – THEY DO NOT have a mandatory declaw policy. They do, however, neuter. Read the Trinity Acres website please. And please change your website criticism or remove it.

Dec 01, 2011
Great comments Janet V
by: Leah England

I couldn’t agree more!

An assumption is made that everyone wants to adopt a de-clawed cat!!
Instead of wasting money on legalised cruelty why don’t they just buy a decent scratching post to go along with the cat and say ‘here you go; this little fella comes with claws; he needs them for this, this and this reason and because of those reasons you will need this’
How simple can that be!! Clearly too simple for the butchers at Trinity Acres they are so certain they are saving these cats lives when in actual fact these poor souls would be better off dead than in the hands of these brutes masquerading as good samaritans!!

Dec 01, 2011
Story link
by: Elisa The statistics and their sources are there.

Dec 01, 2011
The Real Message That’s Being Sent
by: Janet V

The problem is that here you have a rescue group and a supposed professional (the vet) who are basically saying cats are defective, so we’re “fixing them” en masse, in advance. “You can have a cat in the house, but it’ll shred your precious drapes so here, let’s entice you to take this defective beast by chopping its toes off.” That is the message being sent. If you say the only way to get people to take these cats is if they’re declawed, that’s what you’re doing.

And apparently, you are setting up the cats and the humans for failure if declawing does indeed prompt worse reactive behaviors. It does not matter if the rescue and vet are otherwise good people. That’s not at issue here, and it is sad that all the defensive arguments offered here over these past months are negated by this one still unrefuted fact, that routine declawing has taken place.

No one is saying the rescue or the vet should be prosecuted, and not everyone would say it should be shut down. But transparency is a good thing, and people should know if this is indeed a practice that is routinely undertaken. If you don’t want to defend it on the front end and be honest about it, don’t get your knickers in a twist when someone actually DOES figure you out!

What rescues and vets should be doing is observing the known behavioral nature of the animals and trying to match that with the needs, wants, quirks and circumstances of the humans involved. And if a human wants a cat that would never damage furniture or carpeting, then I would suggest a screensaver or a stuffed toy. I would think virtually all available cats can be sufficiently distracted from furniture by spending $20 or even less on a scratching post or two.

Dec 01, 2011
by: Anonymous

Anyone supporting a rescue place that doesn’t rehome without the amputation of the cats toe ends should hang their heads in shame.
How cruel those people are!

Dec 01, 2011
New story
by: Elisa

Michael has in his inbox my newest story on the emotional consequences of declawing, complete with case study figures and percentages. It would do all here who promote declawing to take a look at the research. Hopefully it will be online within the next 6 hours.

I never realized cats claw as a way to mark their territory and without being able to do this they may start spraying the house. Or peeing on the couch. Lots of other good info in the new story so keep watch for it.

Nov 30, 2011
by: Barbara

“Clawed cat are nice for barns and outside but not in the house.” I’ve never read anything as stupid as this comment for a long, long time! TPW for your information cats come with claws, they are not meant to be judged as “nice” or “nasty” they are part of the cat not an optional extra. I don’t care how wonderful this Trinity Acres dump likes to call itself, if it is pushing mandatory declawing then it’s doing cats a great dis-service by promoting and encouraging cruelty.
Declawing has been banned in another country today – Israel- now why do you suppose so many countries – 39 now – have banned it hmmmmm? BECAUSE IT IS CRUEL AND INHUMANE!

Barbara avatar

Nov 30, 2011
Trinity Acres promotes animal abuse !
by: Ruth

Cats are born with claws because they NEED claws both indoors and out !
Have you learned NOTHING at all about this cruel surgery ?
Well here’s some news for you
ISRAEL has now joined the countries where declawing is banned.
Soon the USA and Canada will have to admit that declawing is animal abuse and that day can’t come soon enough for those of us who want this needless suffering of cats to end !
Trinity Acres should stop it RIGHT NOW.

Nov 30, 2011
Trinity Accres is a Great Rescue
by: TPW

People who know nothing are often critical about that which they know nothing about, such is the case here. You of course ingnore the fact that Trinity Accres places a lot of cat that would otherwise be distroyed had they not been declawed. Clawed cat are nice for barns and outside but not in the house. Your narrow minded perspective would have more cats distroyed than placed into good homes. Thank God Trinity Accres realizes this and actively achieves that which you only talk about and probably could not do as well as them, save cats.

My cats are from there and you will not find a better operation.

Nov 30, 2011
Trinity Accres is a Great Rescue
by: TPW

People who know nothing are often critical about that which they know nothing about, such is the case here. You of course ingnore the fact that Trinity Accres places a lot of cat that would otherwise be distroyed had they not been declawed. Clawed cat are nice for barns and outside but not in the house. Your narrow minded perspective would have more cats distroyed than placed into good homes. Thank God Trinity Accres realizes this and actively achieves that which you only talk about and probably could not do as well as them, save cats.

My cats are from there and you will not find a better operation.

Nov 29, 2011
What I’ve read makes me feel physically sick
by: Leah England

To Brenda Buddy’s mom; No, you get a life! How dare you!!! Ruth and Barbara are absolutely right, what sort of people amputate cats toes just to find them a home? Certainly not people looking for a loving home, that’s for sure!

So you got your lab a new pal? don’t tell me you had that poor cat de-clawed just in case he scratched your dog? Well? Doesn’t matter he can’t defend himself against your dog does it??

