Use your horoscope to pick your animal companion

Use your horoscope to pick your animal companion

by Michael

This is going to be a survey. It will take time but over time we will see if there is a correlation between your astrological sign and the kind of pet (I prefer animal companion) that you either live with or desire.

Please leave a comment telling us:

–Your sign
–Your pet

If no companion animal, what you desire as a companion animal.

For information these are the astrological dates:

–Aries: March 21-April 19
–Taurus: April 20-May 20
–Gemini: May 21-June 20
–Cancer: June 21-July 22
–Leo: July 23-Aug 22
–Virgo: Aug 23-Sept 22
–Libra: Sept 23-Oct 22
–Scorpio: Oct 23-Nov 21
–Sagittarius: Nov 22-Dec 21
–Capricorn Dec 22-Jan 19
–Aquarius: Jan 20-Feb 18
–Pisces: Feb 19-March 20

As for me I am Sagittarius. I like all animals. I like cats more than dogs. I like wildcats. I don’t have a desire to live with any other other companion animal than a cat. Note: I don’t really believe in astrology but there seems to be a genuine correlation between birth date and character.

An astrologer in a magazine says:

–Aries: large mixed breed dog.
–Taurus: Siamese cat, poodle, Chihuahua.
–Gemini: Siamese cat, poodles, Afghan hound, St. Bernards.
–Cancer: Pekinese dog, injured bird, tiny kitten, puppies.
–Leo: exotic cats such as tamed wildcats: ocelot, leopard etc.
–Virgo: lap dog, poodle.
–Libra: little toy poodle or chihuahua
–Scorpio: Bull mastiff, snake, lizard.
–Sagittarius: Greyhound, horse.
–Capricorn: big working dog.
–Aquarius: Falcon, racing pigeon.
–Pisces: exotic fish.


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Use your horoscope to pick your animal companion

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Jan 22, 2012
thanks sylvia NEW
by: leanne

i’m pleased the cheque kerfuffle has been sorted out. ruth and barbara are coming to see us on monday so no doubt there will be photo’s of the cattery put on our page. we’ve been really lucky this year, we’ve had very little snow and not too many frozen up days. been cold plenty though and we’ve had any amount of rain and wind. sorry for your troubles computer and weather wise, hope everything fine soon. thanks again for your support.

Jan 21, 2012
It Finally Arrived! NEW
by: Sylvia Anne

Howdy Leanne —

Ruthie finally got check! Wonder we didn’t all die of advanced senility. Thought for sure the snail-mail had gone astray after three weeks – was having terminal fantods from this end. Have been snowed in all week – just melted last night. My Typhoid Mary computer infected with more viruses than heaven has stars, so is sitting in hospital a few more days.

Don’t feel bad if you smell funny – barnyard aromas are lovely — foofie is dynamite in veggie gatden! If you have space for gardening up there on hill, why not plant some stuff, since you haveaccess to manure? My poor bedraggled veggies are still feeding me – lots of carrots, beets, potatoes, parsnips, rutabagas, etc &c. Computer time running out. Am so thrilled you got a roof, my dear, am leaping through air! Over & out. xxxx

Jan 21, 2012
great stuff NEW
by: leanne

i’m pleased you’ve found time to write a page ed, i’m sure michael will like it enough to put on so don’t worry. looking forward to it.

Jan 21, 2012
Ive done one Leanne NEW
by: Edward

If Michael likes it it will be on.

Jan 21, 2012
Im having a go NEW
by: Edward

Its taking some doing as Im away on the roads working most of the week but Im having a go at writing a page.

Jan 15, 2012
eds writing NEW
by: leanne

meant to say, yes ed i think you should write a page for poc, if your first is anything to go by i’m sure we’d be in for a treat. if your wife is keeping your puntuation right you can’t go wrong. looking forward to reading it.

Jan 15, 2012
orchards in bloom? NEW
by: leanne

thank you sylvia for a lovely comment about how we all smell. i just had to say that after a day mucking out donkeys, pigs, ferrets, as well as cleaning out litter trays and goat pens, i can assure you we smell more of what you’d put on the orchard to help it bloom. there is one thing for sure if goodness has a scent the lovely people on poc smell strongly of it.

