Vet Says That His Cats and Dog Teach Him to Live in the Moment (Video)

Vet Evan Antin and his best friend
Vet Evan Antin and his best friend, Willy.

This is a super little video. Very warm and charming. I’d expect female visitors to particularly like this video because he is a bit of beafcake. He mentions a life lesson at the end of the video. His name is Evan Antin. He’s ambitious and as such he thinks about the future and I guess goals and how to attain them. His cats and his dog stay in the present and he takes time out to join them in that oh so pleasing moment.

Living in the present and putting aside one’s worries and anxieties is very important in modern life which is prone to drive us to anxiety. Domestic cats in particular slow us down and encourage us to focus on them when they sit on our lap or rest next to us. Whenever your cat comes to you for a bit of TLC and a lap session, I’d give in and go with it. There are real health benefits.

3 thoughts on “Vet Says That His Cats and Dog Teach Him to Live in the Moment (Video)”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. Glad you liked it. I like the relaxed attitude of the vet and his content and loved cats and dog.

  3. That was lovely! His pets are correct.

    What’s really funny is the similarities between rescued Russian Blues. Both Damien and my Cleo have the EXACT same outlook: Let’s get into everything and scratch whatever it takes to get the human’s attention. It always works.

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