Update on Sarge and Animal Sanctuaries

by Elisa Black-Taylor

Sarge smiling at TAHS

Sarge smiling at TAHS

Good morning readers, This is a long one that I've condensed it as much as possible. I'm writing this today because Sarge needs help getting out of his temporary home and into one of the animal sanctuaries waiting to take him.

For those of you who have been following the sad life of Sarge, I'm going to bring you all up to date. The earlier articles are:

I'll begin with Tyson (who is doing well):

Tending for Tyson

Justice for Sarge

Ohio is tired of animal cruelty

You'll have a little researching to do for this one also as this form has limited space. This is mainly on the evaluation report done on Sarge last week.

First let me assure everyone that I've been told by Lydia Hockenberger, who has been involved in the case from the beginning, that Sarge has his own room and his own staff at the Toledo Area Humane Society. He's being treated like royalty there. He is NOT caged in with the other dogs. Only those staff members assigned to him are allowed to care for him.

Everyone supporting Sarge has gotten really nervous over the results of his exam. Much of the report can be found on the discussion page at Justice for Sarge on Facebook. This is the part I refer to as "homework" as the report is quite long. In a nutshell, Sarge is believed to have been aggressive even before the shooting. That may or may not be true depending on who you ask. He has already bitten a shelter employer and a shelter veterinarian. Keep in mind Sarge still has 4 bullets in him and the assessment (which included X-rays) show removing them would cause too much tissue damage. He also has a few other health problems. Of course, whoever eventually gets him may make new decisions about removing the remaining bullets.

Frances Higgenbotham, a child psychiatrist for 30 years and an animal rescuer for 25 years, contacted TAHS by email concerning the bullet still in Sarge's jaw. Mary Moser, Director of Public Information, responded back that the bullet has been removed from his jaw. She wants to assure all of Sarge's followers that he is receiving daily care by their staff, including a veterinarian and a staff certified dog trainer. They are caring for him and taking this abuse case very seriously to make sure he gets into the proper sanctuary.

He is now on medication to curb the aggression. Final ruling stated he couldn't go to a private home or a regular rescue group. He will have to be released to a specialized group that knows how to treat aggressive dogs or he would have to be humanely euthanized.

A specialized sanctuary knows how to deal with aggressive animals. There are many of these around the country, but only a few with the training needed to deal with the special needs of a dog like Sarge. Many times they can rehabilitate dogs once considered too dangerous to live into loving pets. If the animal can't be rehabilitated to go into a private home or foster care, it can live out its life at the sanctuary. Sometimes it takes years to undo all of the damage inflicted by cruel humans.

We've all been through so much with Sarge and want him to have a happy life. There are two specialized sanctuaries who have asked for him. Both are trained to deal with aggressive dogs. I'd like to give everyone a little information on them. Best Friends Animal Sanctuary in Angel Canyon, Utah and Rocky Mountain Dog Trainers (RMDT) in Colorado Springs, Colorado have both offered Sarge a forever home. If there are more, please feel free to comment and leave information on this article.

Best Friends Animal Sanctuary is located on a 33,000 acre ranch. This sanctuary recently made the news for taking the 22 pit bulls seized from football star Michael Vick. The dogs are doing well and will remain there for 6-12 months minimum to heal from their dog fighting injuries. Many have physical as well as emotional issues and are learning how to relax and play for the first time in their lives. Some were used as "bait dogs" and others were fought to the death. They're lucky to be alive.

There are roughly 1,700 pets living at Best Friends. They are the cast off cats, dogs, goats, horses, pigs, birds and any other creatures given up on by humans. They take in animals from all over the country. Some of the animals only need weeks before being adoptable. Some need more time and some are there for life. Their no-kill policy means only euthanizing for humane critical medical reasons.

They are qualified to take Sarge and have made the offer. Their website is located at Best Friends. I emailed them and invited them to comment on my article.

Rocky Mountain Dog Trainers is also more than qualified. I was going to go through their website to gather their credentials, but Master Dog Trainer Scott Martin emailed me with this information so I'm going to let him tell about his ability in his own words. Also note his website and check it out: RMDT.

SCOTT'S Email with his credentials and philosophy:

Scott Martin
Master Dog Trainer
Rocky Mountain Dog Trainers, Ltd
204 Mount View Lane Ste 12-13
Colorado Springs, CO 80907

Arizona State University -- B.S. Business 1994
Denver University -- B.S. in Zoology 2002
Rose School "Master Dog Trainer" 1997
Aggression Modification Studies 2003
International Association of Canine Professionals 2004
American Pet Dog Trainer 2009

A well trained dog, is a well loved dog!

This introduction provides information on the philosophy and techniques we use when training the dogs. In our contract, we also promise to make the dog a very good and well-mannered animal that that customers love to show off to their friends and family. In turn, the customer has to acknowledge that the best results are achieved when the owner continues the training at home.

The minute the dog walks in to our facility, we immediately start observing him/her. We are looking for any and all bad habits that have or have not been picked up by the owner. We train in absolutely everything from basic commands to Schutzhund, jumping and house training to serious people, dog, and food aggression. Aggression is our specialty. We invite the challenge of any and all aggressive problems. RMDT, in comparison to all others in the industry, does not turn anyone away who is willing and wanting to have their dog trained, as long as the owner is willing to participate. The consistency of continuing the programs at home is the only way that the owner will have the dog they truly desire.

Our style of training consists purely of positive reinforcement. The style has been used and perfected for more than 200 years, unlike a new type of training that has arisen in the last few years that’s uses collars and corrections that could actually be harmful to the dog. Those methods break the dogs spirit, which, granted, makes the dog very easy to train, but when you get your dog back after that type of training, he is just not the same.

