Warrior Cat

Warrior Cat - Savannah Cat - photo © Helmi Flick

Warrior Cat - Savannah Cat - photo © Helmi Flick

The Warrior Cat of legend and myth had arrived out of the depths of the dark forest to save the Clans and lead them into the light, the light of a brave new world where cats were kings and twolegs were servants and could no longer cause pain.

The Clan members and wise cats had never seen a cat like this before. He was larger and had a presence that demanded to be noticed. A presence that told all who saw that this was no feral cat, no domestic cat that had become wild - no, this majestic cat who had sauntered so confidently into their midst was a wild cat. Or was he?

His coat was that of a warrior knight, burnished gold and brown. The patterned black spots and swirls were those of a true wild cat and yet his character was that of a domestic cat, or almost. This was a potent combination. His senses were sharp and finely tuned for survival in the wild. His eyesight seven times more effective than the sight of any twolegs. His sense of smell guided him and told him friend from foe.

His long rangy frame and flexible spine allowed him to run considerably faster than other clan members even the best hunters amongst them such as Sandpaw. He gave the impression that he was more ambitious than the most ambitious of Warrior cats. Tigerclaw hissed and arched his back, the hairs on his tail quivered and a shudder of tension went through his muscular body. His skin rippled signifying distaste for what he saw and sensed. Tigerclaw would learn that this warrior cat, a knight of warrior cats, had not arrived to usurp his authority and rule the clans, but to show them the way to a better world.

All the warrior cats had left the protection of their human homes for the adventure and perils of the wild. Life was harsher and lifespan shorter. They knew that as feral cats their lifespan was no longer than 3 years on average. They had much to achieve in a short life. Sometimes the warrior cats sat together in a great meeting and discussed why they had left the protection of a human companion and keeper.

They knew this. Deep inside them, their wild cat origins remained intact. They were at home in the wild but ill equipped sometimes to deal with the dangers of the human world. Such a hostile world. Humans were giants trampling over the forest and destroying nature. A nature with which they had once some 9,000 years ago been in harmony.

They needed to find harmony again, to return to their roots and live the way they should and must live, away from humans, safe from humans who frightened them.

Their savior had come to lead them to salvation, to their natural way. They would follow him, he would teach them how and what to do and where to go. They warmed to the Warrior cat, this king amongst warrior cats.

They agreed that they had to find a new sanctuary and a new home where they could hunt and live as before, as their ancestors did, where they could forget that they were domestic cats turned feral, where they could become truly wild again - a brave new world.

Read on....part 2...>

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Warrior Cat

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Apr 12, 2012
Ran Out of Favorites
by: Anonymous

If you've read "The Last Hope" then you know by now the tragity that happened to my last two favorite cats. If not then stop reading this spoiler alert! As the rest know in the first series my other two favorites Yellowfang and Bluestar died sadly, but my third favorite, Firestar was still there until the Erins killed him off in the most rediculous way including my other favorite cat, Hollyleaf! Which I thought was stupid since she just came back! So apparently she only returned so she could die, then why did she have to return at all? They already thought she was dead!

Apr 12, 2012
Dead Daughters
by: Anonymous

Has any one ever noticed it's usually the daughters of the cats who die? Graystripe's daughters Feathertail and Briarlight, Bluestar's "daughter" Mosskit, Dustpelt's Hollykit and Larchkit,Sorreltail's Honeyfern, Stormtail's Snowfur, Windflight's Sweetpaw, Crookedstar's Willowkit, Minnowkit, and Silverstream, and now Crowfeather's only daughter Hollyleaf as well?! Does anyone else sense a pattern here?

Mar 28, 2012
Why do you guys like RiverClan
by: Featherfern

Why do you like RiverClan? Leapordstar is evil. And no matter how cute those cats are, they easily give up. Unless it is about Sunningrocks.

Mar 25, 2012
thunder clan
by: bluestar

thunder clan is the best of all clans he had fighted well and leaded but i'm only on the first book so i want to here secrets from thunder clan

Mar 10, 2012
by: Spottedpelt

i'm evan writing a warrior book i love them.Waiting for The last hope to come out.

Feb 07, 2012
warriors rule
by: moonstar

ive read all of them!! yaya they r truely awesome and very good reads i was saddned to see it end and erin to start a new series with bears it is not the same

Jan 22, 2012
I dissagree
by: Ripplestar

RIVERCLAN is the best Clan, NOT Thunderclan. Riverclan cats are always well grommed and well fed. Thunderclan is a bunch of kittypet lovers!!!

Jun 27, 2011
the AWESOME clan
by: Crystalstar

Thunderclan is the best clan in the whole forest. The are the best hunters, fighters, the most loyalest cats in the forest.Thunderclan is awesome and nobody can say they are not cause Firestar has lead them well. Firestar has been the best leader he could be and now is the best father to his two daughters squirrelpaw and leafpaw.

