Warrior Cats Survey Statistics

by Michael.B.

Real Life Polydactyl Warrior cat -photo by Wabana

Real Life Polydactyl Warrior cat -photo by Wabana

92% of Warrior Cats RPG Forum participants are females so says a poll on the Pictures of Cats.org website. The other statistics that may interest people are:

77% of participants live in America.

11% live in Europe and the remainder elsewhere.

60% play Warrior Cats RPG Forums to create their own world.

By way of contrast only 13% play to compete.

Unsurprisingly 89% of participants like cats and a surprising 3% don't like cats. Of those who like cats 65% keep a cat.

80% of WC RPG participants have read some WC books.

A mere 3% of participants are married and 41% play to escape the realities of the world.

What is the most interesting and perhaps important statistic? It must be the proportion of females to males who play, players being almost exclusively female.

Keep voting and thanks for voting. Some people will find this interesting. It may even be useful to people in the business of Warrior Cats.

Photo: published under a creative commons license

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