Our philosophy is this: We will teach your dog that he or she is not the Alpha in his or her relationship with the owner. We will teach the owner how to be the Alpha without breaking the dog’s spirit. Dogs are naturally pack animals, and in a pack, somebody has to be in charge. Until now, the dog has been doing what he or she wants and has been the Alpha of the house. If the dog remains the Alpha, he or she will soon be (maybe already is) out of control. I take the Alpha out of the dog. While I’m training him or her, I become the Alpha and run the show. When the program is complete, I teach the owner how to become the Alpha.

RMDT guarantees all of our work. The customer/owner will be 100% satisfied by the time they leave here. After the program, if at any time the customer has a question, we are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Our goal is to have the owner as a satisfied customer for life.

The reason that I do what I do is for education, education for the owner and the general public. I like to deal mainly with bully breeds that have gotten a bad reputation throughout the course of their misguided life. I take them in and rehabilitate them to show the public that it is not about the breed, it is about the owner and the type of consistent training that a dog receives.


I would also like to add RMDT has been wanting Sarge from the beginning. They are prepared to travel to Ohio at a moments notice and get Sarge. They are known for handling and rehabilitating aggressive dogs. Scott emailed me with this info and also told me he'll be on The Rachel Ray Show soon (not about Sarge). That is SO great. I hope Scott will add the date for the show in the comments section.

Our next goal is getting Sarge out of TAHS. He needs to be at a place where he feels comfortable and can just be a dog. I learned on the Justice for Sarge Facebook page that Al Roker(NBC) and Oprah have both been informed of his situation. Please check out his Facebook page for places to contact to get things moving for this poor dog. The TAHS phone number is (419)891-0705. Many are calling them wanting answers.

I'll end this for now. I promise to keep everyone on pictures-of-cats.org updated as the decisions are made about his future.

I did this article so my readers will know these places do exist. No animal who has survived animal cruelty should be killed for being a victim.

I hope my article will ease your mind on how well he's being cared for. I'm just like all of my readers. I want him in a sanctuary NOW.

If anyone has comments or suggestions on how to speed things up PLEASE comment here.


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Update on Sarge and Animal Sanctuaries

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Mar 08, 2011
Ava's story on Facebook
by: dh

Ava's story on Facebook. There are still other dogs missing. http://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=183281118364714

RMDT claimed they would take care of a deployed soldier's dog '
for a discounted rate'. Wrong. The entire article is interesting, and here is the update is at the end:

"From June until late September/early October, Ava spent most of her time in a kennel at RMDT and was only fostered out for a approximately one week. In October Rmdt sold her to a local military couple rather than keeping to their promise of fostering Ava or caring for her at the facility. We have confirmed, through communication with the couple and through photos, the dog they adopted was Ava.

After a few days, they found Ava was aggressive to their other dog. They took Ava to a local veterinarian and the vet suggested he keep her for behavioral evaluation. After a few days, the vet suggested that Ava be put to sleep. She was put to sleep by the veterinarian in mid-October. She was never scanned."

Mar 08, 2011
RMDT Scott and April
by: Anonymous

Since being forced to close by the Colorado Department of Agriculture, RMDT, Scott Martin and April Hand have been exposed fully. There is an entire FaceBook page dedicated to the dogs who they killed, allowed to be killed, hid and sold.
Four RMDT pups are now dead. Three others had to be re-rescued from the homes they were sold to. Scott DID go to jail for the identity theft case and also for domestic violence.
Thank God Sarge was not sent to these abuser losers!
Ava's Facebook page tells the story of a dog who was in RMDT's Military Deployment Foster Program. She was sold and then killed. When her soldier owner returned from Deployment Scott and April told him Ava was on vacation with her foster family and would not be returning for 2 months. She was already dead when these lies were being told.
Several people are now taking legal action against the owners of RMDT.

Oct 03, 2010
Thanks Danni
by: Anonymous

Someone talks sense.

I for one am tired of getting notified half a dozen times about this subject which shouldn't ever have been here in the first place.

Dog pages,gossip columns,marriage guidance sites,any of them would have been more appropriate.

Oct 03, 2010
Time to remove this 'page'
by: Danni

After eveyone has a chance to review the latest comment by Shelly [I would say a week from this post of 10/3/10], I think it is time to take down this page. If you want to provide Animal Sanctuary information, list some links to rescue groups and investigative entities. Leaving the RMD information up and available does a disservice to those who might not want to bother reading the other posts - particularly when they see duplicates. I suspect those only concerned with cats also get notified that yet another comment is availble for view, and I still think they are ready for it to all go away. [Did you know we get multiple notifications for one post]. Those involved in rescue care have, by now, been made thoroughly aware of RMD's issues, thankfully. Appreciate your site. More people are aware of you than, I think, were before thanks to Sarge, who, I understand, is doing very well at his new Best Friends sanctuary in Utah. Thank you!

Oct 02, 2010
scott martin april hand
by: shelly

Scott MARTIN IS A CON MAN there is an update he has a deseast to operate from dept of agriculture and is still being investigated.He has disappeared but using fake names and all kind of sites,If you are involved you need to back off because if your helping him it makes you a person of interest in the investigation.He wil never get a 501/3 to operate as a rescue one reason all the complaints,stories and news from dept of agriculture,and i cant believe how dumb the folks that still stand by him.No im not a ex wife but i know him very well the true person.His filthy mouth and bashing someone i know very well and a very loving person and from a very prominent family.I think that the lady that ran this sarge page had honest motives for sarge but only advice is when someone ask you to do a site be sure and check out.I think my friend that im talking about was treated wrongly,and unfair because she knew before any one about RMDT,knew they had bad name in Colorado,her cabin isnt far from RMDT.She had never had this problem with any one on Fb she thought she was doing best by contacting some,in love for sarge.She knows that Jayne isnt involved but back in july it was a mess,so much going on.She loves animals beyond call of duty,her dog is the best treated i have ever seen.Dog spa and vet once a month,spent 700 for a surgery in spring.You all dont know but she is a very liked person,involved with lots of vounteering.YES her degree is true and not bought like Scotts.Yes her husband is an attorney in Texas.Just want to clear up everything.I am also involved with one of the largest rescues.Thank You.Shelly