You can’t comprehend for a minute how absolutely terrified that cat must have been being introduced to a big dog knowing that he couldn’t defend himself. Well let me tell you Brenda’s mom or whoever you are I don’t give a shit who I upset because you and others like you are damn well sick in the head!!!

Nov 28, 2011
Look and learn Brenda
by: OJ

See just what you think is worth having a home!

Nov 28, 2011
To Brenda
by: Ruth

I’m sorry about your loss but those people sympathising with you on one hand and on the other insisting on animals being mutilated doesn’t add up.
Would you have had your dogs declawed as puppies had you been told you would have to before you could adopt them ?
Of course you wouldn’t !
Well don’t you know that cats feel pain just as much as dogs do ? Don’t you know that a cat needs his claws even more than dogs do ?
You obviously know nothing about declawing yet you agreed to have a kitten go through the most painful surgery a cat can endure and which results in the cat being disabled for life.
I just hope if your cat develops problems from the amputations you don’t suddenly decide you don’t want a cat after all !
I don’t suppose you were told of a common long term outcome of declawing, painful arthritis, because the cat can not walk or exercise as cats need to.
You are so wrong, having a home at ANY price is not what adopting is all about.
People like you are why this cruel surgery which is banned in many other countries as animal abuse, still goes on in your country.
So many suffering cats ! How very sad !

Nov 28, 2011
Almost believed it…
by: Barbara

Brenda, I’m sorry you lost your lovely dog, everyone who visits POC will be able to empathise with the sadness and misery of losing a beloved companion, and your post made perfect sense right up until the last line which was the big letdown, you said, “A loving home is whats most important, whatever that takes.” and that is where I want to differ, a home at any price, that demands the amputation of healthy toes and renders cats disabled amputees in return for “love” is not a worthy home. Real love doesn’t demand disfigurement as a condition for that love and care. Those people you spoke to who showed you so much compassion should use some of it on the cats and they should use their eloquence to educate would be owners as to the true cost – to the cats – of declawing.

Barbara avatar

Nov 27, 2011
Get a LIFE!!!!!!!!
by: Brenda Buddys mom

Dont you dare disrespect this Rescue… I lost my best friend, my German Shepherd on labor day and was devestated. Because things happen for a reason a couple clicks led me to this rescue. I wanted a pal for my Lab Buster that just lost his life long companion. I left a short phone message wanting to talk and with in no time they were consoling me wanting to know how they could help. Some people know what to say. I made an appointment to meet with them and a week later had the cutest, sweetest loving kitty. I could’nt have done a better thing.

When i went through the process literally, I dont no what you’ve done, all areas were dicussed. That rescue wants NOTHING more than to find those babies loving homes. There are all kinds of cats and you can have exactly what you want.

You should help them find homes instead of bashing caring people doing a wonderful thing. Who raised you? A loving home is whats most important, whatever that takes.

Sep 12, 2011
Sorry for the cats in your care
by: Ruth

You feel sorry for us but we feel sorry for the cats in your care !
Neutering (which covers the desexing of both male
and female cats) is not only the only way to stop more unwanted kittens being born it is for the cat’s own health.
If you know anything at all about cats (which I doubt) you must know that un-neutered female cats can develop problems with their uterus due to continually coming into season.
You must know that un-neutered male cats live a life of frustration longing for a mate.
As for tail docking and ear cropping, which in our country are rightfully banned along with declawing, horrible as that surgery is it doesn’t affect dogs lives as declawing does cats.
PLEASE do some research on the cruelty of declawing rather than encouraging it by the mandatory declawing your shelter forces on people who if they knew the truth would want a happy healthy cat, NOT a disabled cat !

Sep 11, 2011
Spaying and neutering – to Wendy
by: Anonymous

Spaying and neutering is simply necessary because there are too many cats which is another man made problem. There are fewer complications post op as well.

I feel that you have a very shallow comprehension of declawing at a more fundamental level. It is clearly immoral to mutilate a cat so severely for our benefit. And what a frivolous benefit – protecting precious furniture.

it is sad that there are many people like you including most vets who support declawing. Vets who routinely declaw (and almost all of them do) are in breach of their oath. Almost 90% of people agree with that statement.

Sep 11, 2011
left field
by: WendyAnonymous

You people are so far out in left field I feel sorry for you. If you think declawing is sickening and unnatural what about spaying and neutering?
what about the docking of tails or the cropping of ears? Talk about unnatural. Our cats and kittens are not crippled when declawed. Spaying and neuterng is a must for helping with homeless pets. I know i am wasting my breath. It is not mandatory to declaw a pet in our rescue. It is mandatory to be a responsible pet owner. Rescues are a must or you would have a lot more unwanted pets.I can tell you our success rate is high in adopting out healthy well rounded cats and kittens. That speaks for itself. Have a good day. Wendy

Sep 08, 2011
Er actually we do
by: Leah England

Actually Wendy we do know exactly what its like to have to find good homes for abandoned cats and kittens. I for one have worked tirelessly to find good homes for strays I have had in my care.

You however on the other hand it appears have found NO good homes because a home that demands that a defenceless kitten be mutilated before its accepted is anything BUT a good home!!! In fact what you are doing is obscene and you sicken me!!

Sep 08, 2011
A good thing too
by: Rose

Not having the opportunity to help with other cats and kittens would be a very good thing seeing as the cats and kittens you do help all end up crippled !