Apr 09, 2011
Awesome Firestar!
by: Mossleaf1

But not as awesome as Jayfeather

Dec 24, 2010
by: GO Firestar

Book one (In To The Wild):Firepaw's Kittypet name is Rusty,Tigerclaw killed Redtail,Firepaw fought of Yellowfang a Med.cat/Warrior and won,Shadowclan attack Thunderclan,Clawface killed Spottedleaf, Loinheart died in a fight when Shadowclan attack,Bluestar lost a life in a fight with the rats.I am not saying anymore u read it!

Book two (Fire and Ice):Tallstar and the rest went back to their territory when Fireheart, and Graystripe told them it was safe to come back,Brokenstar was driven out and killed when Yellowfang gave him death berries.(i don't remember everything)

Book three(Forest of Secrets):Tigerclaw leaves Thunderclan to be a outside cat,Fireheart becomes deputy after Tigerckaw leaves,Fireheart tries not let Graystripe fall in love with Sliverstream and also Sliverstreams dies giving brith of Graystripe's kits when river clan claims the kits he joins Riverclan.

Book four(Rising storms):after Tigerclaw left Bluestar could not trust anyone but Fireheart and Whitestorm,Whitethroat of Shadowclan dies when he ran over the Thunderpath(road) and got hit by a monster(car),Runningwing dies in a battle when Tigerclaw and his fellow rouges, Cloudpaw is still in Thunderclan but he sneaks to the twoleg nest(house) and gets fed and over weighted and he is breaking the Warrior code then the Twolegs(humans) captured him Sandstorm,Fireheart,and Ravenpaw rescue him,in the book their was a huge fire, and the forced them to flee.When they got away Halftail,Patchpelt, and Bramblekit was still in there so Fireheart and Yellowfang saved them but Patchpelt died because he had too much smoke in his lungs.Yellowfang tries to drag Halftail out but Bramblekit was on a burning tree so Fireheart saved Bramblekit instead of helping Yellowfang and brings him out safely and all of the sudden this burning tree falls on Yellowfang and Halftail were standing.(read the book to know the rest cause i'm not saying anymore)

Book five(The Dangerous Path):Bluestar died by Tigerstar's dog pack,Bluestar does not believe in Starclan anymore,Mistyfoot and Stonefur almost killed their mother Bluestar but they do't believe that she is their mother,Graystripe go's back to Thunderclan,Cloudpaw turn to a Warrior and becomes Cloudtail, Tigerclaw nearly killed a a cat and that cat name for a warrior now is Lostface.(red the rest of the BOOK!)

Book six (The Last Hour):Riverclan and Thundercan worked together and became Lionclan to defeat Bloodclan,Fireheart becomes Firestar,Scourge kills Firestar and Firestar lose's a life so now he has 8 life left then Firestar went back fought Scourge off and he won, Scourge killed Tigerstar,Whitestorm became deputy than u died in the battle,Ravenpaw help defeat Bloodclan,Stonefur died in the battle,Tawnypelt go's to join Shadowclan.(read the book to see if the won the battle or not?!)

Jun 16, 2010
new website!
by: Anonymous

try this warrior cat roleplay, which is REALLY new-it is JUST MADE, so we need new members.

May 11, 2010
by: Uriah

I am the biggest warrior cat fan!Long live the warriors!

Dec 25, 2009
A Note
by: Michael

Just a note from me, Michael (the person who wrote this story).

I have not read the Warrior Cats books but know what they are about.

This story is straight out of my imagination and is not intended to be similar to the Warrior Cats series because I haven't read them!

This story is about how life for a feral cat can be harsh at the hands of humans (twolegs). Although there are many beautiful people who care for and adopt feral cats, a few of which a are regular visitors to this site I am pleased to say.

Dec 01, 2009
Wariror cats roleplaying!!
by: Sand-star

visit www.warriorcatsroleplay16.webs.com and start RP ing. we need med. cats and warriors!

Nov 20, 2009
Warriors Are Awesome!!
by: Kat3

Warriors are awesome! i love reading them!!!! One of my cats looks like Graystripe!!!

Nov 10, 2009
by: Sand-satr

Try this roleplaying website! This is only a few weeks old so it needs kits, warriors, apprentices, elders, and medicine cats! please consider joining ! Visit: href="http://warriorcatsroleplay16.webs.com/ - link broken May 2012 (Membership is free!!) If you join, please send me your description on my email. (found on the site)THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPPORT

Nov 04, 2009
by: mystery

im already on the omen of stars

Sep 18, 2009
love warriors
by: syd e 99

I LOVE WARRIORS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i never stop reading them...never! my desk top backround is firestar. i can't wait till the fourth apprentice comes out! can u???

