Valentines cat punching event

Have you see this? It is not surprising to me but it still sickens me to the bone. It is what I call the dark, nasty underbelly of life which sometimes leaks to the surface through Facebook and other social media sites.

Valentines day cat punching event

Warning: unless you have a strong stomach don’t click on the link below which takes you to the Facebook page where maniacs appear to have formed a club where they relish abusing domestic cats by punching them. They also appear to set fire to cats. Setting fire to cats is not an uncommon method of cat abuse.

“No need to PANIC ! Cinders is alive and well, and will be fit for next weeks video shoot and display. Don’t forget your cameras.” (Cinders – a sick name because the cat was deliberately burned. The picture is under the sicko comment).

This page should be deleted immediately by Facebook and the police should be investigating and arrests made under animal cruelty laws in the USA. Fat chance of that happening.

Facebook may eventually delete the page and ban the participants but….at best they are horrendously slow and at worst they turn a blind eye to it. Facebook probably can’t control their own website because it is too large. Today the Archbishop of Canterbury is complaining about antisemitic rants or nasty innuendo-laden photos on Facebook, which are not deleted. Facebook are not doing a good enough job at policing their website.

It is small wonder that I gradually become more and more fed up with the world. This ‘club’ is an example of what is wrong. Let’s not kid ourselves. This is the tip of the iceberg.

Elisa tells me there is a petition going around to have the page deleted. Good, but it won’t stop these sick, ignorant people hurting cats.

Valentines cat punching event.

24 thoughts on “Valentines cat punching event”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. It appears that as of now, this sickening animal abuse page has been disabled. Many thanks to the Mats for Cats community for launching the final wave of FB bombardment with complaints on the site, which I believe led to its removal earlier this evening.

  3. I did a dog article last week where a dog was starved in a crate and I refused to post a photo. People don’t want to go to their Facebook page and have the abuse staring right at them. I can’t do crush articles either. I do have my limits.

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