Sep 08, 2011
cat rescue
by: Wendy

you people don’t have a clue to what it takes to get good homes for the cats that we get called on to rescue. We are turning down so many because we are full. It is really sad. Rescues are full, animal controls are not taking them just killing them, Humane Society is full. Animals are thrown in ditches, back roads, out in back of downtown buildings and to find homes is not an easy task. We want to make sure that they get a good home, do not have kittens, are healthy, and have a chance. If we do not offer options like declawing we would not have the oppertunity to help with other cats and kittens.

Sep 06, 2011
To Wendy
by: Ruth

Leah is right, you are in a very good place to let it be known how cruel declawing cats is and to do as many other Rescue Shelters are doing now, having a no declaw contract signed on the adoption of one of those innocent animals.
I’d like to bet that most of those poor crippled cats eventually return to yours or another shelter with mental or physical problems from the amputation of their toes.
Oh the usual excuses will be bleated ‘the allergy of a child’ being the favourite.
But those very real problems are caused by YOU and your attitude that most people want declawed cats. They wouldn’t if they knew just what declawing entails !
Move with the times, the anti declaw numbers are growing daily, they are people who know that cats come with claws because they need claws.
Anyone who says otherwise is not fit to have a cat in their care.

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

Sep 05, 2011
Sorry don’t believe you, Wendy
by: Leah England

I just don’t believe you. Why in Gods name are you hurting these cats some more? Why do you even offer this option?

This is how I see it; every time you de-claw a cat you have wiped out all those other good things you’ve done!! I can’t understand it!! I come from a country where de-clawing is illegal and I can’t understand for the bloody life of me why you don’t educate!! There’s no need to de-claw!!

You’re in one of the best positions possible to show people how wrong this is BECAUSE It IS WRONG!! Its against natures and it sickens me.

Sep 04, 2011
What about the numbers?
by: Janet V

Wendy, how do you explain the numbers? These cats are being advertised as declawed *before* they have been adopted, so an adopter is not asking for it to be done, it is already done.

Is it really fair for a cat that has already suffered to suffer any more?

No one wants Trinity Acres to stop helping cats. We just want them to stop this unnecessary procedure. It doesn’t take much to educate prospective adoptive homes that declawing is cruel and unnecessary. Maybe 3 minutes of talking. That is not too much to ask. I doubt anyone willing to provide a good home to a rescued cat would run away simply due to the declawing issue.

I know this from personal experience because many years ago I went to adopt a cat and was renting a house. I told the rescue staffer, after passing an interview process and competing with 4 other people for my cat, that I figured I would have the cat declawed to avoid any conflict with the landlord. The rescue group explained what declawing was and said that would negate my adoption, but the cat I got had an allergic reaction to anesthetic and almost did not survive her spaying. She wouldn’t have lived if they had taken the extra time to declaw her.

None of us here has any stake in harming a rescue, but we have a great stake in not harming cats unnecessarily.

Sep 04, 2011
You R Wrong
by: Wendy Hector

I cannot believe what crap you are spreading about Trinity Acres Rescue. I happen to help out there and the cats and kittens are very much loved and taken g ood care of. We get the cats that no one want. When we get them they are starved,flea ridden, and sick. We get them checked out, feline luke. tested, shots, wormed, defleaed and in a safe place. To adopt, the declawing is optional, but you know what, people most of the time want this.So next time before you blast someone,think. The people that drop, runover, throw from car, use for bait, and just are generally mean to these pets are the ones that need the education. We need some good people to adopt cats and kittens right now. So pray for some adoptions and unless you have walked in our shoes don’t throw stones. Wendy Hector Trinity Acres Rescue Helper

Jun 21, 2011
Country Cats: declawed cat = dead cat!
by: Valorie

I have no doubt in my mind what-so-ever that anything Elisa writes is truth and if there is something that so-called “rescue” wants to sling mud about… then openly debate your cat-crippling policies Trinity Acres OR GO HOME with your tail between your legs! Because here in the Ozarks of Missouri, a declawed cat is as good as DEAD if the cat goes outside ever! A cat without claws doesn’t stand a chance against the farm dogs and wild animals… especially if the cat cannot even climb a tree to escape! I don’t approve of the practice of declawing cats – but I even MORE DISAPPROVE to be denied even the CHOICE! Shame on Trinity Acres!

Jun 21, 2011
Country Cats: declawed cat = dead cat!
by: Valorie

I have no doubt in my mind what-so-ever that anything Elisa writes is truth and if there is something that so-called “rescue” wants to sling mud about… then openly debate your cat-crippling policies Trinity Acres OR GO HOME with your tail between your legs! Because here in the Ozarks of Missouri, a declawed cat is as good as DEAD if the cat goes outside ever! A cat without claws doesn’t stand a chance against the farm dogs and wild animals… especially if the cat cannot even climb a tree to escape! I don’t approve of the practice of declawing cats – but I even MORE DISAPPROVE to be denied even the CHOICE! Shame on Trinity Acres!

Jun 16, 2011
I’d like to hear it from the horses mouth
by: Leah (UK)

Why doesn’t Trinity Acres come on here and dispute the facts? Those of you who have had kittens from them come on then get them on here lets see what they have to say.

The evidence is there and not one of you who love Trinity Acres so much you’re practically drooling has told us why they advertise de-clawing in the adoption cost!