Oct 02, 2010
scott martin april hand
by: shelly

Scott MARTIN IS A CON MAN there is an update he has a deseast to operate from dept of agriculture and is still being investigated.He has disappeared but using fake names and all kind of sites,If you are involved you need to back off because if your helping him it makes you a person of interest in the investigation.He wil never get a 501/3 to operate as a rescue one reason all the complaints,stories and news from dept of agriculture,and i cant believe how dumb the folks that still stand by him.No im not a ex wife but i know him very well the true person.His filthy mouth and bashing someone i know very well and a very loving person and from a very prominent family.I think that the lady that ran this sarge page had honest motives for sarge but only advice is when someone ask you to do a site be sure and check out.I think my friend that im talking about was treated wrongly,and unfair because she knew before any one about RMDT,knew they had bad name in Colorado,her cabin isnt far from RMDT.She had never had this problem with any one on Fb she thought she was doing best by contacting some,in love for sarge.She knows that Jayne isnt involved but back in july it was a mess,so much going on.She loves animals beyond call of duty,her dog is the best treated i have ever seen.Dog spa and vet once a month,spent 700 for a surgery in spring.You all dont know but she is a very liked person,involved with lots of vounteering.YES her degree is true and not bought like Scotts.Yes her husband is an attorney in Texas.Just want to clear up everything.I am also involved with one of the largest rescues.Thank You.Shelly

Sep 14, 2010
rescue places
by: Danni

NewsColorado---thank you for the info; please help the rescue groups be aware of places like rmdt by posting your information on Facebook. There are so many "training and rescue" groups that it is difficult to know about them all. Many people who are trying to help animals take things at face value and do not research, but they are learning that a website does not equal a good site every time. I sincerely believe that, because they are trying to do good, they think that others are doing the same. Sarge has his own Facebook page [Justice for Sarge] as do a lot of other dogs. The host for this website, Pictures of Cats, has graciously allowed people to contribute relating to Sarge but, while this site's fans understand the need, cat lovers are a bit in despair over the derogatory postings and duplications. I think they should be given a rest and those of us following Sarge [and who are grateful for his rescue] should continue the battle for honesty in dog training and rescue on other venues.

Sep 14, 2010
by: newscolorado

I am so happy sarge boy is at friends.I do want to comment that Rmdt is under all kinds of investigations,one is actually where im employed.I must say to Rmdt that its not just ex wife,we are piled up on stories.More news is to break.Fine you do rescues of dogs,thats wonderful.The problem is the fake degrees and claims that Scott Martin has made about his company and everything.This comes under the headlines of a scam and fraud.I thank you all that helped in saving him,hes beautiful.Why didnt anyone with that group check his record,when anyone gets in a rescue mission,always check out.I have been in touch with a lady that knew that he was a fraud way back before news hit,but no one listened.It might of been your best interest to check his facility out and his claims.I can say we have done interviews with actual folks that took thier dogs there.Out of the 15 we interviewed only 2 said they were happy.We also have interviewed some folks near by the office,but i wont go into further information.Rmdt has admitted they use false business information and have said just wanted a chance to have new start using the remark of hard times.Not a good reason to lie futher more i will end here and when more news comes folks will know.Thank you for reading From colorado

Sep 14, 2010
by: newscolorado

I am so happy sarge boy is at friends.I do want to comment that Rmdt is under all kinds of investigations,one is actually where im employed.I must say to Rmdt that its not just ex wife,we are piled up on stories.More news is to break.Fine you do rescues of dogs,thats wonderful.The problem is the fake degrees and claims that Scott Martin has made about his company and everything.This comes under the headlines of a scam and fraud.I thank you all that helped in saving him,hes beautiful.Why didnt anyone with that group check his record,when anyone gets in a rescue mission,always check out.I have been in touch with a lady that knew that he was a fraud way back before news hit,but no one listened.It might of been your best interest to check his facility out and his claims.I can say we have done interviews with actual folks that took thier dogs there.Out of the 15 we interviewed only 2 said they were happy.We also have interviewed some folks near by the office,but i wont go into further information.Rmdt has admitted they use false business information and have said just wanted a chance to have new start using the remark of hard times.Not a good reason to lie futher more i will end here and when more news comes folks will know.Thank you for reading From colorado

Sep 14, 2010
by: newscolorado

I am so happy sarge boy is at friends.I do want to comment that Rmdt is under all kinds of investigations,one is actually where im employed.I must say to Rmdt that its not just ex wife,we are piled up on stories.More news is to break.Fine you do rescues of dogs,thats wonderful.The problem is the fake degrees and claims that Scott Martin has made about his company and everything.This comes under the headlines of a scam and fraud.I thank you all that helped in saving him,hes beautiful.Why didnt anyone with that group check his record,when anyone gets in a rescue mission,always check out.I have been in touch with a lady that knew that he was a fraud way back before news hit,but no one listened.It might of been your best interest to check his facility out and his claims.I can say we have done interviews with actual folks that took thier dogs there.Out of the 15 we interviewed only 2 said they were happy.We also have interviewed some folks near by the office,but i wont go into further information.Rmdt has admitted they use false business information and have said just wanted a chance to have new start using the remark of hard times.Not a good reason to lie futher more i will end here and when more news comes folks will know.Thank you for reading From colorado

Aug 30, 2010
by: Anonymous

Scott & RMDT have been all over the news in Colorado Springs for fraud. check out the proof! http://www.kktv.com/home/headlines/101166449.html?storySection=story

Aug 24, 2010
To Danni
by: Ruth

Thank you for signing our petition, every single signature and comment mean a lot!
Your cats sound lovely and you are obviously a true cat lover.
We have something in common,I worked with animals too and many times felt physically ill at the way some people treated them,so I know how you felt.
When you think of all the abuse of animals going on in this world now it puts peoples petty squabbles into perspective doesn't it?
If that's what goes on on dog sites I'm thankful this is once again only for cats.

