This little video made me smile. We need to smile more – or I do 😎 and you can always count on domestic cats to make you smile. I love to see Ukrainian ‘defenders’ as Anton Gerashchenko calls Ukrainian soldiers. His Twitter channel describes him as a “Ukrainian patriot. Advisor to Internal Affairs Minister (2021-2023). Founder of Institute of the Future.”

For those who’ve followed the Ukraine war in the news media online we see quite a lot of Ukrainian soldiers befriending both cats and dogs. The cats keep down the mice population in the trenches where they can be a real problem, plus they keep cat loving soldiers company and warm at night in their sleeping bags.
The dogs do their bit. They are companions and guard dogs picking up sounds and smells indicating approaching Russians! They smell of vodka 😊 as they stumble, noisily, through the mud and undergrowth.
RELATED: Charismatic cat becomes the son and lover of a Ukrainian soldier in the war