Warrior Cat - Savannah Cat - photo © Helmi Flick
The Warrior Cat of legend and myth had arrived out of the depths of the dark forest to save the Clans and lead them into the light, the light of a brave new world where cats were kings and twolegs were servants and could no longer cause pain.
The Clan members and wise cats had never seen a cat like this before. He was larger and had a presence that demanded to be noticed. A presence that told all who saw that this was no feral cat, no domestic cat that had become wild - no, this majestic cat who had sauntered so confidently into their midst was a wild cat. Or was he?
His coat was that of a warrior knight, burnished gold and brown. The patterned black spots and swirls were those of a true wild cat and yet his character was that of a domestic cat, or almost. This was a potent combination. His senses were sharp and finely tuned for survival in the wild. His eyesight seven times more effective than the sight of any twolegs. His sense of smell guided him and told him friend from foe.
His long rangy frame and flexible spine allowed him to run considerably faster than other clan members even the best hunters amongst them such as Sandpaw. He gave the impression that he was more ambitious than the most ambitious of Warrior cats. Tigerclaw hissed and arched his back, the hairs on his tail quivered and a shudder of tension went through his muscular body. His skin rippled signifying distaste for what he saw and sensed. Tigerclaw would learn that this warrior cat, a knight of warrior cats, had not arrived to usurp his authority and rule the clans, but to show them the way to a better world.
All the warrior cats had left the protection of their human homes for the adventure and perils of the wild. Life was harsher and lifespan shorter. They knew that as feral cats their lifespan was no longer than 3 years on average. They had much to achieve in a short life. Sometimes the warrior cats sat together in a great meeting and discussed why they had left the protection of a human companion and keeper.
They knew this. Deep inside them, their wild cat origins remained intact. They were at home in the wild but ill equipped sometimes to deal with the dangers of the human world. Such a hostile world. Humans were giants trampling over the forest and destroying nature. A nature with which they had once some 9,000 years ago been in harmony.
They needed to find harmony again, to return to their roots and live the way they should and must live, away from humans, safe from humans who frightened them.
Their savior had come to lead them to salvation, to their natural way. They would follow him, he would teach them how and what to do and where to go. They warmed to the Warrior cat, this king amongst warrior cats.
They agreed that they had to find a new sanctuary and a new home where they could hunt and live as before, as their ancestors did, where they could forget that they were domestic cats turned feral, where they could become truly wild again - a brave new world.
Read on....part 2...>
I love warriors, we play it at school!
I know right I LOVE warrior cats why cant they make movies i luv all of you i dont feel like a weirdo being the only warrior cats number one fan and i wish she would make more book!
i love warriors
I didn’t even see this, Mr. Broad! It’s awesome!
warrior cats rock but i agree with kristen they should make a movie of the book series!!
i LOVE warrior cats but i think they should make some movies from the books
it would seem really interesting!