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

Aug 24, 2010
Thank you Ruth
by: Danni

I have signed the petition; I have never declawed a cat and every time I move [local or cross country] they have always come with me along with their favorite piece of carpet - that is what they have always used for scratching. Hopefully the website master will [or can] delete the constant marital bickering which only reveals their intellect.

Aug 24, 2010
Thank you Ruth
by: Sue

Thank you for having the courage to say what most of us are thinking and to put your name to it too.

Aug 24, 2010
Cats and dogs
by: Ruth

I love dogs too, I think most of us do, but I must admit I'm fed up of all these sometimes repeatedly posted comments about ex husbands and whatever which all started with a dog article.
There is a time and a place for everything and in my opinion this is not the place for squabbling about who said or did what.
Most of us have much more important things to do than follow the notification to keep on seeing new comments like that. Such as helping all animals both in the real world and on-line.
Michael's PoC is a wonderful site for our quest to educate about the cruelty of declawing while working towards ultimately getting it banned.
I feel very passionate about this but although I would love to, I would never go onto a dog site and write about it. I'd be told and rightly so,that I was in the wrong place.
People react with shock and horror if anyone mentions dog declawing (and it does happen although rarely)
Sadly, cats are second class citizens to many people and their suffering is hidden behind closed doors.
So come on all you people bickering about marital affairs,help us please by signing and passing on our petition:

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

Aug 23, 2010
by: Anonymous

to whom concerns april hand is trying to cover up her and scott martins dumbness. i never ran a facicilty for scott martin when he was in and out of jail or prison. he has not been in the dog business for 16 years what part of this are you not understanding april hand this person worked at qualtec down on neveda then he had a small business in prison and it folded due to employees didnt want to work there butt off and it folded. he is a con he and april are just scamers and got caught. they are tryng to make themself look good well he is a con and always will he knows how to smooth people over. these animals need to be placed where they are loved have green grass to walk on and take walks. his facility is nasty. why put animals in small cages. if he knew how to run a business the first thing would to be a facility that has grass shade noooooooooooooot single cages hell do the cages like you see on the aspc shows, he needs to be shuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut down.

Aug 23, 2010
by: Anonymous

to whom concerns april hand is trying to cover up her and scott martins dumbness. i never ran a facicilty for scott martin when he was in and out of jail or prison. he has not been in the dog business for 16 years what part of this are you not understanding april hand this person worked at qualtec down on neveda then he had a small business in prison and it folded due to employees didnt want to work there butt off and it folded. he is a con he and april are just scamers and got caught. they are tryng to make themself look good well he is a con and always will he knows how to smooth people over. these animals need to be placed where they are loved have green grass to walk on and take walks. his facility is nasty. why put animals in small cages. if he knew how to run a business the first thing would to be a facility that has grass shade noooooooooooooot single cages hell do the cages like you see on the aspc shows, he needs to be shuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut down.

Aug 23, 2010
I love Cats and I love D**s too 🙂
by: Danni

I can certainly understand the cat lovers being fed up with the dog stories and sniping by RMD or whatever it is and the idiot current and ex-wives who seem to forget it is about the animals, not them. I was surprised myself to see all this here on a cat site. I have cats, but contrary to some opinions, I also love dogs and all of my personal friends have both. I admire anyone who has the stomach for going into "rescue" situations and documenting the horrors found. I had to leave one job [dealing with animals] because I literally became physically ill with heart fibrillations after seeing the poor creatures that came in or were dropped off. Astonishing.

My highest compliments and thanks to this website owner who has been extremely patient with posters. [I would have deleted the sniping wives myself :).] Fortunately, social networks have "come of age" and these stories can be shared there.

Finally, I have six cats; all rescued - 2 tuxedos, 1 huge orange, 1 calico, 1 tiger/tabby and 1 himy-mix who is my "mystical cat" - finds anything when you invoke her name wherever you might be. I like this site and shall return.

Thank you for all your information here, and best of luck to everyone and their fabulous felines. You just can't run a house without a cat!!!

Aug 23, 2010
by: Anonymous

to whom concerns april hand is trying to cover up her and scott martins dumbness. i never ran a facicilty for scott martin when he was in and out of jail or prison. he has not been in the dog business for 16 years what part of this are you not understanding april hand this person worked at qualtec down on neveda then he had a small business in prison and it folded due to employees didnt want to work there butt off and it folded. he is a con he and april are just scamers and got caught. they are tryng to make themself look good well he is a con and always will he knows how to smooth people over. these animals need to be placed where they are loved have green grass to walk on and take walks. his facility is nasty. why put animals in small cages. if he knew how to run a business the first thing would to be a facility that has grass shade noooooooooooooot single cages hell do the cages like you see on the aspc shows, he needs to be shuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut down.

Aug 23, 2010
by: Anonymous

to whom concerns april hand is trying to cover up her and scott martins dumbness. i never ran a facicilty for scott martin when he was in and out of jail or prison. he has not been in the dog business for 16 years what part of this are you not understanding april hand this person worked at qualtec down on neveda then he had a small business in prison and it folded due to employees didnt want to work there butt off and it folded. he is a con he and april are just scamers and got caught. they are tryng to make themself look good well he is a con and always will he knows how to smooth people over. these animals need to be placed where they are loved have green grass to walk on and take walks. his facility is nasty. why put animals in small cages. if he knew how to run a business the first thing would to be a facility that has grass shade noooooooooooooot single cages hell do the cages like you see on the aspc shows, he needs to be shuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut down.

