Two Cat Stories with Happy Endings

I know how people like cat stories with happy endings although it can be quite difficult to find them. The majority of news cat stories really are rather sad and often relate to crimes in which the cat is the victim. I get a bit tired of reading about cats being the victims of nasty people and I’m sure other people feel the same way.

Puppy Nursed to Health by Cat

This is a story of a puppy who was thrown from a car into a pile of barbed wire. Can you believe it? Can you believe the sort of person who would do that? Well someone did (we’ll never know who) but then somebody much nicer rescued the puppy whose belly was split open by a large gash from the barbed wire. She was anaemic. Veterinarians put her back together again. They named her Star.

Star cozzies up to Stripe
Star cozzies up to Stripe

Star is now receiving star treatment from fantastic people who do their utmost to rehabilitate and help vulnerable animals. What’s very touching about this particular story is that a male cat whose name is Stripe thinks he is a momma cat and is looking after Star. Stripe lives with Star’s foster family. The foster carer is looking after the puppy while she recovers and Stripe has stepped in to do his bit.

Stripe is familiar with having dogs around him because he lives with four Yorkies I suppose it came naturally to him to look after this little puppy. Apparently the pair had an immediate connection and instantly his paternal instincts kicked in. They play together and mess around together.

Star’s recovery has been accelerated by Stripe’s involvement and attentions and now she’s extremely active running and playing around the home and wagging her tail a lot.

Spanish Kitten Stowaway Rescued and Ready for Adoption

They’ve called him Paella. As you might know this is Spanish for a very well-known dish popular in Spain which is also the national dish. It is a kind of hotpot with seafood and rice ingredients. This little kitten was a stowaway on a Spanish lorry which arrived at Portsmouth Harbour in the south of England. He is believed to be around four weeks of age and was spotted by border officials whilst carrying out a routine search of a lorry as it left Portsmouth International Port.


They guessed that Paella had ended up a lorry in Spain with his mother and then became trapped in the vehicle alone. Perhaps his mother had left the lorry and he had been unable to follow her.

The city council made arrangements for him to be cared for by Cats Protection. He couldn’t of been in better hands and has recovered nicely from his ordeal and from an infection. He was quite poorly, apparently, but was given antibiotics and eyedrops for an eye infection and has made good progress. He is currently in quarantine but once the period finishes he will be placed in a new home in the Hampshire area of England.

All in all the costs in caring for this little tabby cat reached around £1,300. You can see how dedicated but expensive cat rescue work can be. He may have been adopted by the time this article has been posted but if you’re interested and if you are lucky you can telephone Cats Protection on 03000 12 12 12 to enquire. The phone lines are open Monday to Friday from 9 am to 5 pm. Cats protection would like donations quite naturally to help cover the cost of caring for this little boy.

Source: Cats Protection

4 thoughts on “Two Cat Stories with Happy Endings”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. Me too. I love the way different species help one another. Of course the biggest example of that is the human’s relationship with the cat which sadly is somewhat spoilt by the unacceptable behaviour of a proportion of humans towards cats.

  3. Love both of these stories.
    I, especially, love how some cats will extend themselves to other animals, even squirrels, puppies, etc.
    They are such loving and exquisite creatures.

  4. I feel like you about these sad cat stories. It is quite hard to avoid them. There are many happy ending cat stories but they are largely unreported. There are many wonderful people who do great work but they are invisible to the news media.

  5. Thank you, thank you, thank you Michael for a bright spot this morning! All too often, the only feline stories are those with horrific endings, even with rescue. These two you’ve posted are a wonderful way to start the day. BTW, may the evil ones who hurt that poor dog go, well, we all know where…

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