Veganpet, the cruelty-free cat and dog food!

Veganpet, the cruelty-free cat and dog food!

by Maggie
(Tasmania, Australia)

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Veganpet logo

Veganpet is a brand of which supplies cat and dog food and shampoo. It is a product which is only for sale online, and can only be purchased within Australia and New Zealand.

When people are first exposed to the concept of vegan pet food, their initial reaction is often, how can you give a carnivorous animal food which does not contain meat? According to the website it is a completely healthy substitute, and no animals must face a horrific and unnecessary death for it.

According to the website, vegan pet is:

  • "A natural product with the exception of synthetically produced taurine, niacin and some vitamins. This food contains no artificial colours or preservatives.
  • All raw ingredients used in this food are of human grade quality and where possible ORGANIC.
  • This food contains no wheat for allergy sufferers.
  • DHA-Aa +EPA: The actual long chain tare/acids Docosahexanoic acid, Arachadonic Acid & Elcosapentonoic Acid are added to both cat and dog food.
  • Extra Taurine & L Carnitine in both cat and dog food."

Veganpet has been scientifically proven that it is capable of maintaining good health of cats and dogs, and it has been approved by vets.

I have tried a dry food sample with my two cats, and my dog. Chilli, my Abyssinian, is willing to fight for the stuff, he loves it! As does my dog, Tessie. But my tabby cat, Mae, will not touch it at this stage. But I assume a slow introduction and a gradual transition would be enough to make her love it.

If you would like to sample some Veganpet food, contact Sandy on the 'Contact & Suppliers' page on their website. I know she will send a free sample to those in Australia, but I'm not sure about internationally.

If you would like to learn more about the product visit the website.

Veganpet is also a very great way to fight animal cruelty!


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Veganpet, the cruelty-free cat and dog food!

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Jan 03, 2011 Cats Are Obligate Carnivores
by: Kathleen

Sorry, but I cannot get behind the idea of feeding a vegan diet to cats or dogs- PARTICULARLY cats. Dogs evolved as omnivores, but cats are obligate carnivores and evolved to subsist pretty much exclusively on meat. While I admire humans who choose a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle for themselves, I do NOT agree with forcing this lifestyle on animals that were not designed this way and who depend upon us utterly for their health and well being. Feeding meat to your cat does not mean you have to feed toxic commercial food made from euthanized shelter animals, nor factory farmed animals. Get free range, get organic, cook it at home yourself (and add the necessary supplements such as taurine), do whatever makes you feel better about it, but feed your cat meat. It's how nature designed them, and we do not know better than nature. Sorry.

Jan 02, 2011 Yes I found it interesting too
by: Ruth

I've often been asked how we can be veggie in our house yet buy meat for our cats and I've always replied that we have no right to force our cats to give up the diet they need to stay healthy.
We chose to go veggie, they don't have the choice.
I wouldn't change the diet of our 2 boyz we have now even if it was available here as they are very healthy happy 9 year olds, but I have looked at the veganpet site and it does look good and veterinary approved.
It opens up a whole new concept !

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

Jan 01, 2011 Very Interesting
by: Michael

Hi Maggie...Hope you have a successful New Year and that is brings what you are looking for.

I find this product interesting. I guess that in terms of actual nutrition it replicates good conventional cat food which in turn is based on the wild cat diet - prey. Rather than manufacture this from animals it is made from non-animal sources.

I see no problem with that and as it avoids all the problems that come with manufacturing cat food from animals (e.g. rendered euthanised feral cats?!) it is a blessing.

It seems that this is not vegetarian cat food but proper, protein rich, cat food made from non-animal sources - there is a difference.

Thanks for posting.

Michael Avatar

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