Warrior Cats – Most popular WC Forum
by Michael
Pictures-of-cats.org has been running a poll for several months now to find the most popular Warrior Cats forum (and there are a lot of them). There is also a form on the website where warrior cats can tell people how long they spend on Warrior cats each day.
Well, I think it’s time to tell you the results. First, though, how did I select the forums to vote on? Well, I picked the forums that came up in the first 3 pages of a Google search and added some afterwards that popped up. Not massively scientific but I basically chose the ones that were already the most commonly used.
The top forum is warriorcats.conforums taking 41% of the votes. I think this came about for 2 reasons: (disagee? – tell me, please) – one there may have been a link on the conforums site to Pictures-of-Cats.org and they were keen to vote as a lot came in a rush, once they (perhaps the administrator of the site) had seen that the poll existed (probably in MSN live search as it is ranked 1 in that search engine). Anyway, they were the keenest and maybe they are the best too.
Next, wcv4.proboards54 with 21% of the vote. There were some multiple votes from the same computer location here but that doesn’t necessarily mean that one person is voting more than once.
In equal third place is “Cats of the Warrior Code Only Loyal” and ~WaRrIoR cAtS~, with 8% of the vote each.
Then came “By Moonlight” (6%) and “Clans of the Midnight Sun (3.6%).
The poll is still running and there are a number of WC Forums that are listed (and which got votes) not mentioned here, which you can see by visiting the Warrior Cats page on Pictures-of-Cats.org website
As to commitment, it’s a definite “WOW” factor. The commitment demonstrated in those that submitted is huge, with 35% of those submitting information spending more than 4 hours daily on a Warrior Cats forum.
18% spent 2-4 hours daily on a WC forum and 29% spent 1-2 hours daily, with less than 1 hour getting 17.6% of the submissions.
Conclusion?: there is a real commitment to Warrior Cats from some of those involved and the websites concerned are quite sophisticated (they also look a bit complicated if I may say so). To an outsider the forums can look similar, which can cause confusion, particularly as the website URL (address) for the forum is often similar in each case. This is becauseProboards does a lot of the hosting for these forums. Proboards is a Free Remotely Hosted Message Boards service ideally set up for these forums.
The polls are still open and this is an “interim” report.