Aug 23, 2010
by: Anonymous

to whom concerns april hand is trying to cover up her and scott martins dumbness. i never ran a facicilty for scott martin when he was in and out of jail or prison. he has not been in the dog business for 16 years what part of this are you not understanding april hand this person worked at qualtec down on neveda then he had a small business in prison and it folded due to employees didnt want to work there butt off and it folded. he is a con he and april are just scamers and got caught. they are tryng to make themself look good well he is a con and always will he knows how to smooth people over. these animals need to be placed where they are loved have green grass to walk on and take walks. his facility is nasty. why put animals in small cages. if he knew how to run a business the first thing would to be a facility that has grass shade noooooooooooooot single cages hell do the cages like you see on the aspc shows, he needs to be shuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut down.

Aug 23, 2010
This was a test
by: Elisa Black-Taylor

Michael gave me to approval before any of the dog stories were written as I was concerned this would happen. There won't be any more dog stories by me. I'm sticking to cats from now on.

Michael and I just had a crazy idea that people who love cats also love dogs. Sorry we were wrong.

Also any new laws trying to be pushed thru (such as Nitro's Law or Susie's Law) which are named after a dog to strengthen animal cruelty laws won't be done. Do more using the D word here.

I'm going to stick to cats and cats only from now on.

Aug 23, 2010
Site for Cats?
by: EyesWideOpen

Okay, so if this is a site for cats & only cats why is this *Update on Sarge and Animal Sanctuaries* here in the 1st place? Looks like you are not going to silence those of us that a seeing the Red Flags with RMDT, Now Does It?

As far as putting up links by RMDT to prove they have rescues or have adopted them out, proves nothing.

I saw all of this type of nonsense with others that have been busted. Pics, beautiful web pages, news stories about the great work certain organizations were doing only to find them placed in a special Hall of Shame on Pet-abuse.com

These are *only a few* on the site:


When someone resorts to using diplomas from a *Diploma Mill* at the price of *2 for $17.00* to toot their own horn shows me one thing & one thing only ... this organization can NOT be trusted. Big Red Flag here folks.

To claim to be advocating against BSL & like to work with Bully Breeds than to say this to a reporter: "The next time you come walking around here, watch out for the Pit bull." Is another Big Red Flag folks.

It's obvious to me "Where There Is Smoke, There Is Fire."

And to the rescues sending dogs here I can only repeat the following:

I was working for Last Chance for Animals when the initial complaints about Tiger Ranch came in to the office. I was assigned to conduct a preliminary investigation, which I did. I concluded that there was evidence of horrible suffering at Tiger Ranch, and requested authorization to conduct a more thorough investigation. My request was approved but then abruptly withdrawn. I’ve never fully understood why LCA pulled me off of that investigation. After I left LCA, I continued to look into Tiger Ranch and became more and more convinced that the allegations were valid. As a 20-year veteran of the animal rights movement, including a decade as an undercover investigator, I remain convinced that Tiger Ranch deserved to be closed and investigated for animal cruelty. I believe that our mission as animal advocates is to prevent and alleviate suffering wherever it occurs, even when the suffering is created by those who may be trying to do good things for animals.

I do not believe that good intentions absolve us of the consequences of our actions. That applies both to Tiger Ranch and the people who dumped cats there without fully investigating their likely fate.

So as rescues if you have not followed through to see with your own eyes where the animals have really eventually ended up ... Shame On YOU, Their blood is on YOUR hands.

Aug 23, 2010
by: Anonymous

I agree.
We come here to read about cats and although sometimes cat topics turn to include other animals I don't think dog people should come and take entire pages over for dogs.

Aug 23, 2010
by: Fran

This is a place for cat topics.
NOT dogs.
AND it is NOT a marriage guidance counselling office either.
Butt out,you are ruining this site for us cat people.

Aug 23, 2010
Our response
by: RMDT


Plus videos of some of our rescues...Since we are being accused of not being real people...





If you have problems viewing the link, please feel free to email through our website and we will send you copies.

Thank you

Aug 22, 2010
Sarge would have suffered here
by: Riley

Beware of Scott Martin: He lies about his credentials. Lost this owner's dog. Threatened the news reporter . . . and a lot lot more. Thank God Sarge is at a fantastic, reputable place in Utah.

Here's a link for a story about himhttp://www.kktv.com/home/headlines/101166449.html?storySection=story

Aug 22, 2010
Sarge would have suffered here
by: Riley

Beware of Scott Martin: He lies about his credentials. Lost this owner's dog. Threatened the news reporter . . . and a lot lot more. Thank God Sarge is at a fantastic, reputable place in Utah.

Here's a link for a story about himhttp://www.kktv.com/home/headlines/101166449.html?storySection=story

Aug 22, 2010
by: KJ

Aww thanks Jayne ! Couln't have done it with out you Mate! You have a big heart and a great mind.
I am glad to call you friend !
Can't wait to see pics Of Sarge at Best Friends ...

Aug 22, 2010
ex-wife of scott martin
by: underdog

I am shocked you would write all your personal stuff here about your relationship. I do know that you helped pick dogs up. You drove out and picked them up and drove them back to him. So what does that make you. He was in jail for what???... 16 years in business..well I can say I was in business for years in my profession.. has he not worked with animals before.. that is qualified as part of his experience to claim how long he has been in business with animals.. period.. I knew he never had his place for 16 years.... , so why would you help him with dogs.. this is really lame on your part.
please use some intelligence when posting your personal issues to help ruin a man you loved or still love and you are angry at.

Aug 21, 2010
Rocky Mountain Dog Trainers
by: Anonymous

You might want to review this article on RMDT.


Aug 21, 2010
New broadcast on Scott Martin
by: Danni

NOTICE Notwithstanding comments of what appear to be ex-wives, I googled Scott Martin. Please view this Southern Colorado broadcast from August 19 at www.kktv.com - the Call For Action Warning is a couple of mouse wheels down, or Google Scott Martin and choose the hit "RMDT Exposed as Fraud" by Pit Bull Positive; that forum found him on the news. His demeanor and forthrightness says it all. Nitro would not like him. This site asks for no HTML or I would post the link - which I will do on Sarge's FB page. Watch it all the way through - the ending regarding the credentials says a lot.

