Verizon worker who rescued a cat from a power pole has been suspended for 15 days

“Maurice will forgo 3 weeks pay for simply being a human being looking to help one of our 4 legged friends.” – Keith Morales (a friend of Maurice, the man who rescued the cat)

Update: the fund raiser has raised $5,705 of $4,650 goal at 24th March and climbing (total: $7,210). This reflects the feelings of people towards this guy. They are very supportive of him.

The Verizon worker who made the headlines last week for rescuing a cat in a Port Richmond, Pennsylvania neighbor has been suspended for 15 days for his act of kindness.

#verizon employee saved cat
Momma the cat (Twitter Amanda Boyce)

The cat had been suck on top of a power pole for about 12 hours. The owner had contacted the fire department, animal rescues and the telephone company with no success.

It was then Maurice German, who was working in the neighborhood, was asked by a resident to help rescue ‘Momma’ the cat. Maurice used his boom lift to reach the cat as the rescue was videoed and later went viral. No one was harmed during the rescue.

Being suspended for 15 days means Maurice will go without three weeks of pay. In an interview with CBS Philly, Verizon spokesperson Rich Young stated

“We take no joy in this job action. However, we’re committed and responsible for keeping our employees and customers safe while working in a particular area. Unfortunately, while this employee’s goal was admirable, he potentially put his life and those around him in jeopardy. While our actions may not be popular, it’s in the best interest of our employees and the communities we serve.”

Young did state Verizon is making a donation to the Pennsylvania SPCA in Fishton to support their rescue efforts. Meanwhile, Maurice has some good friends at work who have started a GoFundMe webpage to raise money to make up for the loss of income. His co-worker, Keith Morales, is in charge of the fundraiser.

More than $3,600 has been raised in the first day or so of word getting around. A second fundraiser is also set up (I didn’t find a link for it).

#verizon workers
Maurice (2nd from left) and co-workers (GoFundMe)

Amanda Boyce of Port Richmond said a neighbor attempted to rescue Momma between 12:30 am to 1:30 am Saturday morning. The community is outraged at the treatment but Verizon said field technicians must follow procedure and by rescuing a cat with company equipment he violated procedure.

Despite calls to Verison where Maurice was praised as a hero, he remains under suspension.

10 thoughts on “Verizon worker who rescued a cat from a power pole has been suspended for 15 days”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. WOW!! VERIZON couldn’t have been any more disappointing and pathetic. Rather than give Maurice the pat on the back he deserves for being a humanitarian and being proud of his actions, they screw him out of 3 weeks pay??? MORONS. Maybe it’s their policies that need to change!!!

  3. Wow! What a cool guy Maurice German is. Meanwhile, Verizon, you are not cool. Whatever your policy, suspending this man is an extremely uncalled for measure. This human being was able to use the sum of his conscious brain (intellect + emotions) to arrive at a personal decision. He is obviously an experienced worker and a professional at what he does. I doubt that anyone was “endangered” during this rescue.

    Good news that a Go Fund Me account has been established to help Maurice recoup the lost wages. He is well liked and respected by his coworkers. I will continue to see Maurice German as a hero. Kindness is an ultimate act of heroism. 😠☯️☮️💜💜🗝️

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