This is a nice video of an interview with the lady who leads the battle against the declawing of cats in the USA. The image quality is poor but you don’t need great image quality. The words are all you need. They are revealing and all cat owners should see this video but very few have.
Dr Conrad has an insight into the problems. When I listened to it, four things stuck in my mind:
- Many vets mislead clients as to what declawing entails and
- Many clients regret that they declawed their cat when they find out what they have done.
- Twice and many declawed cats are relinquished than non-declawed cats.
- One vet said that Dr Conrad could not be a vet because she fought against declawing. He justified declawing by saying a cat’s claw could poke a child’s eye out! Yes, but how many eyes have been poked out by a cat’s claw and whose fault would it be anyway? He is the one who does not sound like a vet. He sounds like an idiot.
It’s abundantly obvious that the de-clawing Vets put $$$ before anything else. They know very well that it is a nasty thing to do and causes suffering , but the $$$ rule.
I have sawn-off tree trunks in my house which the cats use instead of the furniture, and they don’t look too bad either. A touch of nature.
Ahhh….Ruth, such a beautiful comment that is so in tune with nature, cats and decent behavior. You’re a good woman.
Cats do get a lot from scratching a tree. It is an integral part of their life and heritage.
Pleased you liked the 2 brain cells phrase. I absolutely agree with you when you state that the pro-declaw vets sound more stupid than the anti-declaw vets. This may be an important factor in getting rid of the blight on the American pet ownership landscape.
When a person is less intelligent they are more likely to be a lemming – follow the mass. Enlightened thinking requires more intelligence and more courage. It will take enlightened thinking and courage for vets to voluntarily stop declawing in the USA.