Union City police officers rescue tiny kitten found out in the cold

Thanks to two officers from the Union City, New Jersey Police Department, a tiny kitten found out in the cold on November 28 is warm and safe.

Facebook: Union City (NJ) PD

Officer’s Gonzalez and Luscombe had just returned to their patrol car after answering a service call when they found a tiny kitten too young to care for himself. The mom was nowhere to be found.

The officers brought the kitten back to police headquarters where they kept him warm and held him. Animal Control was called and took the kitten with them. Now dubbed “Lucky,” the officers were ensured by animal control that they would find the little guy a warm and playful home.

Many comments are coming into the Union City Police Department Facebook page where cat lovers are asking to put in an application for adoption.

The Department says the kitten will get a health exam and then be put up for adoption but people are worried about whether or not a bottle feeder can be found until this baby is old enough to start eating solid food. Let’s hope a rescue will step up to provide care until little Lucky is a wee bit older.

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1 thought on “Union City police officers rescue tiny kitten found out in the cold”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. Looks like the officer is doing well with bottle feeding. He will also be used to disrupted night shifts. Maybe he could continue rearing the kitten?

    I do like to see a tough looking chap feeding a tiny kitten. It’s good PR for the police too.

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