Warrior Cats

Warrior Cats
Artwork by Kristen
This is a long page on warrior cats that has been reduced a bit today 17th April 2013 because Annie says it is too long ;). Nowadays, a lot of it has value from an historic standpoint. It shows you what WC RPG was like five years ago! Please scroll down this long page so see it all. The poll results are quite interesting because there is a high turnover of Warrior Cat sites so some have disappeared and perhaps, in the spring of 2013, the peak period of the WC cult is over.

forestWarrior Cats, for those few who haven’t heard, is a book series about cats, written by Erin Hunter, who is in fact 4 women. The book is published by Harper Collins. The three authors and storyline manager are:

  • Cherith Baldry (one of the writers)
  • Kate Cary (another writer)
  • Victoria Holmes (she creates the story and ensures consistency between books
  • Tui Sutherland (one of the writers)

This web page is mainly about the WC RPG (Roll Play Games) based on this popular book series. This page is designed to tell visitors which are the best Warrior Cats websites and as a place where WC fans from different forums can exchange views generally and promote their websites.

I was asked what the purposes of these chat boxes was. The answer is they are for warrior cats role players from different sites, forums and places to meet up, discuss warrior cats, perhaps role play and make friends. At the heart is the idea that WC role players from anywhere should have a place meet up.

Update 13th August 2016. This page has been on the internet for about 8 years. A long time for the internet. I have stopped doing polls but the ones on this page still work although the poll voting for the best role play site is now well out of date – sorry but that’s the way it goes. The dialogue box is still used. Thanks for still using it. You are amazing for doing it. It has been used for many years. If you want me to add something to the page just tell me in a comment!

If you would like to chat here is the first cbox…


Firestar (Female), leader of ThunderClan suggested that I use an xat box, so here it is. Feel free to try it or the chat box above.

Update: These chat boxes have been a success but times change and I have had to delete the second one because it costs money to keep it going and it is not being used anymore. Thanks for participating.

Brightheart warrior cats
warrior cats

IvyClan’s Destiny— this is part 1 of a really nice Warrior Cats story by DappleStar. It is dedicated to Flamey. Dapplestar is sorry that she can’t get on PoC much anymore. Watch this space. The cast is:

  • Scourge Jr. : Aigis
  • Firestorm: Flame
  • DappleStar: Dapplez
  • Pantherheart: Panther

….IvyClan’s Destiny Part 2 and IvyClan’s Destiny Part 3 now out (March 17th 2012). These links open in new windows. Read the episode and return here to link to the next…IvyClan’s Destiny Part 4 – what you have been waiting for! IvyClan’s Destiny Part 5 has just arrived. Here is IvyClan’s Destiny Part 6 and IvyClans’s Destiny Part 7. The final part for a while is Part 8…New today..Part 9Part 10 is out. Annie has written Part 11 (Aug 18th 2012).

Warrior Cats Writing Competition (start 3rd June 2010): I will award a $350 prize (PayPal only – winner must have PayPal account) to the best short Warrior Cats story. The competition runs for 6 months until 3rd November 2010. The story can be any length but must be at least 60 lines long. The form below should be used. Only stories that are selected to be judged will be published. Good luck…Michael PoC Admin…note: this is real and genuine but I reserve the right to withold the prize if all the stories are of insufficient standard

Update 3rd Sept. 2010: This is an excellent example: Broken Destiny~part 1. Update 3rd Nov. 2010: The competition is now closed. I am deciding the winner which will be between Broken Destiny~part 1 and Rising Leader parts 1 and 2. Please give me a few days to announce the winner Update 7th Nov. 2010: I have decided that the winner is Morningstar the author of Broken Destiny~part 1. This was a difficult decision as there is very little difference in quality. Well done Morningstar. You will need to contact me please by email and provide me with your PayPal account details – click on this link: my email address is here. Update 16th Dec. 2010: The prize of $350 has been sent to the winner. Well done.

Matt, head admin at the kittypetlife.com collected the winner’s prize of $150 in the second poll – 8th February 2010. Well done. 2nd place went to silverandstone.proboards.com and third place to survivorcatsx.proboards53 – Survivor cats.
Poll 27th Jan 2010

New WC RPG Poll Start Date 27th Jan 2010
survivorcatsx.proboards53 – Survivor cats
blueandleaf.proboards98 — WaRrIoR cAtS
warriorcatclans2.wetpaint – WC RPG
warriorcats.conforums – StarClan Watches
warriorpathsx.proboards91 – Paths of the Forest

pollcode.com free polls

Who are you? What sort of person is a Warrior Cat fan and role player? This poll is by you and for you.

