Comments for Tulip the Cat

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Tulip the Cat

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Apr 27, 2012
I love black cats NEW
by: Barbara

Tulip is a beautiful girl and it sounds as if she’s a real character. I’m so glad she has found a safe and loving home with you

Barbara avatar

Apr 14, 2012
Tulip the cat NEW
by: Rudolph.A.Furtado

One of the best cat photos i have viewed. A jet black cat with an air of mystery and the supernatural in its wonder cats have been feared as well as hated by humans throughout history as they are totally undecipherable.Tulip is a real beauty of a cat and to think that this cat was a discard is unbelievable.

Apr 14, 2012
Best kitty on the planet! NEW
by: Wobby


Apr 14, 2012
Cats repay humans greatly !! NEW
by: Anonymous

A gorgeous looking cat indeed !
Mary, obviously you’re one of us. Rescuing a homeless cat in need, the rewards are great. Tulip knows that her momma cares about her & the bond is a lifelong. One of our rescues, Panchita, was abandoned, she bonded strongly with my husband. Got her shots, spayed (7/81). A great hunter, a friend nicknamed her “Nimrod” (great hunter in Bible).She waited for Frank to be home & peacefully passed away in his arms (12/2001). About a week later, I told our vet that Panchita had a great life for being 20 yrs old, then he tells me
“Mam, Panchita was @ least 24, wish more pet owners cared about their animals the way you do”
I simply said “Thank you, they’re part of our family”
Cats know their rescuers & the bond is priceless, Tulip looks great & contented, well taken care of.
A long time cat lover/rescuer/helper

Apr 14, 2012
Title NEW
by: Anonymous

It’s spelled “Sphinx”.

Apr 14, 2012
What a beautiful girl! NEW
by: Anonymous

Great that you can give her the life that every disadvantaged cat dreams of. I’ve heard that cats with FELV can live almost as long as normal cat life spans if they get adequate care and attention.

We just domesticated 4 kittens and their mummy that birthed them in our disused garage in our rear garden. After trapping them, we neutered, wormed and fleed all before giving 2 kittens away after de-feralling them. We have retained 2 kittens and the mum. They have integrated well with our pedigrees and adore us providing us with such joy to know that we have given them a good life in a hostile world.

Apr 14, 2012
What a beautiful girl! NEW
by: Anonymous

Great that you can give her the life that every disadvantaged cat dreams of. I’ve heard that cats with FELV can live almost as long as normal cat life spans if they get adequate care and attention.

We just domesticated 4 kittens and their mummy that birthed them in our disused garage in our rear garden. After trapping them, we neutered, wormed and fleed all before giving 2 kittens away after de-feralling them. We have retained 2 kittens and the mum. They have integrated well with our pedigrees and adore us providing us with such joy to know that we have given them a good life in a hostile world.

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