Aug 20, 2010
Sarge has a new home waiting
by: Elisa Black-Taylor

This is the newest release info about Sarge. I had to shorten the content but wanted everyone to know Sarge will soon have a good home.

For Immediate Release - August 20, 2010 [HQ]

by Toledo Area Humane Society
1:12 On Thursday, August 19, 2010 The Toledo Area Humane Society (TAHS) was granted permission by the Toledo Municipal Court to transfer Sarge, the German Shepherd Dog who was shot six times on July 9. Sarge will be transferred to Best Friends Animal Society in Kanab, Utah.

TAHS determined shortly after receiving custody of Sarge July 23 that he was not a candidate for adoption into a home environment. Sarge exhibits fear based aggression which makes him extremely unpredictable and dangerous to anyone unfamiliar with an animal like him. He has a history of biting, including biting two TAHS staff members who are very experienced with handling aggressive dogs.

TAHS does not have the facilities to handle the long-term rehabilitation required for Sarge.

"We were very concerned that Sarge not end up with someone unable to handle him and that someone might get hurt or that Sarge would end up in a worse situation than he previously was," said John Dinon, Executive Director of TAHS. "We are very pleased that an amazing organization like Best Friends Animal Society was able to make room for him."

Best Friends Animal Sanctuary, Sarge's new home, is the largest companion animal facility in the United States for abused and abandoned animals. Located on 3,700 acres of high desert country in southwestern Utah near the Arizona border, the Society has more than 25 years of experience helping dogs with troubled pasts and special needs.

Although the specific details of the transfer are not complete, John Brown, TAHS Training and Behavior Coordinator, will likely travel with Sarge to Best Friends Animal Sanctuary and spend several days in Utah working with the Dogtown staff to help transition Sarge to his new home.

The Toledo Area Humane Society is accepting donations to pay for the travel for John Brown and Sarge and other expenses related to Sarge's care. If you would like to help contribute to this cause, please contact TAHS at 419-891-0705 or visit the website at www.toledoareahumanesociety.org. Any funds collected beyond expenses directly related to Sarge's care and transport will be used to investigate and prosecute animal cruelty in Lucas County.

I created his page, to rally up supporters to help me spread the word out!
And boy..didn't we all make a noise..lol.
SARGES news reached worldwide..and he is now safe.
GREAT JOB everyone who supported..thank you.

Jayne..aka..NoKill Day from Australia.
21st Aug 2010.

Aug 20, 2010
sad for rmt
by: Anonymous

readers i appologize for anymiss assumption on sarges behalf the reason for this is yes i am an exwife but people need to know that scott martin is a con manipulator and if you read where april hand did the estimate for sarge it was her figures and wanting help these animals deserve a chance and the right people deserve to help but why send them to a person that has lied and is a scamer all to benifit him. his certificates were done in prison he neverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr went to college call the colleges and you will see scott stold my identy to get a payday loan to pay bills at rmt when he opened jan2009. he stold my ss number dob and had the nerve to do this after i divorcd him and left the state. the thing that bothers me the most is how he states he has been in business 16 yr which is a lie and ask people to buy into shares on rmt. so see my point is allllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll he cares about is money. if supposingly you have ownd a company so long why would you ask for shares and not do a fund raiser for these animals dont ask people to do your work for you. a real business person would have a savings set up to help these animals. if you do a background check you will see the real scott martin this man is not human i promise . check him out

Aug 20, 2010
sad for rmt
by: Anonymous

readers i appologize for anymiss assumption on sarges behalf the reason for this is yes i am an exwife but people need to know that scott martin is a con manipulator and if you read where april hand did the estimate for sarge it was her figures and wanting help these animals deserve a chance and the right people deserve to help but why send them to a person that has lied and is a scamer all to benifit him. his certificates were done in prison he neverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr went to college call the colleges and you will see scott stold my identy to get a payday loan to pay bills at rmt when he opened jan2009. he stold my ss number dob and had the nerve to do this after i divorcd him and left the state. the thing that bothers me the most is how he states he has been in business 16 yr which is a lie and ask people to buy into shares on rmt. so see my point is allllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll he cares about is money. if supposingly you have ownd a company so long why would you ask for shares and not do a fund raiser for these animals dont ask people to do your work for you. a real business person would have a savings set up to help these animals. if you do a background check you will see the real scott martin this man is not human i promise . check him out

Aug 20, 2010
sad for rmt
by: Anonymous

readers i appologize for anymiss assumption on sarges behalf the reason for this is yes i am an exwife but people need to know that scott martin is a con manipulator and if you read where april hand did the estimate for sarge it was her figures and wanting help these animals deserve a chance and the right people deserve to help but why send them to a person that has lied and is a scamer all to benifit him. his certificates were done in prison he neverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr went to college call the colleges and you will see scott stold my identy to get a payday loan to pay bills at rmt when he opened jan2009. he stold my ss number dob and had the nerve to do this after i divorcd him and left the state. the thing that bothers me the most is how he states he has been in business 16 yr which is a lie and ask people to buy into shares on rmt. so see my point is allllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll he cares about is money. if supposingly you have ownd a company so long why would you ask for shares and not do a fund raiser for these animals dont ask people to do your work for you. a real business person would have a savings set up to help these animals. if you do a background check you will see the real scott martin this man is not human i promise . check him out

Aug 19, 2010
Thank you TammY
by: RMDT

This is an inappropriate place to share your grievances Tammy. Thank you for letting all the readers know that you have some issues with Scott and myself. I am sure everyone is grateful. Is there any new information you can share at this point? This thread is about animals so I am sure that readers would like to get back to the topic.

If anyone has ANY questions at all about RMDT or about Scott Martin, please feel free to email through our website at www.rmdogtraining.com We have SEVERAL very satisfied customers that we would be more than willing to get anyone in to contact with. Unfortunately Tammy just feels the need to hurt Scott however she can. (I am sure anyone with exes knows how this goes...) It is a sad situation...