Davey you’re pathetic. Do you know how many comments we’ve read that sound exactly like yours? You’re like a sheep just like the rest of them all doing and saying exactly the same thing. Well let me tell you Mr! You’re cats are feisty because they are pissed off that you’ve robbed them of their first line of defence! You rescued a cat and then did the worst thing possible!
How can you FIX something that isn’t broken? You’re sort of fixing is sickening and it is both a CRIME (sadly not punishable) and TORTURE!
There’s nothing charming about you pal and your damn selfish attitude! I live in the UK and I have indoor cats and even if I could I would NEVER de-claw them!
You’re a selfish, cruel, sad idiot!!!

Elisa keep up the good work these so called shelters need to be exposed!

Jun 16, 2011
Declawing makes me so angry!
by: Anonymous Amputees

I read several of the cat pages. I AM SO ANGRY! Why do cats NEED declawing to be adopted? They just end up BACK in the shelters because of behavioral problems caused by declawing! AAAAAARRRRRGGGGG!

If anyone wants to share their thoughts with the shelter, please contact or call Jann at 517-410-0074. This was posted on each page.

Jun 16, 2011
The evidence is there
by: Fran

Just glancing at a few of the declawed cats there on petfinder the date of declawing is always after the date of being taken into that Shelter.
I don’t see how Elisa can be wrong when the evidence is there!

Jun 16, 2011
by: Michael

Thanks, Janet V, for your very helpful addition to the discussion. Love the comment because it is about fact and it is reasonable.

Jun 15, 2011
Here are the numbers…
by: Janet V

Eliza, here are the numbers I counted. I am missing one listing and don’t have time to go through and recount, but it really wouldn’t change things:

Total listings: 60
Number of goats: 20
Number of cats listed as “baby”: 17. One cat is listed as baby and declawed, but when you read the text, it is old and he was declawed at 7 mos I think. This might be the cat I forgot to count.
Number of cats listed as “declawed”: 19
Number of adults listed as not declawed: 3, Mya, Windy and Togo.

So of all cats, that’s nearly 50% declawed; of adults, it’s 86%. I just randomly looked at a few other shelter/rescue groups on Petfinder and without officially counting, there were a few where maybe 10% of the cats were declawed, like 3 of 30.

This definitely merits investigating. If there’s some error or the information is dated, it still is the rescue’s responsibility to update its listings. This does give the impression that the group at the very least condones declawing, esp. since so many of the declaw listings look like they were declawed after going into rescue — dates are given for quite a few.

I hope this helps the discussion.

Jun 15, 2011
See Petfinder
by: Rose

‘Remove this lie’ says Maureen.
But it isn’t a lie is it?
There on Petfinder for all to see are kittens mutilated as young as they can possibly have the surgery safely.
Tiny scared creatures rendered toeless.
How cruel!
I wonder what the real cat lovers who donate dollars to that shelter will think about their money being used to cripple little kittens for life!

Jun 15, 2011
The proof is there !
by: Ruth

How can Trinity Acres deny this when it’s there for all to see ? Why should the article be removed and the truth hidden from the thousands of people who come to PoC ?
A tiny kitten having his toe ends amputated even before neutering, as if depriving this kitten of the claws he needed to live a fulfilled life was the most important thing to do to him.
WHY ?????????????????
No wonder he is shy.
Keep up the good work Elisa, exposing Rescue Centres like this may not suit those people but maybe it will sink in one day to them that declawing any kitten or cat is totally unacceptable to millions of people now !

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

Jun 15, 2011
Explain why a 7 week old kitten has a declaw date listed?
by: LuvForClaws

It makes NO sense when one looks at a Petfinder listing such as this one for a now almost 1 YEAR old cat who came to them as a stray 7 week old KITTEN with his mother and is noted to have had “front declawing (10-27-10)”. Bottom line here is, the way the rescue themselves have listed this kitty – it states he’s been declawed BY them even though they had him since 7 weeks old. Pretty sure he wasn’t born declawed, pretty sure his mother didn’t amputate his toes, and they didn’t fall off either.

This is a huge problem for a “rescue” to be doing pre-emptive declawing before an animal is adopted for many reasons, starting with the fact that those in animal rescue need to be leaders in doing what is best for animals, and what’s best for cats is to KEEP the toes they were born with, not have them amputated for the convenience of lazy humans who don’t want to bother trimming nails or training kitties (heck! chopping toes off is easier and is a one time deal, right? Wrong! cats shouldn’t suffer life-long pain and behavioral problems that get them given up for human ignorance and – and you, Elisa, have every right to be upset and bring it to light. It should be offensive to anyone who truly loves cats, especially others in rescue.

Maybe someone can logically explain this listing??

Here is the link to the listing I’m referring to for “Wind” :

And here is the full text of the listing:

Wind is an adorable kitten with pretty gray tiger on white markings. He loves to play with other kitties and with any type of toy he can find or create–and runs around with furry toy mice dangling from his lips (as in his photo)–trying to keep the other kitties from taking them from him. Wind, like his sister, does need someone very patient to adopt him, as he is shy with strangers due to not being handled enough when he was tiny. We know that he’ll be a great pet for someone who will take the time to work with him. Wind and his sister Gale came to our rescue on 7-24-10, along with their young mom, Breeze, when they were 7 weeks old. The three were found as strays originally. Wind’s approximate birthdate is 06-05-10. His adoption fee is $85 which includes his neutering (11-18-10), front declawing (10-27-10), his 3 distemper combo shots (7-23-10, 10-5-10, 11-10-10), a 1-year rabies shot (12-10-10), deworming (7-23-10-pyrantel, 10-5-10-piperazine), and a Frontline treatment (8-6-10). His mom tested negative for feline leukemia/FIV.

