US cat and dog pet population combined rising faster than human population (infographic)

Indeed, the statistics from the AVMA and Macrotrends present a fascinating picture, which I’ve captured in an infographic. Google Gemini’s analysis aligns with mine, though in different wording, stating, “The pet population in the USA, including both dogs and cats, is projected to grow at a faster rate than the human population,” implying a future with more pets than people proportionally. My calculations suggest that during 2016-2020, the combined population of cats and dogs in the USA was indeed growing at a quicker pace than the human population, which is experiencing a slowdown in growth.

RELATED: These Statistics on Cats Falling Will Surprise You

Here is the infographic:

US cat & dog pet population rising faster than human population
US cat & dog pet population rising faster than human population

RELATED: Latest statistics for dog and cat ownership USA

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