Twinkie “The Destroyer”

Twinkie “The Destroyer”

by Dawn
(Hillsboro, Oregon)

Twinkie the

Twinkie the

Twinkie is a 7 month old Blue Cream brit, who loves everyone, has a quiet yet 'pushy' curiosity, a tiny little voice (she 'grunts' more than she meows), and hasn't met a can of catfood she didn't like.

Can't say enough positive about her temperament and general cuteness. Seriously, the girl has her own fan club and enjoys every minute of it.

She's been such a joy that I'm hoping sometime next year I'll be able to add a younger buddy for her.

That'll make two low flying 'taters' around the house.

And yes, she's built solid, like a potato. 'Flys' like one too. Not so much jumping, as landing on things with a resounding THUD. Can't imagine how much 'sturdier' she's going to get as she matures.

Twinkie occasionally posts pics at:

Twinkie's Blog


Twinkie "The Destroyer" to British Shorthair Cat

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Twinkie "The Destroyer"

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Jun 02, 2011
Lovable Twinkie
by: Kim

I am so surprised to see Twinkie has a very similar face of my girl, she also is a Blue Creme British short hair. Similarly my cat is very sturdy as she is only 9 months old even she has a lot of exercise daily.

Mar 14, 2011
by: Lyn

What a lovely girl, love the blog to!!


Apr 30, 2010
Cute Twinkie
by: Finn Frode, Denmark

What a cute Brit you got, Dawn. No wonder you're crazy about her. I enjoyed the other pictures on your blog too - actually your old cat Oreo looked a lot like my Snow White in colour and build.
Good luck with Twinkie. 😉

Finn Frode avatar

Apr 28, 2010
by: Ruth

Twinkie is gorgeous, yes just look at those eyes !
What a character, I hope her companion turns out to be as special as she obviously is.

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

Apr 27, 2010
by: Tracey (UK)

Those huge eyes!

She is adorable. She reminds me of Mistee a British Blue we had.

You have beautiful soft furnishings and I notice she still has her claws. I'm so pleased.

Nice furnishings are never an excuse for declawing.

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