Jun 15, 2011
Hi Maureen O’Grady
by: Michael (Admin)

Hi Maureen. Thanks for your comment. I manage this website.

I have read your comment and the comments of the other people and re-read Elisa’s article. I have also visited Petfinder to read one of the ads that Elisa listed in her comment.

It is clear to me (from the advert wording) that this rescue center make declawing part of the adopting process because the adoption fee includes declawing and various other things (as Elisa states).

If this is careless wording it is extremely careless wording because the wording is clear. My assessment on what I read is that this is not a case of careless wording.

However, it does seem very strange as some commentators have said that this shelter do no declaw. If they don’t declaw, why word the ads like that? These ads are custom ads, written for each individual cat so each ad is unique. Can the same mistake in wording be made over and over again?

I don’t think the article is defamatory and I think it is a very important discussion point that is naturally controversial but it has value.

Some shelters do declaw cats as they think it makes the cat more adoptable. Shelters are not automatically havens of high morality. Many needlessly kill cats, for instance. I am not saying this shelter needlessly kill cats but…it happens.

I don’t want to digress might like read this.

Michael Avatar

Jun 15, 2011
By the way
by: Elisa

I have rescued over 30 cats from a high kill shelter an hour from my home. I, too, run a rescue and my cats are NOT ever to have an add run that says the price of the adoption includes declawing.

Jun 15, 2011
If I’m wrong I’m sorry.
by: Elisa

But I keep running into info telling the declawing date. DORIAN IRENE front declawed 2/11 CAROL front declawed, WHISKERS front declawed included in price. JULIET declawed 2/20/11 MISTERA DIVINITY declawed 5/26/11.

Shall I continue? There are 3 pages and all state the price of the cat INCLUDES declawing. I realize the rescue may get in some declawed cats, but this is worded like its a benefit to the buyer.

Like I said, if I’m jumping to conclusions and this is a wonderful rescue I’m sorry. But with declawing illegal in so many countries and so horrendous to a cat, why would the ads make it sound like a benefit to the person adopting the cat?

Jun 14, 2011
Remove this lie ASAP
by: Maureen O’Grady

You have now been told by several people that you have the facts in your story WRONG. Trinity Acres shelter does NOT require anyone to declaw their cats/kittens before adopting from them.

If you are truly sorry about this error, you will take down your story — delete it. You are spreading lies and falsehoods about a very nice animal rescue that we adopted our sweet kitten Cherub from. I don’t like it, and neither do those other folks who wrote in who know the truth.

So take it down. What’s stopping you? Do it, and do it right away. You owe Trinity Acres a big apology. Hope you do that soon, before you defame their character further.

Apr 25, 2011
Declawing of Cats
by: Sunshine

Many cats come to Trinity Acres already declawed and have been rescued from shelters that would gas them.

We have adopted two cats from Trinity Acres and I cannot recommend them highly enough. They are some of the most caring people I have ever met. They go out of their way to make sure a cat is a good match for a potential new owner and will thrive in their new home.

They will take back any cat that is not working our and try to get a new home for it.


Our adopted cats are the joy of our lives and we are glad to have them love us as they do.

You folks are akin to those who do want all cats to have a litter before they are spayed. You are very misguided and maligning a rescue organization that does not deserve the criticism. But,,,,,since you have an ulterior agenda…I doubt you will have any contrition.

I, for one, will promote Trinity Acres to anyone who wants to adopt an animal, declawed or not.


Mar 09, 2011
Declawing’s a good thing, not evil
by: Davey

Just for the sake of the argument (although most minds here appear made up [wrong]): we have two cats (one rescued, one born to us), both of whom were declawed ages ago. The cats experience no discomfort, they’re feistier than most other cats of their size and age I see (perhaps because they don’t get run off of ‘sharpening’ chairs), and they and we couldn’t be happier. It’s not a crime or a torture to fix the cat this way; it results in a healthy, happy, playful pet that will hopefully grace us for another ten years or more.


THAT SAID: these are indoor kitties. They think they’d be big outdoor kitties, but neither is intended to be. They avoid all the nifty diseases, health problems, insects and pests, and potential injuries of outdoor kitties, and are perfectly happy knowing they rule this roost from the inside. WERE THEY OUTDOOR CATS (or even part-timers), then no, declawing would be contraindicated. For an indoor pet? No question but that they’re happier and we’re happier.

Jan 31, 2011
Glad all weren’t declawed
by: Elisa

In researching this article I saw declawed after declawed on the petfinder list and the dates they were declawed and that the declawing was included in the price. I hope you’ll continue to respond to blogs. It’s really great to be able to add comments to articles. Check out the story on Caboodle Ranch while you’re here. That story has so many comments even I haven’t read them all. I try to gather as much info as I can. I send emails a lot and don’t get a response back from most and I’m almost deaf and can’t hear well enough for phone conversations. Every now and then I make a mistake in a story, but I try my best. I’ve written over 100 in the past year, mostly about abuse

Jan 31, 2011
by: Anonymous

I will be brief as this is a heated subject. I recently adopted a kitten from Trinity Acres and I am not required to have her declawed. It was a wonderful experience the person I worked with was compassionate and professional and I have the loveliest new family member. She is NOT declawed and has been in my home for over a month.