Jan 14, 2012
Man Im a peach NEW
by: Edward

Ive never been called a peach before man.
Im glad I didnt enter the story compo cos Im a real softie and if Id got the flak poor Barbara got Id have cried.
All 6 foot of me.
I dont like jealous and nasty people and Im glad they didnt go on the page I got paid for.
I couldnt have written a better story than she did man and Michael chose the right one though I liked most of them hers was the best.
I might write a page for PoC my wife says she will put the commas in.
She says it would give something back to PoC if I did and Michael liked it enough to put on.

Jan 14, 2012
Hi Barbara! NEW
by: Sylvia

You’re an inspiration.

Jan 14, 2012
Hey, Man! NEW
by: Sylvia Ann

A peach is needed to shame the lemons – and that’s where YOU come in! You have fans on this website. Me being one. Here’s something I wrote to a pen-friend:

‘I have a keen nose. Ruth and Barbara smell like mown hay. Leanne and Kevin have the aroma of orchards in bloom. And Ed smells like springtime.’

You’re right. There are too many decent folks on this website to name. They’re all outstanding, including ‘Mrs. M.,’ and that unbelievable donor who’s putting a roof on Kay’s – whoever he or she is.

You’re sure you wouldn’t rescue him? Bet you would! Anyone who reads Jeffers and Beston isn’t THAT bad. Might even go down there myself – after he’d yelled for help for a while, natch.

You mentioned the Reiki swat-fest. His zeal in trottng out ‘quantum mechanics’ to gut-punch Mary – who worked to prepare a thoughtful essay for all of us – was right off the farm.

‘The best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity. [Yeats]

Faith and scientific discovery have beauty and value. But when the Purveyors of Truth turn aggressive, they turn us off to both. Why are they enraged by the thought that truth may reside in everything and nothing, in everyone and no one? They’re so entranced with their sandcastles, they hate the tide.

Your good heart and good nature shine through everything you write. You should have entered the Santa Claws Compo! Your essay was great, by the way (and we loved your bit about the ‘pint’).

Almost forgot: Ethel is a powder-puff girl who sprawls on the keyboard, usually with her plump behind in Momma’s face, purring and hiding the VDT with her plume.

Keep writing, man! 🙂

Jan 13, 2012
PoC pefect balance NEW
by: Angel O

I’m Cancer and like everyone else here on PoC my first love is cats.
But it rings true for me about injured birds and tiny kittens and puppies and pekinese dogs.
I love reading my daily horoscope but only for the fun factor because how can everyone under the same sign have the same fate that day?
It’s one of those things to be taken lightly and there being enough serious stuff going on we all need a bit of fun stuff at times.
Thank you to Michael for the perfect balance here on PoC.

Jan 13, 2012
Use your horoscope NEW
by: Rudolph.A.Furtado

Having been a contributor to “P.O.C” since a few years, i personally feel that this article has generated the maximum reviews and opinions.Fantastic.We all write our opinions to benefit our pet cats and all cats distributing our knowledge for the benefit of other like-minded hobby enthusiasts.People are very superstitious about horoscopes and is a reason for a particular aquarium fish fetching a huge price by Chinese and Indian aquatic enthusiasts.

Jan 13, 2012
I like you Sylvia Ann NEW
by: Edward

This is all above my head man but I get the gist you are sticking up for the good against the bad like all us decent folk do.
I wouldnt lower myself into a pit to rescue nasty folk but I would to get you or any of the other nice folk most of all Leanne.
Its upsetting when folk are nasty without reason to somebody who hasnt ever been nasty to them isnt it man.
I cant fathom out where they come from all of a sudden and knew about the trouble somebody made on the reiki page.
Seems to me somebody put them up to it cos they had nothing better to do with their time.
If you dont mind me asking man who is Ethel.
I came here a few years back to help stop cats toes getting hacked off and I think Michael is the best for what he does.
If I list the good folk I like here it would take too long but Ive got a few days off the road now so I can do some comments after Ive done the mans jobs in the house.
I still cant believe I got paid for writing about cats my wife said man you hide your talent under a bush.

