Two cat transporting methods both of which are unsatisfactory but amusing

Some brave souls who love their cats understandably want to take their cat with them when they venture out onto the streets. I do it. I use a cat stroller. I think it is a decent solution but you have to be a little bit eccentric to do it. Or at least that is the perception.

Cat transporter or carrier as a rucksack
Photo: Pinterest

The same attitude applies to the people using these two versions of a cat carrier. Both look precarious and uncomfortable for the cat to me. The first picture shows a flat-faced Persian crammed into a ‘space capsule’ awaiting lift off! It looks great and a useful way of transporting a domestic cat from A to B but it’s too small and cramped to be described as a routine way of taking your cat with you. For how long would you keep a cat in that thing? I would doubt that many cats would accept being placed in it without a fight.

Cat transporter or carrier as a rucksack
Photo: Pinterest

The other method (above) is humorous to an outsider but no doubt serious to the cat’s owner who is probably enjoying the attention. The cat seems calm and accepting but for how long? Perhaps the photo is deceiving.

This photo appears to have been taken in Europe. In fact it looks like Paris to me as the buildings look French. Some Parisiennes do take their cats out like this or in similar ways such as on a lead on the pavement (sidewalk) with traffic everywhere.

Cat Stroller

Cat stroller

One advantage of all three methods is that you get to meet people. It is like taking your dog for a walk. People stop and talk because we are almost automatically attracted to pet animals. I have meet several people taking my cat out with the stroller. If you are looking for a new partner, I’d tentatively recommend it.

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8 thoughts on “Two cat transporting methods both of which are unsatisfactory but amusing”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. I agree. The first carrier looks way too small and appears to have inadequate ventilation. The cat would overheat in the warmer months.

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