Dumping cats in any shape or form is ethically a very bad thing but I think that this former cat owner has hit new heights by dumping 12 cats and kittens in a makeshift cage made from a chest of drawers in a hedge on the edge of a field in a town called Nuneaton, UK. To add insult to injury it happened on Thursday when it was very, very hot in the UK.
A passerby (a woman who appears to want to remain anonymous), by chance, found the makeshift wooden crate and was shocked to find that it was full of meowing cats and kittens.
She took them all home, put them into a large dog cage (see photo) and telephone the RSPCA.

All 12 cats were friendly and socialised and therefore the RSPCA decided that they came from a home environment. All the more shocking and surprising therefore that they were all dumped in this way. The RSPCA animal collection officer, Cara Gibbon, said that the cats were very confused and nervous. It looks as though the cats are related and therefore it is one of those cases where the owner has allowed her cats to breed to the point where the situation became untenable.
Cara is hopeful that somebody will recognise the strange structure in which the cats were dumped, fashioned as it was out of a chest of drawers. Somebody may also recognise the cats. It would be good news if the person who did this was found and charged with animal cruelty.
Anyone with information should call the RSPCA’s inspector appeal line on 0301238018 FAO Cara.