Jan 13, 2012
Kudos to Sylvia Ann NEW
by: That Person Barbara

Sylvia Ann I love your enthusiasm and your kind words, and your summing up of CBF. I hope your ceiling dwelling days of delight never end. Thank you for being so very much on the side of all things cat and all things fair.I wish I lived near enough to dance to your balalaika with you, we’d have a good laugh I’m sure.

Barbara avatar

Jan 12, 2012
Oops – forgot moniker! NEW
by: Sylvia Ann

Thanks to Ethel, can’t see the screen.

Jan 12, 2012
Even shorter than that, Michael! NEW
by: Anonymous

How’s a quotation & a suggestion?

‘Ahem! Michael,I am surprised to hear you advocating for regulation (= censorship) of the Internet.’ [11/8/11]

CBF might like reading Dalrymple’s Internet essay ‘Thank you for not expressing yourself.’ :]

Jan 12, 2012
Please summarise NEW
by: Michael

Thanks for the comment, Sylvia but would you mind summarising what you have said in 5 lines! LOL

Jan 12, 2012
by: Sylvia Ann

PART 1 (there are two parts)

Maybe he is.

‘This site has been really going downhill…’

Though the style of this Comment doesn’t quite fit that of the blogger the readers have in mind. ‘BS’ is a word he’s used before (a dismal choice for a scholar of distinction. Even a sciolist would search his Thesaurus for something more seemly.). But ‘really’ is an intensive adverb used by women hooked on intensives. ‘Really’ goes hand-in-hand with ‘totally,’ ‘absolutely’ and ‘completely.’ When used by a guy, as Michael has used it, ‘totally’ has a literal meaning. When babbled non-stop it’s a verbal buzz-tic along the lines of: ‘y’know,’ ‘I mean,’ and ‘y’know whut I mean?’ For whatever it’s worth, ‘Seasons Greetings to Our Friends and Family,’ an essay from his book Holidays on Ice, is Sidaris lampooning a woman’s style of writing.

The style of this Comment is jeans and tee-shirt. It doesn’t fit with a lace cuffs and powdered peruke style of writing. If it had read: ‘Alas (and eheu)! PoC is indeed in its decline, etc.’ the Troops would have howled with the fun of recognition.

Since CBF’s eyes have been glued to the action, then he or she knows of the Reiki disgrace and Mary’s reception – which fell beyond rustic. As for the Comments BF is waving in Michael’s face, are they copies of the original? Conceivably so, as Michael expunged the originals in question many weeks ago, and BF, ‘recently put on to the site’ is a newcomer. But why would the ‘partner’ take pains to make copies, unless he or she clairvoyantly knew that Michael would erase the ‘troublesome’ originals, copies of which – or so it would seem – BF is flaunting?

A long-shot question: are there no ‘copies’ and no ‘BF?’ Does this diatribe spring from someone else’s memory?

Whoever he is, the partner seems angry that Barbara won, and has passed along the ire to real or spectral BF.

— Whose pushful partisanship of a story was weirdly obtrusive? The story was well written and could have held its own, without his unctuosities.

— Whose ugly labels for Barbara – the ‘paranoid harridan’ – could have helped stave the outcome he had in mind?

— Were other participants angered that Barbara won the contest? There were many hearty congratulations. But were there complaints until the BF – weeks after the contest – pops into view and commences to hurl gobs of wrath at Michael, his website, and his years-long animal rights activists?

Whoever he is, the partner seems angry that Barbara won, and has passed along the ire to real or spectral BF……see next entry!

Jan 12, 2012
by: Sylvia Ann


Though inconsequential, is BF employed, retired, or supported by someone? And during those times of ‘going without,’ is the ‘partner’ content to look on and do nothing to ease BF’s privation? Whatever empowers the latter’s relentless giving of self, isn’t his or her schedule taxing enough to drain away these cataracts of vitriol and energetic interest in matters remote from BF and the partner? Misery spawns hatred. People immersed in acts of kindness bring out the good in themselves and others. They’re not into depression. They don’t skulk through life, sniffing around for imaginary ‘trouble’ and concocting undeserved accusations.

