Just Curious?

Just Curious?

by Jane
(West Virginia)

I rescued my cat from an abusive situation. I believe she is a Norwegian forest cat but am not sure... after reading about the personality traits it fits her. she follows me every where I go all day long from room to room, she doesn't like to lay on my lap but wants to be snuggled right beside me. She swats at me for attention...and when she wants you to pet her she will butt her head against you and when she has had enough love shes lets you know...she looks like she has boots on her little feet. Can someone tell me how to find out if she is a Norwegian forest cat?

Lil Man

by Amanda McDaniel

I came across Lil Man about three years ago at a pet supply store. Over the years he has made it well known that I am his one and only. He will not let other people touch him ever.

He is quite the instigator, picking fights with my other two cats. He also will try to claw at my boyfriend from time to time. Although he is a bit of a brat with others he has been very special to me. Hands down the best friend I have ever had!

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