From Ahsan in Pakistan:
Hi Michael, hope you are in good health, here is a short video of LAILA the rescued, 3 week old feral kitten girl who is now 10 weeks old, socialized and in my study room. We will never let her become wild Michael.
Personally, I love to watch these videos of a Pakistani feral cat who has been saved and socialised and who is now living a nice life with a tender, loving man and his daughter who care for her. Ahsan and his daughter are true cat guardians.
It is great to see the other half of the cat world. The cat world is not just Europe and America. 99% of cat videos and information comes from America but there are about 90 million domestic cats in America and a similar number of feral cats. That is about one third of the estimated world population of cats so we owe it to the cat to see the other two thirds and to celebrate these cats together with the good deeds of cat lovers who save them and the loving care that keeps them safe and happy.
Cats don’t fear death like humans. It is part of life.
I do not like this nature of cats or kittens that they persist for something i.e. Every kind of best food or drink is put in front of them but they do not eat. They rather better wanna die with dehydration 🙁
She made herself dehydrated and then I had to release her in garden so maybe she could eat any plant or maybe she wanted her FERAL freedom back 🙁 She was 10 weeks old (My Estimate)
Dee, that is what I read about too and I’d love to know more like you. I’d love to know what is behind it. It may be just be nature’s way. The vets aren’t sure themselves.
She was not eating something, even not drinking, even not any vomit, no worms in feces, just sleeping a lot 🙁
Ahsan, I wish you had described the new white kitten’s problem. Someone may have been able to help.
But, there are some kittens that just fail to thrive. I have had several that I forced fed by syringe and did everything I could, but they still didn’t survive.
So sad.