Why be insulted by Comments of this stripe? Their sole appeal is in the impression they leave that BF is a mouthpiece. Projectile diarrhea bespatters everything. In a similar vein, a biochemical itch to smite, the Nietzschean, long-in-the-tooth ‘Will to Power’ spurs depressives into a circular gallop. Another demonstration of matter over mind.

With regard to who penned or incited these Comments, here are two tidbits:

Jan 9, 2012: ‘I shall not be drawn.’

October 15, 2011: ‘I will not be drawn.’

Laughter feels good. Because he has taste, Michael favors neutrality. Yet folks who revel in gaudy prose can find javelins in the Catacombs – more than 40 name-callings, flappings and putdowns – a stockpile of weapons left behind by PoC’s pugilist-blogger, its ‘Codswallop Foe.’

Oh, well…

If he tumbled into a mineshaft, would the PoC-ites rush to his rescue? Would there be a stampede? A worried vigil? Would Ed lower himself into the chasm and bellow ‘Hold on, man! We’re comin’ to fetch you!’ Would Ruth and her sister (the ‘person Barbara’) crawl into the shaft, laden with blankets and a thermos of hot toddy? Go explain.

Jan 11, 2012
by: Sylvia Ann


Jan 11, 2012
Wonderful news cancels out nastiness
by: Ruth

Cancelling out all the nastiness over Barbara’s compo win is some wonderful news today from Kays Hill:

Jan 11, 2012
by: Mrs M

Lover of cats large and small.
As to the cats best friend saga,being of a logical mind I can’t help wondering how or why he or she thinks the compo was rigged.
Michael said from the start although he would take votes into consideration the story had to be good and he had the final say on who won.
2 stories got most votes and the best one was chosen.I reckon because it was well written with a fun element but had the very important serious message about claws.
The theme was after all Santa Claws.
If Michael had wanted Barbara to have £200 he could have handed it over without going to the trouble and unpleasant harrassment he suffered from a bunch of people most of whom had never posted on his web site prior to the compo or since.
That tells me someone put them up to it for that particular page in order to influence the result!
Michael already said he had no idea what the winner would do with her prize.
How anyone can begrudge it feeding hungry cats is beyond my comprehension.That to me is the lowest of the low.
Cats best friend should start his or her own web site for narrow minded people.
No one allowed to comment who likes alternative therapies or horoscopes or anything fun and definately no one who will not roll over and slink away when insulted.
Then we would all be happy!
PoC is after all is said and done Michael’s loved by many website and no one has the right to insult him on it.

Jan 10, 2012
To ‘cats best friend’ Don’t be ridiculous!!
by: Leah England

I admire Michael because of the diversity of his articles. I admire him because just when I think I’ve read an article that couldn’t be bettered I see another that has! I admire Michael’s stamina and I don’t know where he gets his inspiration from! So to think he would jeopardise the integrity of his site by ‘fixing’ a competition is just ridiculous!!

Barbara won fair and square and that’s that.

In terms of signs I’m Aries and while I do like large mixed breed dogs I still like cats better!

Jan 10, 2012
Well said Barbara
by: Jane A

Thankfully trouble makers are in the minority. But it seems like this particular one (or more)is trying to wreck various sites by causing trouble. Then archiving the justified retaliation to cause yet more trouble when they are bored.
With anonymous or made up names to disguise their cowardly selves how pathetic those trolls are.

Michael you do deserve all the support you get!
RESPECT for you!

Jan 10, 2012
Sticks and Stones
by: Barbara

The people who matter, that is the genuine cat loving PoC visitors and contributors know that whoever this anonymous person is he/she is only here to cause trouble. He/she wrecked the Reiki subject,caused a lot of upset on the Compo page and is now doing his/her best to spoil this lighthearted horoscope page.
Well anonymous you can say whatever you like about me, yes I was annoyed by the way you went for me on the compo page, no I don’t care if you were insulted by my remarks, if you come looking for trouble then of course you’re going to get it, what did you expect me to do apologise for entering the compo and withdraw my story because you didn’t like it? I won and I spent the prize on something I really wanted. Get over it.

