ByrdPheather – birdfeather

by Feather
(No clan; but not a loner)

Once a world dark as night, fills with all the deepest light, cry's to no one at the sight, the one thing you thought you knew, will crumble and fall, like that of a shot down bird.

Know what your story is before you get caught; it makes since, think about it.


Hi Feather... sorry it took me an age to publish your submission but I wanted to add it to another to make it a bit longer.

Thanks for visiting and sharing.

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by A Loyal Contributor

Clans of Paradise

Clans of Paradise

Clans of Paradise, or CoP, is an exellent site for cat-lovers and Warriors fans alike to roleplay in the wonderful world of Warriors.
The members, though few, are very nice, and efficient roleplayers.

The rules, though strictly set, are easy to follow. The web design is quality, and many excellent graphic creators have contributed to giving this site remarkable layout.

Quite a few deputies and medi-cats are needed at the current time, as well as any cat willing to be dedicated and friendly to the CoP community.

Welcome to Clans of Paradise. Welcome to the family.

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