Vets Profiting From Ban on Declawing in Los Angeles

by Donna Mankenta
(Eagle Rock, CA)

Kudos to the groups that brought pressure on the Los Angeles and Burbank City Councils to enact bans on declawing!

It’s interesting to note the clinics in surrounding areas are “picking up the slack” and performing more declaws than ever. It seems as though one result of the bans has been for owners to seek declaw from more than eager clinics in non-ban jurisdictions.

I found six of them that are pushing declaws aggressively, some even offering referral fees. One of them, Animal Specialty Group in Glendale even states that with laser surgery and suitable pain management almost all cats will live normal, pain-free, and well-adjusted lives post surgery! Here is a link to their site promoting the procedure and spreading horrible misinformation: Animal Specialty Group

We must together bring attention to these outrageous profiteers and encourage local pet owners to no longer patronize these scumbags.


Hi Donna thanks for taking the time to update us. I hope you don’t mind but I changed to title to focus on the subject matter of the story a bit more accurately.

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Vets Profiting From Ban on Declawing in Los Angeles to Declawing cats

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Vets Profiting From Ban on Declawing in Los Angeles

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Apr 10, 2012 Get a job NEW
by: Anonymous

I will tell you what to do, get a life and a job,,,You morons and wackos. Do you have nothing to do in your marginal lives but sitting and blogging about what to do with clinics that declaw cats, you freaks?

I am a father of two babies and I will declaw my kitten soon so it won’t harm my kids. Either that or throwing her in the shelter. What do ya think ya air heads?

Jun 14, 2010 What to do
by: Tracey (England)

Well I dunno about you guys but I’m happy to call that number every day for a as long as it takes to get the message across.

I’m more than happy to harrass them so much they won’t have time for de-clawing.

Anyone want to join me?

Whats the time difference?

Jun 14, 2010 What to do ?
by: Ruth

Any ideas what we can do for the best ? Do we contact the AVMA ? I’m a bit confused what would be best.

Jun 13, 2010 Who Enforces the Bans?
by: Lorelei Kathleen

What entity in Los Angeles is responsible for enforcing the ban on declawing? Let’s make that entity aware of this Animal Specialty Group. A law that’s not enforced does no good at all!

Mar 31, 2010 I agree
by: kathy

I agree these vets should be penalized or like everyone said they should be boycotted. Having worked in a vets office and having seen this cruel practice first hand it makes me sick to even think about any cat having to go through this horrible procedure.

Mar 31, 2010 How can we help ?
by: Jane A

Hi Donna,can we do anything from the UK to help?

Mar 31, 2010 Boycot them
by: Babz

They should be reported and boycotted, how disgusting to advertise their services in amputating toe ends! And how misleading to call it “removal of an animal’s front toenails”
It needs to be totally banned to stop these pimps cashing in on owners cruel laziness in opting to amputate the toes rather than give their cats a scratching post. I have no patience at all with this because I cannot understand the mentality of someone opting to have this done to their cat or of a vet for wanting to do it.

Barbara avatar

Mar 31, 2010 Those vets should be struck off !
by: Ruth

This is terrible Donna ! Good for you for reporting those scumbags,they should be struck off !
Surely even the AVMA can’t turn a blind eye to this blatant encouragment by corrupt vets to people to have their cats mutilated !
Declawing needs to be banned in the entire USA.
UK anti declaw troops will do their best to spread the word about this.

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

Mar 30, 2010 Animal Specialty Group is Violating the ban!
by: Donna

I contacted Animal Specialty Group and they DO offer declawing and will perform the procedure today! Their telephone number is 818 244-7977.

They must be in an unincorporated area of town or maybe they just don’t care. I will report them that they are offering this procedure in violation of the ban.

They probably need to pay for the fancy laser declaw machine that Dr. Wenleburg, their CEO says doesn’t hurt and results in perfectly healthy cats post-surgery. Barbarians!

Mar 30, 2010 Animal Specialty Group
by: Anonymous

Animal Specialty Group is in Los Angeles (near, but not in, Glendale)where declawing is illegal.

Mar 30, 2010 BOYCOTT vets that DE-BONE!
by: Susan

This news makes me furious to hear vets are getting referral fees to butcher cats skeletons, making extra money to commit an act of cruelty against them. De-boning cats is IMMORAL.

Recently there was a California vet that blogged about de-boning, stating cats don’t use their end digit for walking so robbing them of their knucklebone wont alter their gait. This is blatantly & fraudulently lying about the mobility of the entire digitigrade species – we can’t let them get away with this!

I agree, Donna, we must BOYCOTT vets that DE-BONE cats – and TELL THEM why we aren’t patronizing them, so they clearly know. I, for one, do not want the same hands that sever off animals healthy body parts to touch or care for my animals.

WAKE-UP AMERICANS – many vets are in it for the MONEY and not for the welfare of the animal! De-boning cats is a prime example of this corruption.


2 thoughts on “Vets Profiting From Ban on Declawing in Los Angeles”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. Anonymous – you who bragged you are the father of 2 babies – have you now had your poor kitten declawed by some corrupt money-grabbing excuse for a vet? You should act like a PROPER parent and supervise your kids around the kitten, (a responsible parent – admittedly that dosen’t sound like you), would not leave a young child alone with ANY animal, and will teach them how to treat a pet. Why the heck did your partner give you the time of day, let alone have kids with you? As to telling people on here to get a job, are you also suggesting you are psychic and know everyone’s employment status?

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