Two cats stolen and then thrown on railway line where three trains went over them

I’ll say right away that the cats survived. They are microchipped. They went missing. Their names are Sophie and Tiggs. It happened in the UK.

attempt to kill two black cats on railway line

They were stolen with the intention of killing them in a novel way by placing them in pillowcases and then throwing them onto electrified railway tracks.

While trying to get to them the rescuers had to wait and watch while three trains went over them before the power was disconnected from the railway.

They survived because one of the cats was beneath the electrified live rail while the other was beneath one of the other tracks.

Once rescued their owners disclosed that they had gone missing some days earlier. The company who manages the rail tracks, Network Rail spotted the cats and alerted the RSPCA.

Sophie and Tiggs are being cared for at a local veterinary clinic while the police and RSPCA investigate. Did someone see the criminal throw them onto the tracks?

Comment: This is a new way to kill cats. It is another example of the degenerate nature of a part of British society and the silent war waged against cats let outside. To some mindless thugs cats are not seen as sentient beings. There is a black hole in the minds of these people. They’ll almost certainly get away with this crime.

7 thoughts on “Two cats stolen and then thrown on railway line where three trains went over them”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. Dee, it is remarkable but what you have written could have been written by me (except for the reference to your son as I have no children) about the UK. I also have questioned whether my perceptions of the behavior of mainly youths today is jaundiced and biased by my advanced age but I don’t think it is. There is less discipline today and more of “I want it now” culture. No one saves money anymore. And I am fearful for the medium term future on a global scale.

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