Cat in Wales rescued after being stranded on the roof of a boxing club for at least four days

A cat in Wales is safe tonight after being rescued after it became stranded on the roof of a boxing club for at least four days.

cat stranded

RSPCA animal collection officer Fiona Thomas along with the help of South Wales Fire & Rescue responded to the scene at Penarth Amateur Boxing Club. 

The cat had managed to get itself stuck in the gutter of the apex roof. The public had seen the cat each day and thankfully someone eventually contacted people who could actually help.

cat rescued
Firefighters rescue cat using a ladder (RSPCA)

The cat was reached with a ladder and taken to the RSPCA where a microchip was found. Another successful rescue accomplished by ladder. Thomas stated in an interview with

“This was certainly a ‘rocky’ ride for this poor cat — trapped on the roof by a boxing club for a number of days. The RSPCA will never throw the towel in when helping animals. Fortunately, this rescue was an undisputed success and the cat was returned to his home.”

A lot of cat lovers are under the impression a cat can rescue itself from most situations. That’s not always true. I’ve covered dozens of stories where a cat is stranded up a tree for four days or longer.

If you see a cat up a tree and it’s still there hours later, please contact your local animal shelter. They may not come out for the actual rescue but can usually put you in touch with someone who can help.

Thank you to the animal collection officer and the fire department for providing assistance. 

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