Vincent and Torti to be rehomed at a sanctuary

Vincent and his close friend Torti are to be rehomed together at a very large animal sanctuary that is under construction and which will be managed by Humane Society of Louisiana. It will be Louisiana’s largest no-kill facility. The cats will be adopted by the sanctuary probably early next week. I presume some facilities are already in place. The sanctuary will be a permanent home for Vincent and Torti.

Vincent and Torti rescue cats

For visitors who don’t know Vincent, Ruth reported on him a long time ago as a cat that was pretty well untouchable partly at least because he had been declawed. He looked mean and unhappy (see photo bottom-right in collage above). At the time he was at a cat rescue center called Zeus’ Place that is located is New Orleans (LA 70115). He is still there and will be transferred out. While at Zeus’ Place he has been well treated spending some time at the shelter director’s (Michelle) home . You can see pictures of him there, in the collage.

The Human Society’s new sanctuary is on a grand scale. The site is 47 acres. Their original shelter/sanctuary was destroyed in Hurricane Katrina. As I understand it, semi-permanent facilities were built afterward at Tylertown, Mississippi, and they now have the opportunity to return to Louisiana and create something special.

It will be called Enoch J. Donaldson Animal Sanctuary. It is based in an area called Mt. Hermon (Hwy. 1055 near the intersection with Hwy. 438 on the east side of Mt. Hermon).

This is the good news. I would like to thank Jo SInger for constantly updating me on the saga of rehoming Vincent and his partner Torti. Despite the best efforts of Jo and the shelter staff there were at least two aborted private adoptions. These would have placed Vincent and Torti in a person’s home. This would have been preferable. However, it was not to be. I am little bit sad about that but nothing should be taken away from the efforts of people involved in caring and fighting for these apparently unwanted cats.

Vincent is a very obese orange tabby cat with a bit of white fur. He was described as follows (and still is on the Petfinder site):

If you taste in cats is to look, but not touch, then Vincent is for you. Vincent enjoys the company of humans and cats, but does not want to be held or touched. He is declawed in the front and….

Combine that with the excessive obesity and you have a cat that is not going to be easy to adopt. I suppose this is why he going to a sanctuary. I don’t know why he is obese. It may partly be because he is inactive which in turn maybe because he is hurting from the declawing. I still think it would be wise to have his paws checked out by a vet to see if there is something in the paws causing causing pain. Complications of the declawing operation are not uncommon.

PoC promised a $300 staged (staggered) donation to anyone who would adopt Vincent. That donation will now go to the Humane Society of Louisiana to help in a small way to create what I hope will be a beautiful sanctuary for our Vincent and his close companion, Torti.

I wish them the best of luck for the New Year and for the rest of their lives.

23 thoughts on “Vincent and Torti to be rehomed at a sanctuary”

  1. So pleased for them, the people at both places sound very kind and caring, I do think that if they can do anything to help Vincent then they will, they seem to have thought a lot about him and looked after him well all these years, can’t wait for the next instalment.

  2. Caroline and everyone! I spoke with the contact purrson at the sanctuary this morning. She will be contacting Michelle to inquire if Vincent can have his paws xrayed prior to his move to the sanctuary.

    Apparently the sanctuary is in a very rural location and local vets don’t have the equipment to do the job. So I will stay on top of this. I am to contact her in the middle of next week.

    Everyone thought it would far better for the cats to be transferred to the sanctuary after the holidays are over to avoid any kitty escapes when company arrives, etc. I think that is an excellent idea, purrsonally.

    So please stay tuned for the next chapter. The kitties are still with Michelle!

    But- they will definitely be at the Sanctuary- and hopefully Vincent’s paws will be xrayed so we will have a better idea about the condition of his poor declawed toes.

  3. Happy New Year to you as well and everyone here! Yes I suppose the best we can hope for is that the right thing is done. If not perhaps we can bug them until they do get it done.(Usually works for me ,if I bug people enough they finally just give in and do what I ask so that I’ll go away! LMBO) Am sure you can do it quite more diplomatically then I , my temper usually gets in my way . And when it comes to helping a poor animal it has a quick fuse . Getting better at it , as I know that calm and steady usually works better with these shelter and sanctuary folks. So I suppose we an wait to hear an update with Jo. Again , happy our boy is no longer caged and has his buddy with him!

  4. Hi Jan, Happy New Year. Jo Singer is in contact with Zeus’ Place about a vet check on his paws. However, I am not sure if we can pull this off. Once Vincent is moved to the new sanctuary, it may be very difficult to organize it at a distance. I don’t know if he is there yet, either. Also it might need a specialist vet to check out his declawed paws properly.

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