But when it comes to accusing Michael of fixing the compo that is libelous, you are not permitted by law to accuse someone like this without proof, and you have no justification for making such untrue accusations so maybe it’s as well you remain anonymous or perhaps Michael might decide to pursue this in a court of law where I can assure you there would be standing room only for the number of people wishing to testify as to his integrity.

If you don’t enjoy the topics on Poc can I respectfully suggest you join a troll forum or something similar more suitable to your tastes

Barbara avatar

Jan 10, 2012
You do deserve our support
by: Ruth

Oh but Michael you do deserve it !
Your PoC family know you were unjustly accused and we won’t stand by and ignore that nor will we ignore any other family member being targeted by
unjust or unkind comments.
PoC has done more for education about cats than any other site I know, including explaining the truth about the cruelty of declawing and saving countless cats claws that way.


Kattaddorra signature Ruth

Jan 10, 2012
by: Michael

I just want to say a thank you to the ladies and gentlemen who have defended me! It is humbling. I don’t really deserve it but it is nice.

Many thanks.

Jan 09, 2012
To the childish troll
by: Gemini cat person

The diddums obsessed with excreta words has spat his dummy because he doesn’t like reiki or astrology or anyone who doesn’t agree with him.
He doesn’t like Michael neither now he didn’t choose the story he wanted him to choose a whole month ago.
He and his enlisted cronies think they should be entitled to criticise and badmouth other visitors without retaliation.
What sort of a person has a character like that?
Certainly not the sort anyone here wants to associate with.
If you are not that person then you must be his sidekick.
How childish to archive ‘bad smelling’ articles to make future trouble over.
I don’t know how you find the time when you are so busy with your ‘good works’
No the wonder you remain anonymous.

Jan 09, 2012
by: Ted

Aries cats and dogs.

Cats best friend you are stupid if you think by writing your kett you can bring POC down.
The more you rubbish it the more support Michael will receive.
What’s your grudge against him?
You don’t like Reiki,you don’t like Astrology, you don’t like it that “the person” Barbara won the writing contest.
What do you like?
Oh I do know what you like.You have a great big spoon which you like to use to stir with,not only here but by your own admission archiving when you “smell trouble” other places too.
Well to coin your own phrase I suggest you shove that spoon where your disgusting mind tells you the sun don’t shine.
Better still tell us your name and we’ll form an orderley queue to do it for you.

Jan 09, 2012
Get a life
by: OJ

You archive several sites when you ‘smell trouble’
What trouble?
There was none until you brought it along.
You are in effect saying PoC isn’t the only site you set out to disparage and ruin.
Enough said!
You need to get a life.

On this fantastically interesting article,I’m Capricorn and guess what, I love all cats.

Jan 09, 2012
Your ilk CAUSE trouble
by: Ruth

‘That person’ Barbara is my sister and let me tell you she’s more of a good person that you will ever be anonymous!
You smell trouble and archive it ? Have you nothing better to do ?
PoC has ticked along nicely until the compo was sabotaged by YOU and now you’ve returned to try it again.
YOU and your ilk are the ones who CAUSE trouble and you are not fit to lick the ground where either Barbara or Michael walk.
He didn’t HAVE to generously give a £200 prize, she didn’t generously have to give her prize to help needy cats but that’s what they both do because they are good kind people.
Barbara works in a funeral office, it takes a VERY special person to work with the dead and their bereaved loved ones. She also raises lots of money in her own time for animals and for people’s charities too but she doesn’t blow her own trumpet.
She is HIGHLY loved and respected by many in real life and here on PoC too.
So stop your jealous and disrespecful rantings about her.
You haven’t even got the decency to give your name.