I guess my point in even writing this which I never have commented on a blog before is that maybe a call or email should have been sent to the organization regarding the wording on the website before it was written.

Jan 30, 2011
One of the Petfinder ads
by: Elisa

Vida is a lovely, fluffy dilute (or “muted” or “pastel”) calico with interesting markings on her face. She is very affectionate and loves to lie beside you and be your companion. She’s a real pest when you’re trying to type at the computer, however, as she likes to lie on your mouse cord. Vida and adopted brother kitties Mozi and Major were in a neglectful situation before being taken in by a friend. Vida was a very young stray when she was found-with a broken pelvis and very pregnant. Her babies died, but the pelvis healed so that she is normal again. Vida came to our rescue on 4-15-10–which is her approximate 1-year birthday. Vida is great with dogs and good with cats, though she wouldn’t mind being the only kitty in the home so she can get all the attention! She weighs 10.5 lbs. Vida’s adoption fee is $125, which includes her spaying (11-26-09), front declawing (4-15-10), distemper combo..


Jan 30, 2011
8 so far
by: Elisa

I’ve saved 8 since Thanksgiving off of the euthanasia list for GCAC Urgents in Greenville CO., SC. I support these cats on my part time salary and they are now in a loving home. Photos of them can be found on Facebook under Furby the Feral in the Furbys Halfway House album. My latest rescue is a black kitten named Casper who was found on the worst interstate in my state. I rescued him the day after his photo was posted.

I’m impressed by the way they advertise and find homes through Petfinder. They are a very organized group. My only concern is the declawing and if you look at the cats on the petfinder website you’ll see the declawing date beside the cats. There seem to be too many declawed cats for it to be coincidence.

Most of the information for this article came from the Declawing Crippled My Paws website because this group was concerned about the cats being declawed before being placed in a home. If any of it is incorrect I apologize. Even laser declawing causes 4th degree burns and I’m only concerned for the cats.

Jan 30, 2011
by: Anonymous

I have adopted THREE kittens from Trinity Acres and what Ms. Taylor is claiming is absolutely not true. I’d be happy to show the adoption papers for any of my three cats. Just to prove I am legit, the names of my rescues from Trinity acres are Florian, Elvis and Rhoda. Their names are Sorin, Aspen and Sophie now.
Trinity Acres IN NO WAY, MANDATES DECLAWING. People really should get their facts straight before posting such a defamatory article on the internet. Trinity Acres takes in kittens, teenage cats, as well as adults and seniors who have no where else to go.
I’d really like to ask Ms.Taylor how many lives and homes she has saved and provided for animals that would otherwise be put to death. My Sophie for instance, was saved from being put in a room, then gassed to death, instead Trinity Acres rescued her from that end, and then her path crossed with me…endless love, copmanionship from other animals in the house as well as endless toys and treats. The fee that I paid did not include a declawing. NONE of my cats are declawed, nor are they going to be.
This is an upstanding organization that does a wonderful job in trying to thwart the epidemic of unwanted litters an the overabundance of cats and kittens that irresponsible pet owners would rather see put to death. I would love to field any comments, questions or concerns about this article or organization at

Jan 20, 2011
My Comment to Trinity Acres
by: Phyllis Ayoob

Here is what is emailed to Trinity Acres Rescue

I am praying that what I heard about your rescue is not true. It breaks my heart to think that someone who is supposed to be helping cats, giving them a good life, caring for them and wanting nothing but the best for them, would be mutilating them by declawing them.

If it is true, I hope to God that you rethink what you are doing and stop this horrific, misguided practice. I can only hope to believe that someone got this wrong and that it is not true.

The head of veterinary surgery at the University of Florida once told me that people who declawed their cats were just lazy and not willing to be bothered to do their part to manage the scratching behavior (which is not hard to do).

He also said that declawing was THE most PAINFUL thing you could do to an animal and that the very few cats that he did declaw were put on morphine for 3 days after surgery.

Again, WHY??????

Cat Rescue

Jan 03, 2011
by: Kathleen

Shelters and rescues that declaw cats prior to adopting them out are betraying the cats, just as completely and cruelly as the vets who perform the procedure. They may all, shelters and vets alike, delude themselves into thinking that it’s about getting them into “good” homes, but a home that requires a declawed cat is not a “good” one for a cat in my opinion. After working as a vet tech and being forced to assist with declaw surgeries, I know that the only people who would do this to a cat are either woefully ignorant of what the procedure does to cats, or else they too are self-deluded and selfish enough to believe that wanting to own a possession is the same thing as “loving” a fellow living being. We know that vets declaw because they worship the almighty dollar and value it over their patients’ well-being. With shelters, I imagine it’s about the placement statistics and making themselves look successful. Quantity of placements evidently trumps quality for them. So sad.

Jan 03, 2011
by: Furby the Feral

Um….Michael…you’re not ALLOWED to give up on us cats. WE NEED YOU!

Jan 03, 2011
by: Rose

No one can dispute those facts given by Susan. Trinity Acres are contributing to the number of cats suffering and being rendered unadoptable again once returned by the first adopters who thought having a declawed cat was a great idea.
It is a TERRIBLE and EVIL thing for that shelter to make delawing mandatory for adoption and the owner should be prosecuted for the encouragement of animal abuse.
Anyone reading this must BOYCOTT this shelter and others like it and tell them why.Yes sadly the cats will suffer by not being homed,but in the long run it will save other kittens and cats ending up there from the same fate of being crippled for life.

