Veterinarian Resigns from AVMA over Declawing

Karel Cornohan DVM has resigned from the AVMA because this toothless, unethical association does not take a positive stand against declawing. In my words, they have fudged the matter. They have been shilly-shallying over declawing for a long time. They just can’t bring themselves to declare in unambiguous terms that the declawing of cats is cruel and that it should be banned throughout the United States of America.

Karel wrote a brilliant resignation letter to the AVMA which is published below. It needs to be published on as many websites as possible as it hits the nail on the head. It was originally published on the Facebook page of The Paw Project (a wonderful organisation) as far as I can tell.

Here is the letter:

Jan 29, 2018

American Veterinary Medical Association

Dear Colleagues,

I am writing this letter to explain why I can no longer be a member of the AVMA…

It is time to take a stronger stand against the inhumane and cruel declawing of cats in the United States. As evidence of long-term consequences of an onychectomy becomes more widely known, many veterinarians are choosing not to declaw. However, I stand with Britain, Australia and most European nations who have outlawed declawing. I believe that the United States must join these nations and institute a nation-wide declawing ban.

The AVMA’s current position does not call for its members to eliminate this procedure nor does it state any plan to phase it out. This is unacceptable to me. As leaders and representatives of our profession, I implore you to take a strong stand against this cruel and unnecessary mutilation and begin the process to eliminate declawing in the United States.

Until such time the AVMA comes out strongly against declawing, I cannot in good conscience maintain membership.


Karel Carnohan, DVM

2 thoughts on “Veterinarian Resigns from AVMA over Declawing”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. Posted on my page in FB. Congratulations to the vet! Now if only the majority of vets in the USA followed suit, the AVMA wouldn’t have much choice than to ban this barbaric practice. You go doc!

  3. They will not take a stand because they are afraid of losing money from declawing. This is a very bold move on her part. She may be incurring the wrath of the unethical greedy money hungry fellow vets who declaw. Shared this.

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