Jan 09, 2012
How low can a person get?
by: Anonymous

I dont see where it said shove it up your A*** hole,if I remember rightly it said shove it where the sun don’t shine…..if YOUR interpretation is a part of the anatomy then that’s up to you.
The way I see it Barbara was goaded beyond endurance by a certain person’s criticism and by his enlistment of backers up to criticise her too as he desperately wanted HIS choice of story to win.
You are obviously to do with the person everyone thinks it was writing the unjust accusation of the fine gentleman Michael.The same spiteful person who ruined Mary’s Reike write up, otherwise why are you here?.
How low to stoop to resent the fact that the best story won and even more disgusting the fact that homeless cats benefited from the prize yet you are still bitching on about it.
I’m not interested in your list of charity stuff,many of us do far more and don’t brag about it,Elisa being one!
Don’t try to bring PoC down to your gutter level because it won’t wash.If you don’t like it here there’s a simple solution

Jan 09, 2012
@ Anonymous
by: Elisa

Lets see….In the past year I’ve rescued 40 cats and 1 dog from death row in Greenville, SC. I’ve worked to rehome several of the cats into forever homes. I’ve written over 300 articles dealing not only with pet health but also abuse and specifically how animal abusers go on to abuse people. I also write on the subject of domestic violence for where I help women get out of abusive relationships. I also write articles on how those women can take their beloved pets with them and different grants that will cover boarding while the woman seeks a safe place to live.

I write for the love of writing and the love of animals. NOT for money. I did make $11 writing for for the month of December.

I write on dog abuse and helping people find lost pets for

I started a support group for those involved in rescue and fostering.

I actively raise funds to provide food for the 30 cats now in my care. Our latest fundraiser provided 3 way vaccines for each cat.

Our rescue is best known for taming ferals and also for taking cats from death row when NO ONE else stepped up for them.

I do all that you do as far as day to day care. The difference in me is I don’t attack a man who gives of his time and money to support rescues. Perhaps you should take a look at the page on PoC that shows where and how much Michael has spent ad revenue to help cats in need.

I also don’t attack a writer here who has written some very worthwhile articles who was kind enough to give her winnings to benefit cats.

People who have nothing better to do with their time than critisize others should really get a life. The only reason I’m taking the time to respond to this assault is I’m bored and have 15 minutes to kill before I get off of work.

Have a nice day anonymous. There are so many out there with your name….

Jan 09, 2012
reply to challenge of Elisa
by: Anonymous

“Why don’t YOU tell us what YOU’VE done to help cats?” @Elisa

What have I done to earn the moniker “Cats’ Best Friend”?

Jeez, Elisa, lemme see:

I volunteer seven days a week at a large rescue and shelter organization. I socialize the recent intake cats, I mop floors, wash laundry for the cats, mix feed, wash litter pans and scrape them down, I meet with prospective adopters, I take photographs, I groom cats, I play with the cats and exercise them, too; and keep vigil when cats are poorly. I also actively raise funds for the cats. And not least, I give generously on behalf of the cats, to the extent that I often go without myself.

Not one person, from the Executive Director on down, is paid. The organization functions because of people like me who volunteer and give their all for cats.

So many of you say that you know me. That would be lovely, but quite impossible: this is only my second post. I was recently put on to the site and have read a lot of the archives. My partner knows the site and called it to my attention. The archives tell the story. You may not read that story the same way I do, and that is what interpretation and analyzing is all for. I think that a resonable person would conclude that the archival record speaks clearly and without equivocating. I stand by all that I have said in this matter. I shall not be drawn.

I wish to remind all of you that someone dared to criticise the story from that person Barbara, and she had a veritable shit fit, telling that woman, essentially, to shove it up their arsehole. Very nice woman. You could look it up. How offensive!

This stuff does not go down the memory hole! Not at all. We independently archive several sites. You could say that we can smell trouble and then archive.

This is my final word on such matters.

Jan 09, 2012
Then why are you reading?
by: Elisa

For someone who thinks the site is going downhill and even mentioned a few of the recent articles all I have to say is this: YOU’RE reading it, whoever you are. Therefore you must be getting something out of the site to keep coming back. You’re helping increase the site ratings by doing this!

As far as the articles go, Michael is very open. We are a very diverse group here. We have Christians, athiests, Moslems, Wiccans, etc. and we all come together here for the love of the cat and we don’t judge each other. Michael is very lenient on the articles and the comments. He believes in free speech. Otherwise your comments would be out in la-la land.

