Two Wildcats In My Garden

by John
(Blantyre, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland)

I think I have just seen TWO wildcats in my garden. I went into my kitchen and noticed my own two domestic cats were sitting up at the window, then all of a sudden I heard what sounded like a baby crying.

I assumed it was maybe another domestic cat outside my window crying but in saying that this crying was different. It was so loud and almost like howling rather than crying. I then looked out my window and noticed two cats.

At this point I was still assuming they were domestic cats. One of them was on my bin and the other was on the grass. The one on the bin jumped off and started fighting with the other cat. They both got scared off a bit by what appeared to be my neighbour throwing water over them. But they didn’t run away the way I would expect normal cats to run away. They just moved along the path a bit.

It was at this point that I noticed one of the cats was much bigger than a domestic cat, it was more like the size of a dog. It was stood there still for some time so I decided to try and shoot some footage of it. The only problem is it was really dark and I only have a camera phone so you can’t make it out, but you can make out the crying noise.

I am not mad, and not making this up. I definitely saw TWO wildcats in Blantyre which is in Lanarkshire in Scotland. The other thing that struck me is that my cats didn’t act how I would’ve expected them to act with other domestic cats. My cats were genuinely scared of these BIG cats and went into hiding. Normally if my cats see other cats outside they will be going made trying to get out to challenge them.


Two Wildcats In My Garden to Scottish Wild Cat Sightings

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Two Wildcats In My Garden

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Sep 16, 2009
A First?
by: Michael (PoC Admin)

I think that this could be a first. I don’t think anyone has seen two wildcats together like this before but I’ll check. I am in contact with Steve Piper at the Scottish Wildcat Association so I’ll ask him.

Thank you very much for sharing this. I will put it on the map (on this page) as a double sighting with an extract of your submission. These recorded sightings are important I am sure to better understanding the Scottish Wildcat.

I would also love you to send me a copy of the video you made, poor quality or not. If you can send it to me that would be great. Your phone may let you email it for example or you can burn it and send it to me. My details are on this page (please scroll down the page): My Contact Details

I would then put it on this site. The quality is not that important because as you say there is the sound and Steve Piper will no doubt confirm that they were indeed Scottish Wildcats.

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