Vestibular Disease Causing Ataxia in Cats: MISDIAGNOSED BY VETS

I believe this syndrome (vestibular disease) is so poorly diagnosed that I really feel the need to educate. I am amazed at how many vets don’t know and misdiagnose this.

My first experience with this was with my very old dog. It emulates a stroke and so many people put their pets down because of that.

It, particularly, targets cats and dogs over 12 years of age. It is not a stroke but a vestibular condition that causes ataxia, nausea and sometimes vomiting, and fear (for animal and caretaker).

Even without any treatment (vets give antibiotics just for the heck of it). It will resolve in about 2 weeks. But, a head tilt will persist for life. It may even recur.

I have 2 cats right now that suffered from this. They are fine, but the head tilt is evident.

Cat head tilt - vestibular disorder disease. This is a photo of Flynn a one-time stray cat. Photo by the author of the <a href="" target="_blank"></a> website
Cat head tilt – vestibular disorder disease. This is a photo of Flynn a one-time stray cat. Photo by the author of the website

I met a man about a year ago going into Banfield Animal Animal Clinic for a follow-up visit for his dog. It was evident to me that the dog had vestibular ataxia, and the human said he had never heard of it and that the vet was treating him for a possible inner ear infection. I was dumbfounded.

I want to beg cat humans not to be quick to put their cats down because they think they have had a steak. This is not spinal related or “wobbly kitten syndrome”. My dog lived 5 years beyond this and my 2 cats are thriving after 3 and 4 years.

Note: I don’t know the author of this post.

Additional stuff from Michael. This is a page on vestibular disorder:

And this is a page on ataxia (a lack of coordination):

I, myself, have suffered from vestibular disorder. I’m sure that many people have had this condition. In my case it was caused by a bacterial infection in my sinuses (which had been caused by a cold) and the infection spread to my inner ear where there is the vestibular system, which is used for balance.

It was very disconcerting for me because it made me feel very sick and that feeling made me feel ill and worried. It is useful to me to have suffered this condition for a short time (it only lasted about 4 hours) because it made me understand how uncomfortable it is. It does, as Dee states, cause a sense of fear and anxiety in the sufferer. People should be aware of it because, as we know, it is difficult for us to understand how a cat is feeling when ill.

I presume the continuing head tilt is because the cat’s orientation is messed up. I wonder whether the cat continues to feel some discomfort or anxiety because of it. Can cat vestibular disorder cause inappropriate elimination sometimes?

Additional external reference:

Vestibular disease in cats (opens new tab or window)

A Winn Foundation info. sheet on vestibular disease:

Cat vestibular disease

25 thoughts on “Vestibular Disease Causing Ataxia in Cats: MISDIAGNOSED BY VETS”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. Yeh I was scared too and asked my vet about it. But this is such a small amount given in the ear not in the tube- so I think he will be ok until the infection resolves. Who knows what med will be prescribed based on the culture- the results we expect in a few days. It may be totally something different than baytril mixed with octic.

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