Jan 03, 2011
Trinity Acres, respond please to these stats from vets & shelters
by: Susan

“…declawed cats are more likely to be relinquished than normal cats…Unwanted behavior is a major factor in reliquishment of cats to shelters. House-soiling, aggression, and biting are the top 3 reasons why cats are surrendered; as noted, these are the very same problems that 1 in 3 declawed cats will develop after surgery.” Dr. Jean Hofve, DVM

Published 2/1/03 on, “80% of the that are surrendered that are declawed are euthanized because they have a behavioral problem…. Declawed cats frequently become biters and also stop using litter boxes… One or the other…,” said William Lombardi shelter director, Gloucester County, New Jersey.

Seventy percent (70%) of cats turned in to pounds and shelters for behavioral problems are declawed. (National Survey from pounds & shelters obtained by Caddo Parrish Forgotten Felines & Friends)

From the Summer 2002 issue of PETA’s Animal Times: “A survey by a Delaware animal shelter showed that more than 75% of the cats turned in for avoiding their litter boxes had been declawed.”

”In my own three-year experience, 95% of calls about declawed cats related to litter box problems, while only 46% of clawed cats had such problems…Two-thirds of my calls are about litter box problems. In 90% of those cases, the cat is declawed, sick or old. In 7 years, only 3 people have called about a “scratching-the-sofa problem” – yet countless of “healthy” declawed cats have peed on sofas.” Annie Bruce, cat consultant & author Cat Be Good,

“…Considering all factors in aggregate, statistically, a declawed cat is more likely to be killed in the pound, because it was declawed.” Dr. Jennifer Conrad, DVM, The Paw Project,

“Dr. Harrison gets 3-12 calls a day about litter box problems in cats and, after ruling out medical problems, 90% of the cats with litter box aversion are declawed cats. “Declawing: Behavior Modification or Destructive Surgery”, Animal Issues, 1998

“…our cat care coordinator, was becoming increasingly disturbed at the euthanasia rate for declawed cats and decided to conduct an informal study. She discovered that more than 80% of declawed cats that were either returned or owner surrendered that year were done so because of litterbox problems or biting.”

“Among 218 cats relinquished to a shelter, more (52.4%) declawed cats than non-declawed cats (29.1%) were reported by owners to have inappropriate elimination problems.” Source: World Small Animal Veterinary Association – 2001

Jan 03, 2011
Corrupt Rescue Shelters
by: Ruth

While collecting data and statistics for Dr Hofve, quite a few Rescue Shelters have come up that make declawed cats and kittens sound much more adoptable than clawed ones.
We’ve actually been emailing the Shelters concerned to protest about this. I don’t know about the other volunteers who are doing the same, but personally I’ve had no replies at all.
Yes Elisa, little kittens are declawed even before they are neutered, as if it’s the most important thing to get rid of those beautiful much needed claws.
Then they ‘sell’ those innocent babies who have to go off and live as defenceless cripples in families with kids and dogs who are free to use and abuse them as soft toys.
If they survive kittenhood they may start retaliating by biting or they may develop litter box avoidance and then of course back to the Shelter they go as ‘bad cats’ many of them then being killed or caged for life as unadoptable.
Declawed cats do NOT make good pets and as Annie Bruce (expert cat behaviorist/writer/ban declaw campaigner for many years) says, encouraging people to adopt declawed cats encourages the practice to go on. Shelters like Trinity Acres making declawing mandatory for adoption are encouraging ignorant people to believe declawing is good. Why do they turn a blind eye to the fact that declawing is a painful cruel unnecessary operation ? It can’t be the same reason the AVMA and the declawing vets deny the truth, because they do it for the money.
Rescue Shelters maybe do it to get cats into homes, but what is the point of temporary homes ? Some Shelters have declawed cats, many of them with the history ‘Has been adopted out but returned’ No reason given !
I shudder to think how cats are treated in places like that because the people there are certainly not cat lovers. No one who truly loves cats would ever subject them to ten amputations. No one who loves cats would ever deprive kittens of their essential toe ends. Working with cats they must surely know of the reasons cats are born with claws, but they obviously don’t care enough to adopt them out with claws and advice on how to train them to a scratching post to ensure those cats have healthy fulfilled lives.
I too feel like giving up Michael but for the sake of the cats I can’t do that.
PLEASE everyone, any spare moments you have, make your feelings known to as many corrupt Shelters as you can find on Petfinder. Even if they don’t reply they must eventually get the message that what they are doing is wrong.

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

Jan 03, 2011
To Ozge in Turkey
by: Ruth

Hello Ozge and thank you for signing our petition.
This is a quote from Wikipedia:
‘Declawing is uncommon outside North America, and laws governing its practice vary. Many European countries prohibit or significantly restrict the practice, as do Australia, New Zealand, and Turkey’

So we can add your country to our list of countries where it is banned or considered extremely inhumane.

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

Jan 03, 2011
Nice to hear from Turkey
by: Michael

I would just like to say that it is nice to hear from Turkey.

Thanks for visiting, Özge. And I am glad that PoC was the site that informed you about declawing.

I am sure declawing is not done in Turkey. It is a product of the North American way of life. It is not done in Europe or indeed any where else except Canada.

Stick around, please.