Aug 12, 2009
warrior cats
by: Wildtalon

Hello scartalon.im think u r called matthew cause it saids on the warrior cat web site.

Aug 08, 2009
i am the biggest fan for warriors
by: Scartalon

okay i am on the 13 book in like 1 1/2 months and i am in love with warriors

Jul 02, 2009
FireStar's Quest Chapter 33 Pg 471
by: Keira Marie Nguyen

Restlessness pricked at Firestar's paws, and as the sky turned gray with the first light of dawn, he climbed up the trail to the Skyrock and sat alone looking down into the gorge.

Have I done the right thing? Since being here he had learned so much about himself and what it meant to be a Clan leader, but that wasn't why he had come. Was it fair to ask these cats to give up their lives for the Warrior code, when they had lived happily and peacefully before?

A sweet scent drifted around him, the only scent that could comfort him now. A pelt brushed against his, and a voice murmured in his ear.
"Don't grieve." Sandstorm whispered "You have saved SkyClan."

"But Rainfur's dead."

"I know. But SkyClan cats made their own decision to fight for the gorge, and the warrior code-and their Clan. The battle has brought them together as nothing else could have."

Firestar shifted uneasily, wanting to believe what his mate said, wanting to believe that what had been won was worth RainFur's death.

"Life can't go on without death," Sandstorm went on. Rainfur died like the greatest warrior fighting for his Clan. Wherever his warrior ancestors are, they will have been watching, and will be waiting for him now."

I am so filled with compassion for the character's within this story and I wish that human's could live their lives with some sort of code such as this. You have brought to life something within me which can't be denied, this is the true life of any mentor be it cat, or human one who loves with great passions and lives with a great passion for life and love in every way and I commend you for bringing this to your readers I can't put these books down only wishing that life could truley be less political and more like this or maybe les human and more catlike.

For the world as we know it is missing something and the way in which we live is tainted. Mentoring and loving another and caring for one's elders and learning to our fullest extent is the way it should truly be I hope these stories go on forever and I will share them with my children, grandchildren and with yes, my cats as well I can't find the words to express the joyfulness your books bring even in times of great sadness for me.

God bless you all at Warrior books, keira & Family & The Dillinger Gang Theray Cat Group
Foreverland Cattery

Jun 22, 2009
by: Anonymous

I love warrior cats! The best series ever! Im on the new prophisoy Dawn. 5 STARS!I love warrior cats!!!!!!!!!!

Jun 18, 2009
A Dream For The Warrior cats books and a Love For Their Stories
by: Anonymous

I just had the privilege of having all of my cats photographed by Helmi Flick and the results were absolutely breathtaking. I am also an avid reader and addicted to the Warrior Books due to my daughters show mentor and have found them to be so realistic and so incredibly life changing that I now find my next dream is to have those stupendous pictures submitted to the Warrior Books as well. With our gorgeous Bengal whose personality was brought out in every way and our Foundation Bengal whose wild look pops off the page of the photo we have seven cats all with looks that would do the Warrior books proud due to the magnificent Photography work of Helmi and Ken Flick!

I can only hope someday this dream will also become a reality. there is no one that can capture the true essence of a cat whether it be purebred, rescue or wild like Helmi and we have been blessed to have been a part of that!

God Bless...

Oct 09, 2008
To the person who loves the story
by: Anonymous

I love you.....

Oct 09, 2008
I LOVE it!!!!!
by: Anonymous

It is very good and seems expressive. I LOVE every bit of it!

May 02, 2008
This is a comment on world
by: Anonymous

I get the message. Cats were domesticated about 9,500 years ago. They came in from the wild and joined up with mankind as life was easier; they got fed and were kept warm.

But the initial euphoria of their new life as domestic cats has waned. They are now kept in unnatural conditions locked up inside the homes of humans permanently. They crave to go out and silently accept what is dished out to them by the No.1 animal species in the world.

Cats are adaptable but that doesn't mean they should be abused. And sometimes we do abuse them. We play God with the domestic cat by breeding strange breeds that can only live indoors.

We break our "contract" with them and abandon them when they become feral cats and yes warrior cats but in the harsh unfamiliar world of humans where they die young.

We kill them in a million different ways, the most recent of which is the "cleansing" of the streets of stray cats by the Chinese before the Olympics.

It is time (and the moral of the warrior cat tale is this) that we change our ways and made life better for the domestic cat. I don't mean individuals. There are many wonderful individual cat keepers. I mean in general terms things have gone wrong for the domestic cat.

9 thoughts on “Warrior Cat”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. I know right I LOVE warrior cats why cant they make movies i luv all of you i dont feel like a weirdo being the only warrior cats number one fan and i wish she would make more book!

  3. i LOVE warrior cats but i think they should make some movies from the books
    it would seem really interesting!

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