Warrior Cats Fan Profile

by Michael

Warrior cat fans love Seekers too. Photo by austins_irish_pirate

Warrior cat fans love Seekers too. Photo by austins_irish_pirate

This is a Warrior Cats Fan Profile gathered together over a period of about a year by visitors to this website. 80% of people who participate in Warrior Cats RPG (Role Play Games) also read the Warrior Cats books. That means that this poll is also useful for publishers of WC books.

78% of the people who are WC RPG fans are Americans. And 88% of them are female, almost all of which are single.

In summary the Warrior cats fan profile, the kind of person who likes to play Warrior Cats RPG, is a single, American, female who has read Erin Hunter's Warrior Cats books, who keeps and/or likes cats and tends to play Warrior Cats RPG to create a little world of their own; to step out of the real world, I guess. This is completely understandable.

There is a clean split as to whether WC fans are individuals or like to be part of a group. Generally, people who like cats tend to be individuals. Of course, individuals can still like to be within a community. Few of the fans play to compete, most do it to participate.

Here is a copy of the survey, which is on going. This is reproduced at Christmas 2008. Although it might change a bit it is probably quite a settled set of figures:

Of the 327 people who participated:

28 are female and;
36 are male
254 live in USA and;
32 live in Europe
204 play to create their world and
45 play to compete, while
130 play to meet friends.
291 like cats and
11 don't like cats.
261 have read some WC books.
145 see themselves as individuals and
144 like to be part of a group
209 keep a cat.
7 are married, while
220 are single.
152 play to escape the world

If any WC RPG fans read this, I'd be really pleased to hear from you in a comment. You might like to add some more info. You might disagree.

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Warrior Cats Fan Profile

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Oct 08, 2011 About Me
by: Lightningpaw

I am Lightningpaw,an apprenice of my Clan,Stormclan. Pleased to meet you!

Dec 28, 2010 warriors rule!
by: rhiannon

my name is rhiannon aka:errorclaw.i am a guest on the warriors website and also the biggest warrior clan fan of all time!anyways,ihave read only 5 warrior books and i am already in love with them just as much as graystripe loved silverstream!i love warriors so much i have made up my own!if i could be able to become a warrior i would be......sandstorm!that means my mate would be firestar!WOOHOO!

Aug 31, 2010 Wow
by: Dia[Lux, Diamondfeather]

I saw the results of that voting poll and some surprised me. Some people are married and some were over 40 years old. I just found this... different. I made methink how widespread Warrior Cats RPG is. Anyways, I am a very bored person so I have a site where you can hang out www.diamondfeather.webs.com Its has RP and other stuff in it, I'd love to hear new ideas. I also have an email is anyone cares diassite11@aol.com :]

Sep 15, 2009 Update 15th Sept 2009
by: Michael

Here are the current results of the new poll on fan profile:

warrior cats fan profile poll results september 2009

Aug 09, 2009 WEbsites
by: Silverfur

hey join this website about warrior cats its very realistic and has images about the hunting territory join and pick an image you want or pick or create your own warrior name. here's the website

if you like wolves then you can join this one about warrior wolves


Dec 24, 2008 Interesting
by: Anonymous

Just a quick note to say I moved this up to the top as I think it is interesting.

I myself don't fit in with the typical profile being old and male. But I love cats and am an individual.

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