Video goes viral of pastor carrying soaked kitten through the rain in Jacksonville, NC

Mathew Drake and kitten
Matthew Drake and kitten – screenshot from video

A video of Matthew Drake, a North Carolina pastor at Richlands United Pentecostal Church has gone viral. It was posted on the Twitter account of CBS News correspondent Adriana Diaz last Friday.

With two other members of churches, one his own, he set out to check on homes to see if they needed help. They found two cats and two dogs to rescue.

They got the dogs off a porch to an empty home which was surrounded by water and brought them to dry land on a boat, then went back for a cat at another home. Mathew and another guy go around the back of a building and come back with a cat each. They took them to the boat and thence to dry land. The video shows Matthew with the soaked-to-the-skin bicolor cat who is described as a kitten – a young cat is probably more accurate.

2 thoughts on “Video goes viral of pastor carrying soaked kitten through the rain in Jacksonville, NC”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. I get the impression – perhaps a false impression – that lots of animals were left behind. If this is true it is sad. Alley Cat Allies made it clear that pet owners must take their cats and dogs with them. And there was plenty of warning. It surprises me.

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