And just so everyone knows, we did not ask for a dime for Sarge. Our programs run from $950-$1250 for a 30 day training program. However, we were actually willing to fly to Ohio on our own dime. So I am unsure of what Tammy is saying or where she is getting her information.

Thank you Tammy for thinking of Sarge's well-being. The people who are in charge of his care will most definitely do their jobs and do the appropriate checks, so you can rest assured!

I will not be responding to any of your posts from this point forward. Your accusations are ridiculous and unfounded and have nothing to do with the topic at hand, the well-being of Sarge and other animals.

Thank you to EVERYONE helping Sarge or any other animal out there.


Aug 19, 2010
Thank you TammY
by: RMDT

This is an inappropriate place to share your grievances Tammy. Thank you for letting all the readers know that you have some issues with Scott and myself. I am sure everyone is grateful. Is there any new information you can share at this point? This thread is about animals so I am sure that readers would like to get back to the topic.

If anyone has ANY questions at all about RMDT or about Scott Martin, please feel free to email through our website at www.rmdogtraining.com We have SEVERAL very satisfied customers that we would be more than willing to get anyone in to contact with. Unfortunately Tammy just feels the need to hurt Scott however she can. (I am sure anyone with exes knows how this goes...) It is a sad situation...

And just so everyone knows, we did not ask for a dime for Sarge. Our programs run from $950-$1250 for a 30 day training program. However, we were actually willing to fly to Ohio on our own dime. So I am unsure of what Tammy is saying or where she is getting her information.

Thank you Tammy for thinking of Sarge's well-being. The people who are in charge of his care will most definitely do their jobs and do the appropriate checks, so you can rest assured!

I will not be responding to any of your posts from this point forward. Your accusations are ridiculous and unfounded and have nothing to do with the topic at hand, the well-being of Sarge and other animals.

Thank you to EVERYONE helping Sarge or any other animal out there.


Aug 17, 2010
by: Anonymous

thanks april hand scott martins so do be 5th or 6th wife. no way do i want a con or manipultor in my life that is why i left scott martin did recieve some certificates in limon co prison. why shouldnt people with loveable animals know about this person.scott martin has not been in business 16 years. he was married to mefrom 2004-2008. and in and out of prison limon canyon and sterling co. he did steal my identiy thats why the da has alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll info that he used on his computor my name ss dob stating i work for him at rmt which i have been on my job 23 years. people need to know also previous employess have stated that he has tried to do the same to them.if you have been in business 16 so called years why should scott or april ask for peoples to buy into his business. doesnt make sense.scott martin is a smooth talker and is very good and manipulating people. do a background check on this person you will see i love animals but his facility noway

Aug 16, 2010
RE: "beware" by anonymous
by: RMDT

I would like to address the comment titled "beware" by anonymous. The woman is the ex-wife of Scott (RMDT owner). The reason I know this is because of the verbage and accusations. We are also in the process of tracing the IP address to prove this...It is unfortunate that someone would go to such extreme lengths to "get back at" someone. The things she states are simply untrue. And if she (Tammie Martin) would like to say such things, I hope that she is willing to show proof that would hold up in a court of law. I also challenge Ms. Martin to answer this..If what you state is true, why is Mr. Martin not in jail for your so-called "identity theft"? And also, why is it that you stated to me personally on the phone two months ago that you want Mr. Martin in your life again and will stop at nothing to have that happen...It is sad to me that this woman would place such ridiculous claims without substantial proof and be willing to hinder RMDT saving the life of Sarge. We are not asking for money for Sarge, so I am unsure of what relevance her post has to this situation? We are asking to be a part of his rehabilitation.
Let it be known that if there are false accusations that could potentially hinder the productivity of a business, you will be prosecuted for slander to full extent allowable by law. So my advice to you Ms. Martin, make sure you have plenty of proof. Because what you have sent to detectives so far, is ridiculous and unfounded. There is ZERO proof behind any and ALL claims, otherwise, I suppose we would not be sitting here writing this response.
I encourage any and all questions regarding this, or the more important topic of Sarge to be directed through RMDT personally on our website (which Ms. Martin is now banned from after extreme and harassing behaviors). We have a total of five people that have expressed dislike in what we do, and thousands of supporters.

Comments and productive questions are always welcome. We serve a purpose much greater than meaningless rumors and childish games.

Thank you to all for doing what you do!


Aug 16, 2010
by: Elisa Black-Taylor

When I began writing this article I learned that Best and RMDT were two of the groups in the running to take Sarge. I notified Best Friends and RMDT and told them if they would like I could include a personal message in my article. Best Friends didn't respond to this. Scott with RMDT did.

My only intent was to give a little background on each of them. Anyone who plans to enroll their dog in a program needs to check the company out further. Get references and check them out.

The Better Business Bureau has only one resolved case on their records against RMDT. RMDT's website has countless testimonials. Usually a bad business with have quite a few complaints. That's why the BBB is there.

Please, no negative comments without absolute proof to back it up. Rumors get out of hand too easily. I'm not out there and have to rely on websites and testimonials to create a story. I do acknowledge these can be wrong.

I'm sure whoever gets Sarge will have been checked out thoroughly by TAHS before releasing him. If RMDT isn't chosen, I believe it's because they chose a sanctuary environment instead of strict training.

It's all going to boil down to what's best for Sarge. Which is what this story was all about.

Aug 15, 2010
by: Anonymous

i have read that sarge is not yet to rmt this person needs to be checked out. he has not been in business 16 years the last 6 he has been in and out of prison to where he recieved most of his certificates. he is a con and steals peoples identiy i know this because he stold mine to get money to pay his bills when he opened his doors last jan 2009.he may be wonderful with animals but if you have so called been in business 16 supposeingly years why would you ask for people to buy into a facility that doesnt have much to offer there is a scam somewhere. if you have been in business 16 years you dont need financal help and you should have better followers. check this person out

Aug 10, 2010
I agree
by: Leah

Brilliant article Elisa as are all your articles.

