Tucson Fire Department called in to rescue cat whose tail became severely tangled in barbed wire

A Tucson, Arizona cat is safe and recovering Monday night after his tail became so severely tangled in some barbed wire the Tucson Fire Department was called in to help.

Cat trapped barb wire

Animal Protection Officer Girvin responded to a call of a cat stuck in barbed wire near Ajo and Mission. The @TucsonFirePIO department was called in to help and together with the APO, the cat was freed.

According to a Twitter post by Pima Animal Care Center, the cat’s tail was completely tangled in the wiring. Once on the scene, the Tucson Fire Department was able to cut through the wire within 30 minutes.

No information has been made available as to the cat’s condition or whether an owner has stepped forward. Pima Animal Care Center is known in the Tucson area for finding homes for cats in need. Hopefully, the cat will be made an indoor-only pet after being rescued from his scary ordeal.

Our thanks go out to the Tucson Fire Department for their assistance.

More information will likely be released on the care centers Facebook community page. The grateful cat, now dubbed Razor, is hanging out at the clinic getting love and medical care.

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