Upstate SC Kitten Mom is Building a Kitten Nursery

Today I’d like to tell you about a young woman who’s determined to make a difference in the kitten world. Greenville County Animal Care Services, a high-intake, high-kill shelter located in upstate South Carolina is known for killing small kittens they determine wouldn’t survive. Now a foster cat mom with Foster Paws Rescue has set out to change that.

Kitten nursery
Kitten nursery

Kezia Osborne is busy converting a room in her home into a kitten nursery. She’s made a lot of progress, as she had to get rid of a mold problem. Keiza has replaced the carpet in her kitten room with vinyl flooring on half the room. Unfortunately, Keiza has run out of funds to continue her dream. If you’d like to help, a donation link, along with progress photos, can be found here.

Keiza never planned to spend her life rescuing the very young kittens dumped at the shelter. Like many, she decided to help them in any way she could. Keiza specializes in kittens under two pounds in weight. Keiza takes them in, bottle feeds them if they’re not old enough to eat, and at eight weeks the kittens are spayed or neutered and adopted out.

I realize a lot of you think that’s a young age to undergo surgery, but with the high number of kittens taken to the shelter, it’s necessary. Most fosters can’t take in but so many, and you certainly don’t want to adopt out an intact kitten. Having them done this young means more can be saved sooner than if a foster had to wait until the kittens hit four or five months old.

Keiza says of her part in saving the vulnerable kittens in the Greenville area

“My goal is to just give these little lives a fighting chance instead of being disposed of like yesterday’s garbage.”

Right now, Keiza has an 8×10 square foot area completed, and is hoping to expand it to 10×24. The finished project will require Kezia to finish the vinyl floor, then purchase more litter boxes, water and food bowls, a cat tree, cages, and put in a line for running water so she can install a sink. It’s difficult for her to go to the kitchen or bathroom for running water.

Presently, there are nine kittens in the kitten room, with 13 others in quarantine. Kezia has a goal of being able to care for around 20 kittens at one time. Little lives saved who would have died, had they remained in the shelter.

I admire Kezia for what she’s accomplished. It’s hard to find cat lovers who also have the determination to get projects like this accomplished. Please leave a comment praising Kezia for her project. She’s truly a heroine in the cat world.


The articles listed below go into great detail as to what Keiza, and many others like her, are trying to put an end to.

19 thoughts on “Upstate SC Kitten Mom is Building a Kitten Nursery”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. I did look at your pinterest board for furbyhouse again. And if I could adopt one of them, I believe that this time I would have to take in both a lonely, mistreated pitbull and a lonely, mistreated cat. They all need our love, and thank goodness that you persevere because we need you. They do.

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