Two Elderly Passive Smoking Cats
by Finn Frode
(Copenhagen, Denmark)
Stretching things a little...
According to Michael's article 'Passive Smoking Affects Pets' I am completely unfit for keeping cats. Actually as a smoker I am in the same league as people who have their cats declawed.
I accept that smoking is probably harmful to my own health, but I have serious doubts about the dangers of passive smoking. I have no intention of opening that debate, but if you're caught in traffic jams every morning and afternoon you're likely to get a lot of toxic gasses too.
That of course has never been the concern of the anti-smoking lobby, while the centers of most major cities have become unhealthy for any living creature due to increased pollution.
So maybe some day we, the remaining smokers, will be prohibited from keeping pets. Question is what other groups should not be allowed?
As a non-drinker myself, I right off must disqualify anybody, who touches alcohol, as all violent boozers started out that way. Also anybody who uses legal or illegal substances designed to regulate their mood. And how about people suffering from mental or physical problems? Not to mention the followers of certain religions that have percecuted cats in the past?
And of course people, who have passed the age of 40 should not be allowed to keep kittens, as they are at a higher risk dying before the cats ends it's natural life.
Oh dear - what will then become of our two old cats?
Milly, who is a Norwegian Forrest Cat in her 16th year, has been a passive smoker since she lay in her mother's womb. Snow White at about 10 years is an adoptee, but she seems well seasoned to the smell of tobacco. I've always imagined that her previous owner was a kind old woman, who enjoyed smoking cigars in her rocking chair.
Both are very good cats and maybe I ought to put them up for adoption so that they could enjoy the rest of their lives in a smoke-free environment - but of course I won't. I'm not gonna stop smoking either, by the way. The more I get pushed, the more I resist... 😉