Various Ways to Protest Against the Declawing of Cats
by Michael
(London, UK)
I would like briefly to open a discussion on the various ways that we can protest against the declawing of cats.
We are currently tackling this form of cat abuse through:
- Numerous articles on various websites including PoC. There are currently (at December 2010) 136 articles and almost 3000 comments on PoC about declawing. This is great work and I owe a massive debt of gratitude to the regular contributors for this. These web pages have various functions. They educate (cat owners) and criticise (vets) primarily but also provide a forum for general discussions.
- Protest march. This is a complete change to writing articles. This will take place on 17th July 2011 in St. Louis. There may be more. I hope so.
- Writing to legislators to change the law – this concerned the city declawing bans in California at the end of 2009 – this article lists the eight cities (see comments).
Are there any other avenues for protest that we can take to try and change the present unacceptable situation?
I am not sure what is and what is not acceptable and effective. But here are some suggestions:
- Write to individual veterinary clinics addressed to the senior vet or manager and politely enquire why they declaw cats in contravention of their oath and the fundamental principles of their profession. This tactic is designed to embarrass and to put the problem in front of the perpetrators. People become complacent and forget what they are doing.
- For the more courageous of us, telephone vets who declaw and ask questions. I have tried this once. The surgery manager I spoke to hung up after about a minute! But if thousands of us did something like this it might rattle the vets and make them sit up and think. And I believe there are sufficient troops out there to make an impact.
- Protests on the ground can be very small and modest and yet be effective. Lets say two people walked down to their local vet and asked questions at the reception about declawing. Job done – the vets business is politely disturbed for a short time but the statement has been made. Or a mini-demonstration can take place outside individual vets. I know this is a difficult thing to get ones mind around but if a small group of people protested outside a veterinary clinic for a couple of hours that would have an impact. If that could be magnified a thousand times over the course of one month it would be news. What I am saying we don’t have to wait until next July 2011 to start protesting
- Create car bumper stickers, which are an Americanism (as far as I can tell) that has a slogan on it protesting against declawing. This may take on a viral nature and gradually spread. Someone has set up a CafePress store selling them by the way (this is in the UK but other outlets will make them up I am sure).
- Write to the local city legislatures asking if they are considering banning declawing and whether they are prepared to follow in the footsteps of the eight Californian cities enlightened enough to do it. Why do city bans only have to be in California? There are hundreds of thousands of cities in the USA. Surely one would consider a declaw ban.
These are just some examples. Can you think of any others ideas to disturb the status quo?
I think that we need to explore other routes to protest. Many hundreds of thousands of people in the United States hate the declawing of cats and want change. If every one of them spent just a hour or so taking action in one of the above ways it might make a difference.
From Various Ways to Protest Against the Declawing of Cats to Declawing Cats