As far as the contest, there’s no way Michael would rig anything. He’s too decent a man to do that. And the winner gave the prize to needy cats. Michael supports cat rescues and cats in need. Why don’t YOU tell us what YOU’VE done to help cats?

Jan 08, 2012
Another Pisces
by: Jane A

I had goldfish when I was a kid but again I love cats most.

As for the cretin who writes about bs and rigged contests and PC going downhill, just take a look at the comments whoever you are.
Remember anonymous posters have no credibility.

You insult Michael and you spitefully cloak the fact that you thought Barbara’s story had no merit.
How pathetic is that!
She won fair and square so get over it!
Some of us are open minded about reiki and astrology.
Try being open minded yourself then you might make a few friends.

Jan 08, 2012
Pisces loves ’em all
by: Alex Hamilton

Yes, there are 4 tanks of exotic fish in my house, as well as 7 cats, 3 dogs, and formerly, dwarf hamsters. It’s very easy to love them all, as they are all different, and relate to humans differently.

Jan 08, 2012
by: Dee

I love astrology. Thanks, Michael, for such a unique and fun posting.
I am Aries. Although I, too, love all animals, my preference is cats.
I choose not to respond to poisonous people (Cats’ Best Friend). To allow them to fuel emotion only gives them power.

Jan 08, 2012
by: leanne

kevin is a gemini too and loves st. bernards, he had one,Grant, for years, we both have both cats and dogs, i’m not sure of the scientific merit of astrology but its a bit of fun and i don’t think it actually hurts anyone so there really is no need for anyone to get so wound up over something that people usually take lightly and as for accusing people of rigging the comp, that again was supposed to be taken lightly, its all a bit sad that anyone has nothing better to do with their time and energy. as one of the recipients of babz generosity you might say that of course i’d stick up for her story, i enjoyed the story personally and thought it had a good message so wether we gained from her win or not, i’m pleased she won, anyway its all over with now so time to move on i think. good and interesting article michael.

Jan 08, 2012
by: Bert T

Getting the unpleasant person out of the way first.Not only did he drive the writer of the Reiki article away he tried to blacken Barbara’s story and sway the votes.
He continuously quoted other visitors comments and pulled them to bits.
Still not satisfied he unfoundedly accuses Michael of bias and unfairness.
What a troll this man must be to sit at his computer with the sole intent of causing trouble.

On a lighter note I’m Libra but no toy poodles or chuhuahuas, for me it’s cats first last and in the middle.

Jan 08, 2012
Nasty person
by: Edward

Im aquarius and yes I do love pigeons so theres a score but I love cats best of all.
I think most people come who here love cats best cos its the best site on the internet for us to come.
I dont lose my temper much but I could with the person who accused Michael of cheating and why he would cheat on his own site is stupid.
Barbaras story was best and it was about claws and thats what it was supposed to be.
He chose the best story even though some people tried to stop him cos they liked another one best.
He said at the start he was the judge so good on him as he was a good judge and its a cheek to come on here and say bad things about him.
Im no scholar but I know when rights right and that nasty person is wrong.

Jan 08, 2012
Hour horoscope and your pet
by: Rudolph.A.Furtado

Thanks for some innovating comparisons between human superstition and pet ownership. I am a “Piscean” and was very unsuccessful at rearing fishes as a hobby during my childhood years, totally giving up the hobby by age of approx 12 or 13 years.Could be i was too young and immature to take good care of an aquarium, using rudimentary skills of the 1970’s era in maintaining my aquarium gifted to me by my paternal uncle.That was the first and last time that i tried breeding aquarium fish. Bizarrely, today i am a better swimmer than the average fish, a real human fish in swimming pool water, a ironic twist to my star sign of the “Fish”.Having owned numerous pets since childhood, have been most successful in almost all pets barring my “Star Sign” , the fish!My present pets, mittoo the talking parakeet and Persian cats matahari and matata need little introduction on the internet.But honestly, i find it bizarre that i have been totally unsuccessful in rearing my star sign pet, the fish.Michael thanks for raising a very superstitious but definitely a very relevant topic as we all humans are definitely engrossed with our “Star signs” and the fortunes that unfold.

