Unusual looking, handsome and toothless rescue cat ready for adoption (UK)

This is a recent Twitter post from Celia Hammon who owns and runs Celia Hammond Animal Trust, a famous cat rescue organisation in East London and on the south coast at Hastings.

Meet elderly gent ‘Toothless Clive’ rescued from the cold and wet living as a stray now being spoilt at our Greenacres rescue centre and looking for his new forever home Greenacres@celiahammond.org #goldenoldies #lovecats #caturday https://pic.twitter.com/b8koU5wUvu

Unusual looking toothless cat ready for adoption
Unusual looking toothless cat ready for adoption from East London cat shelter. Photo: Celia Hammond Animal Trust.

Clive caught my eye. He has an unusual apperance. He is ready to be adopted and I am sure he will find a home very quickly. Perhaps he has already been re-homed. His age is a potential barrier but it not a good barrier to adoption as older cats make great companions. Clive deserves a nice home after surviving outside in the cold.


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