This is the story of two women who enjoy killing animals with a bow and arrow. It’s a difficult one to write, because it’s difficult to get into the head of, and understand, someone who enjoys killing animals for recreation.

The two women in this article are famous with a bow and arrow. One is know for killing big game, including a lion. The other is known for killing a barn cat named Tiger. As my research will show, both had a similar upbringing, with fathers who enjoyed hunting with their daughters. Apparently there’s a whole new movement out there for women who enjoy hunting. Personally, as a nurturer, I can’t grasp the attraction of holding an animal as it dies, knowing I willfully caused its death for my own pleasure.
Kristen Lindsey, Texas
Kristen, age 31, has achieved worldwide fame (not in a good way) since she bragged about a cat named Tiger being her first bow kill. The first words we heard from Kristen were:
“My first bow kill, lol. The only good feral tomcat is one with an arrow through it’s head! Vet of the year award … Gladly accepted.”
A lot of people can’t understand Kristen and her enthusiasm toward killing. Her father, Jack Lindsey, most likely played a major role in his daughter’s love of hunting. Jack had a registered business in his home state of Wyoming called Lazy Boot Outfitters, Inc. from May 8, 1987 until the status was revoked for tax reasons in March 11, 1993. The reference for this, along with more information from the Wyoming Secretary of State can be found here.
For those of you unfamiliar with outfitters, they run hunting related businesses, which includes guiding hunters to the best spots.
Kristen grew up with a father who not only hunted, but ran a hunting business. This doesn’t excuse her actions, but it does throw some light on why she thought she’d done a good thing when she committed her first bow kill.
In Kristen’s blog she stated her current interests as:
“Current interests: Living my days to the fullest, finding the meaning of happiness, killing things or trying to kill things (animals, a full glass of whiskey, hangovers, etc), my friends (both near and far), spending time with my dad, the outdoors in general, fly fishing on Shell Creek until it’s too dark to see, hunting with my dad and better yet…learning from my dad as we hunt”
Kristen Lindsey, as well as her family have received death threats. The case has been turned over to the Austin County District Attorney’s office, who state they are still investigating.
Rebecca Francis
Rebecca (I believe she’s around 41 years old) has achieved worldwide fame (in both a good way and a bad way), and has the same type of upbringing as Kristen. In an article written by The Herald Extra,it’s stated:
“Rebecca Francis has been at home in the wild since she was 8 or 9 years old. “My very first memory” of hunting, she said, “is sitting by my dad and just absolutely being frozen to death waiting for an elk to come by.” And after that? “I wanted to go every single year.”
“On April 15, comedian Ricky Gervais slammed Rebecca after seeing her stretched out smiling next to a dead giraffe she had killed. Although Rebecca didn’t respond directly to Ricky, she did speak out that she was “honoring the life of a dying giraffe.”
Rebecca has received several death threats since the photo of her lying next to the giraffe went viral.
As it turns out…
As it turns out, Rebecca offers all-female bow and arrow hunting trips. Apparently there are a lot of women out there who like to kill animals (e.g. Melissa Bachman). From what I understand, the animals Rebecca hunts and the places she hunts them in are legal. Unlike Kristen Lindsey, who is in violation of Texas anti-cruelty laws, including intentional actions and failure to act.
Did Kristen follow fellow bow and arrow huntress Rebecca Francis, and possibly looked up to her as a fellow hunter? Their photos went viral around the same time, and both had “daddy training” at a young age. Rebecca is well-known among female hunters, which you can see simply by Googling her name.
What do the readers here think? The physical resemblance and family background are uncanny. Any women bow and arrow hunters out there who care to comment on why they enjoy killing animals?
I also agree that it probably had alot to do with their upbringing…but yet it just comes down to that persons morals, because I was brought up with a father whose a regular hunter & he tried to instill these beliefs on me as he did with my older brother. & HAPPY to say I was & am disgusted to see innocent animals run & shot down. So yes & no…so if u never had a heart u never will!
Michele, you may have used a different email address causing the software to no longer recognise you, leading to moderation of your comment! Sorry for that long-winded explanation.
Lee: I wasn’t sure if Betty Louhoo aka Woody was referring to zombie films at first 😉 but in real life it happens when the muscles and joints which became relaxed upon death, then stiffen and contract in the hours following death.
oops, SHOULD have read…”and who SHOULDN’T be on anti-psychotics!”