Michael Avatar

Jan 03, 2011
Cats 9n Hell
by: Barbara

Their excuse will be that they believe that declawed cats are chosen over clawed cats and that it keeps them in their homes, stops them being dumped, turned out when the “real” babies come, stops them being euthanized etc etc all ther usual glib excuses that the pro-declawers use. But you only have to look on other petfinder pages to see screeds of declawed cats of all ages sitting waiting for another chance. And the ones that don’t make it to the petfinder pages? Euthanized as unrehomeable because the destruction of their paws has made them unable to fit the requirements of sick people who want a stuffed toy with a beating heart.

Barbara avatar

Jan 03, 2011
Very cruel
by: Özge from Türkiye

Hi again, A sad hi actually. Declawing. I heard it first from this site. I told to my husband and we could not believe. It is very cruel. I do not know whether it is done in our country. I hope not.

Jan 03, 2011
I give up
by: Michael

I feel like giving up. Cat shelters are meant to help cats, assist them, nurture them etc..but because declawing is so ingrained into the American psyche this shelter mutilates cats as a matter of course as if its doing a service.

It is such a distorted state of affairs. And I am sure that if you spoke to them about this and how abusive declawing is they simply wouldn’t understand you and/or they would find some worn out old cliché of an answer that would make you want to scream.

I give up….

Michael Avatar

Jan 02, 2011
Reputable rescues do NOT declaw their cats
by: Susan

Thank You for bringing this situation to the publics attention. I too would like to know WHY this rescue is crippling the paws of their rescued felines??? I read their descriptions and they indeed are surgically mutilating adult cats, special needs cats, and kittens – EVERY poor cat they get their hands on. To the kitties at Trinity Acres, I AM SO SORRY your path lead to these unethical people, you did nothing wrong to have your paws destroyed:-(

I find it hard to believe they think they are doing something “good” for the cat – these are probably people that are too lazy to humanely manage claws & don’t care what the ramifications of de-clawing are as long as they don’t have to deal with them. With the amount of education out there it is impossible not to be educated about the lifetime of pain, arthritis, physical & emotional problems, and how many de-clawed cats are being KILLED everyday in shelters because of behavioral problems, unless they choose to turn a blind eye, and good rescues educate themselves on animal health & wellness issues. They are de-clawing the cats themselves so they themselves are witnessing the pain and deprivation firsthand – no one who truly respects & cares about animals can see that and think that it is something “good”. If they can’t see the pain & suffering, they are NOT connected to or understand animals (or their natural, healthy behaviors) and should NOT be doing rescue. It’s their responsibility to teach the public how to humanely treat animals, NOT how to inflict acts of cruelty on them. It’s their responsibility to teach the public that NO ONE “has to have” a declawed cat because of the many effective ways to manage claws.

Not only are they causing their own pets harm, but the whole animal nation as well since they are creating animals that are more at risk of losing their homes (declawed cats are twice as likely as clawed cats to develop litterbox problems) so it puts a burden on the whole rescue community who have to house or kill these declawed cats when they are kicked out of their homes. SHAME ON THEM!

PLEASE, DO NOT SUPPORT, DONATE, OR ADOPT FROM SHELTERS or RESCUES that declaw their cats until they STOP MUTILATING the ANIMALS! Only support reputable, ethical rescues that protect their cats from homes that require them to be surgically modified. Good homes (or rescues) don’t de-claw their cats.

4 thoughts on “Trinity Acres Rescue and Mandatory Declawing”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. There is no reason we can’t protect children, unborn children included and cats too.
    I think you will find that most cat lovers are compassionate people who do care about others as well as cats.
    Declawing is cruel, it does not keep cats in their homes, read up on the work of The Paw Project and have your eyes opened to the suffering declawing causes.
    Don’t fool yourself that your own declawed cats didn’t suffer, cats suffer in silence. At the very least if your cats lived long lives they must have developed arthritis because they were unable to dig in their claws to stretch their muscles. Don’t fool yourself that declawing vets do it for any other reason than to make money out of it!
    You are the one with too much time on your hands, so why don’t you do some serious research about the cruelty of declawing before coming here criticising those of us who have already done that and who care for ALL other living feeling beings!

  3. If it is legal to kill a child in this country then it should be a persons choice to declaw or not

    This is an interesting statement. I don’t believe you can equate abortion with declawing. They are mutually exclusive in my opinion.

    We do not trash people who declaw cats. We criticise people who declaw their cats. We have the right to do that. From our perspective and from the perspective of any decent minded person who loves animals, declawing a domestic cat for non-therapeutic reasons is in effect an assault on that cat. It is cat abuse, no more no less.

    I really feel that we are justified in criticising veterinarians who declaw cats to make money. I’m sure that you are aware that declawing a cat is not removing the claw but removing a part of the cat’s toe. It is an amputation times 10! All for convenience of the person who owns the cat. Sounds good? Sounds right and proper or does it seem to be immoral to you?

  4. I have 2 kitties from Trinity Acres Rescue and Neither came declawed..I adore my kitties and I think Jann is a wonderful lady..I have to say abortion is legal.. and I think that is horrible.. But they say it is a womans choice.. I think if we spent more time protecting and loving are children it would be a much better world.. And not putting down other people for giving there time to help animals in whatever way they can..If it is legal to kill a child in this country then it should be a persons choice to declaw or not..I have had declawed cats in the past that lived long healthy lives.. And my cat whooped my dogs with no problems..I do not think it is a great thing.. I just think trashing other people on here is uncalled for.. No one has to declaw.. Thats fine but do not trash people if you do not know there intents..We have obviously way to much time on our hands..

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