Sarges and Tysons case was well publicised and damn right too! I really feel that Tyson was not agressive before he went to his last owners.

I do have to agree with everyone one here though; why is it that this regular abuse of cats never hits the headlines? Why? Its abuse like any other form of abuse (actually, no; its much worse because its pre-meditated)

Elisa please with all your contacts and your gift for writing please do all you can.

Aug 10, 2010
Include ALL abuse
by: Jane A

Every sort of animal abuse is disgusting and should be severely punished.
Declawing cats and little kittens is happening every day and those veterinarians who are making money from this are as much abusers as are ordinary cruel people.In fact they are worse because they studied to care for animals and they know what they are doing is wrong.
Yet this abuse is planned and even advertised and offered to people to encourage them to pay to have it done.
I have no time for those people,they should't be allowed to have cats,but even less for the abusers themselves.
So if we are talking about stopping animal abuse lets include declawing.
In case anyone hasn't seen it take a look at this...
and tell me if it isn't as bad abuse as any other.

Aug 10, 2010
A golden opportunity
by: Mel

Quote from Elisa
"I'm investigating a law so we'll know when abuse may happen before it does. I'll do that story in a day or two. Its something every community can push for"

Elisa this is a golden oppurtunity to help the anti declaw brigade in your next write up.Please lend your support to this quest to educate and ultimately stop declawing.
Declawing is not abuse that "may happen" it is abuse that "will happen" and "is" happening.

Yes its something every community can push for and they should push for stopping all animal abuse including the daily crippling of cats.

I'm another who reads every page here but I too have a busy life and admit if they are long speils like this one is,by the time I've read it there's too much to comment on.

Come on American and Canadian folk,the legalised abuse of cats is happening in YOUR country...
for God's sake do something about it.

Aug 10, 2010
I agree
by: Sylvia

I agree with Ruth.Declawing cats is abuse that is known will happen before it does.
It is in fact abuse by appointment.
Elisa I hope you will include that in your next write up.

You have many followers,please show them the way.

Aug 10, 2010
What about declawing ?
by: Ruth

How I wish declawing was classed as the abuse it really is. It is pre-meditated abuse after all,there is no doubt about that because the cats of the USA and Canada feel as much pain and are disabled equally as much as the cats in the countries where it is classed as abuse and is a criminal offence. The person doing the amputation of healthy body parts, their assistants, and the person they were doing it for, would all be prosecuted and punished.
Why is this such a blind spot amongst USA animal lovers and rescuers? Why aren't they out on the streets educating people as to this abuse and why aren't they bombarding the declaw vets and the AVMA ?
We can only do so much on line .....and it's VERY frustrating.
PLEASE everyone,at least sign and pass on our petition to every other animal lover you know.

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

Aug 09, 2010
My Next Story
by: Elisa Black-Taylor

I'm investigating a law so we'll know when abuse may happen before it does. I'll do that story in a day or two. Its something every community can push for. That's all I'm saying because I want the story to be a surprise. Mostly to my editor Michael who never pushes me in a certain direction and always loves what I send him. Most of the time he doesn't have a clue what I'm writing about till it hits his email. I think I'm the pictures-of-cats version of Santa. Never know what I'll show up with.

I love writing and it's nice to know people are finally sick of all of the animal abuse. The hardest part for me is waiting for the story to come to me in its own time.

Aug 09, 2010
Sarge deserves a chance.
by: Anonymous

I THANK GOD for all of your combined efforts to see that this poor innocent dog who was so horrifically abused is given a 2nd chance at life. We can't save them all, but it sure feels good for every single one we can save. I pray his injuries heal... the physical and emotional ones. AND, I hope the abusers see the inside of a jail. There needs to be consequences to stop these reprobate individuals. God BLESS Sarge and God Bless his rescuers.

Aug 09, 2010
Permanent Home
by: Elisa Black-Taylor

They are prepared to keep him forever if he's not safe to adopt out. Scott just sent me the info on how his training works and how he's qualified. However with Sarge's disposition he may be there for life and RMDT is prepared to keep him and give him a good home forever. He has very unpredictable aggression and Scott is mainly wanting to curb that. The recommendation on the report was he not go to a private home or regular group as he's just too unpredictable.

Aug 09, 2010
by: Anonymous

My question with RMDT is that they train and work with an owners dog, how would that work for Sarge? He doesn't have an owner..are they wanting to be his owners?

Aug 09, 2010
Update on Sarge and Animal Sanctuaies
by: BJ

Eliza, as uaual a brilliant article. I hope Sarge goes to the Sanctuary. People make animals agressive and then when the animal bites them they want to kill them. These people should be banned for life from having any kind of animal.

Aug 09, 2010
THANKYOU...from JUSTICE FOR SARGES page creator.
by: Jayne Cvetanoski aka..NoKill Day

Just wanted to publically say thankyou very much once again for your story.
I am the JUSTICE FOR SARGE..SHOT 6 TIMES BY HIS OWNER!..Facebook page and petitions creator from Australia.
The amazing people that ive got to know because of our genuine love of dear Sarge is great and very heartwarming.
Ive had some amazing people help me keep Sarges story out there and alive to the public.
One person..i need to mention especially is Kathy Sutter Johnston( KJ)from Toledo...both her and i have spent countless hours sending emails , faxes and bloggin to keep Sarges alive.
Thanks KJ..you are one great LADY..and new friend.
We wait anxiously now for news of Sarges new home, and new life.
HE DESERVES IT...we love you boy..Jayne 10/8/10

Aug 09, 2010
To Elisa
by: Ruth

Thanks Elisa,I do read all your articles with great interest but don't always have time to comment.There just isn't enough hours in the day for all there is to do to help animals.
Keep up the good work.

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

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