Jan 08, 2012
Taurus the Bull
by: Barbara

As the winner of the Christmas compo I am shocked and upset at the untrue accusations made about Michael’s integrity, he would never stoop so low as to pre-arrange a winner, and why would he choose me under those circumstances anyway, we do not know each other other than through PoC there would be no advantage in corrupting a fun competition in that way for either of us. I also find the comments about myself “no matter the other merits, if any, of the pre-determined winner” nasty in the extreme, whoever you are (and I think we can all have an educated guess at that)you’re going to have to come to terms with the facts that A)Your choice didn’t win despite your repeated and underhand campaigning B)I DID win so the judge of the compo obviously thought my story was best C) It’s done, over, it’s history, it was last year so get over it and move on!
On the subject of this article which is a bit of fun, my star sign is Taurus, I love cats of any breed but wouldn’t put siamese as my first choice by any means, I’d far rather have a moggie or three, I like dogs but would choose a collie or a GSD over a smaller breed.

Thank you Michael for finding something a bit different for us, it’s a wonder you don’t get fed up of the nastiness that this person keeps bringing to PoC!

Barbara avatar

Jan 08, 2012
Great article!
by: Maggie

To ‘Cats’ Best Friend’ (seriously, you could have chosen a better name, considering how you’re attacking a cat-related website.), I disagree with what you say. And I like that Michael is exploring different areas, rather than focussing on specific things. Wouldn’t the site be so boring if everything was constantly the same? And remember, what you like and dislike, is not what everyone else likes and dislikes. Many people would be interested in this article, despite the fact that you’re not!

Personally, I like this article! I’m a Capricorn, and I’m not much of a small dog person, I love large working breeds, that are full of energy and character. While I love cats, dogs are a huge part of me, too!

Jan 08, 2012
by: Rose

Aquarius and I have both rescue cats and dogs.

To the spiteful person insinuating Michael rigged the Santa Compo,we don’t need 3 guesses to know who you are.
You have criticised anyone who doesn’t agree with you ever since you unfortunately came to PoC.
I’ve got news for you,far from going downhill this web site is becoming more popular.

What a nasty lonely person you must be!

Jan 08, 2012
My star sign
by: Ruth

What a good article Michael, always something different on PoC !
My star sign is Cancer and I’m a typical crab who will fight to the death if anyone threatens my family and pets and our home.
Although I love all animals I love cats most of all and have had them in my working life, voluntary life and home, all my adult life.

As for Cats best friend comment, the compo was NOT rigged, you are insulting Michael by your accusation. He is the most honest and fair gentleman I know ! You are also insulting the very literary talented winner.
The best story won, it was as simple as that.
So, it wasn’t the one you chose but there is no need for sour grapes. The lack of congratulations from those who didn’t agree was duly noticed !
By the look of your comment you have bitterly simmered for a month now even though the very surprised winner generously gave her prize to needy cats. I know for a fact if your choice had won she would have been one of the first to congratulate her.
Far from going downhill PoC is on the up and up and Michael’s interesting articles and his generosity will ensure it keeps on doing so.
Reiki and astrology are believed in by many people.
Bitterness only hurts one person…….YOU!

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

ps I never hide behind a false name !!!!

Jan 08, 2012
by: Michael

I will leave the last comment on the page as an example of a very poor comment. It is also insulting to me as I make a big effort to be totally fair at all times.

I chose the winner of the Christmas competition on merit. I said that before and I am saying it again. It was not rigged. How dare you say that?

Secondly, some people believe in astrology. In fact a lot of people believe in it.

This site is for all people not just a small minority. I deliberately keep it balanced between the heavier and more serious and the lighter and more frivolous.

Michael (Admin)

Jan 07, 2012
POC devolving into credulous bs again
by: Cats’ best friend

POC devolving into credulous bs again.

Recently it was Reiki; now it is astrology.

This site has really been going downhill, and the recent rigged “contest” did not help, no matter the other merits, if any, of the pre-determined winner.

Jan 07, 2012
i dont think so
by: Anonymous

My astrological sign is scorpio, and i am a total cat person. Snakes and lizards give me the willies. I dont think this method is true….

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