The poll allows multiple answers and one vote per day.
New Poll – WHO ARE YOU? (started 28-1-09)
I am female
I am male
I live in the USA
I live in Europe
I like cats
I don’t like cats
I play WC RPG to create another world
I play WC RPG to compete and win
I play WC RPG to be part of a group
I am married
I am single
I have read some WC books
I have read more than 20 WC books
I am a member of more than one WC forum
I change WC forums sometimes to find the best
I have met some good friends on WC forums
I have met some WC RPG members in person
I am in the age group 10-20
I am in the age group 21-40
I am in the age group over 40

pollcode.com free polls

Click on the following link to see the result of the first poll on the subject of “WHO ARE YOU?
WC Fan Profile  —

wc book form

for Your Favorite Warriors Book
WARRIORS: Into the Wild
WARRIORS: Fire and Ice
WARRIORS: Forest of Secrets
WARRIORS: Rising Storm
WARRIORS: A Dangerous Path
WARRIORS: The Darkest Hour
MANGA: The Lost Warrior
MANGA: Warrior’s Refuge
MANGA: Warrior’s Return
MANGA: The Rise of Scourge
MANGA: Tigerstar Sasha
MANGA: Tigerstar Sasha: Escape form the Forest
MANGA: Tigerstar 7 Sasha: Return to the Clans
SUPER EDITION: Firestar’s Quest
SUPER EDITION: Bluestar’s Prophecy
GUIDES: Secrets of the Clans
GUIDES: Cats of the Clans
GUIDES: Code of the Clans

pollcode.com free polls

There was a long standing poll which asked how many hours per day you spent on WC RPG. The poll is closed but here is the result:

Warrior Cat Story – Why not read this story about a Warrior Knight who has come to lead all Warrior cats into the light of a Brave New World of equality. Written for the domestic cat and all animals. This was written by Michael Broad. The site’s owner. Brave and mad but I did it….

Part 1 – Warrior Cat of Legend and Myth
Part 2 – Warrior Cat – The Clan Leaders
Part 3 – Warrior Cat – The Fear of the Uknown
Part 4 – Warrior Cat – The End of the Beginning
Part 5 – A Warrior Knight’s Dream
Part 6 – Warrior Cat – The Turning of the Tide
Part 7 – Warrior Cat – The First Attack
Part 8 – Warrior Cat – The Nomads
Part 9 – Warrior Cat – The Long March

Finally, there are lots of Warrior Cat articles written by visitors that are either personally written fictional stories or promotions of websites started by Warrior Cat fans. You can see links to all these by clicking on the following link:

Visitors Articles written by Warrior Cats fans.

67 thoughts on “Warrior Cats”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. “The Power Of Family And Friends” part 1. by:icestar.

    “Wake up Icekit”, cried a voice.

    Icekit awoke to see Amberkit standing over her. Aquakit was playing with her tail. “Stop that”, said Icekit with a gleam in her eye. The three kits started to tumble around the nusey. Suddenly, “Icekit wake up” came from no where. Icekit awoke to see Waterkit pulling on her tail saying,”Wake up”.

    “Stop that”,she hissed at him. “About time you woke up”, he said playfully,”you sleep like a bager during bareleaf”.”I do not”,she hissed. “Are we going or not?”,he asked. “Go where”,asked she asked. “To the metting of corse”,he whispered. “YES”,she cried in exitment. “Be quiet”,said a voice. “Sorry mother”,said Waterkit as, he moved away from Icekit.

    “You better be”, hissed the voice. “Leave them alone,Snowheart”,said another voice. “Mom”,said Icekit. “YES”,answered the voice. “Can I go play with Waterkit…”,started Icekit. “NO”,yelled Snowheart. “Go to bed”,said both mothers. Both kits layed down in their nests but, didn’t fall asleep. “I told you to keep your daughter,Icekit, away from my son,Waterkit, Frostfur”,hissed Snowheart. “I don’t want to hear it Snowheart”, said Frostfur as, she layed down. “Fine”,said Snowheart as, she layed down too. Soon,as both mothers fell asleep.

    The kits slipped through the hole in the back of the nursey and into a rabbit hole. They followed the tunnel until they came to the border. They headed towards the Fourtrees. There was kit waiting below. “Hey Icekit”,said a kit. “Hello, Bonekit”,said Icekit. The kits began their metting. The same news from last time was all to hear. “Let’s go home”,said Icekit. Icekit and Waterkit walked towards the rabbit hole but, stopped at the border. Sitting at the border was Ravenwing and Snowheart. They rubbed muzzles and wrapped tails….

      • “The Power Of Family And Friends” part 2. by:icestar.

        Both kits stared at the two warriors. “We better hide now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”,hissed Waterkit urgently but, when he turned around Icekit was heading towards the two warriors.”Stupid furball”,he muttered as, he followed Icekit. “I love you Ravenwing more than the clan! Please take me away and sweep me off my feet!”,said Frostfur with love in her voice. “YUCK”,yelled Waterkit and Icekit. “Uh Oh”,said Ravenwing and Frostfur together. “It’s not what you THINK”,they said together. “RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”,said Waterkit and Icekit.

        They ran towards the rabbit hole,went down it,in to the nursey, and in to their nest. Both kits layed down and went to sleep. Suddenly, Icekit hears “FIRE! RUN!”. She runs as, fast as, she can go. She lays down exasted and when, she opens her eyes Aquakit and Amberkit are standing over her. “About time you woke up.”,they said. “Sorry!”,she says.

        She hears “Wake up” and wakes to see her mom standing over her with a mouse at her paws. “Good morning mom”,she said as, she tried to act as if she was not gulity of anything. “I know you were spying on me last night. Don’t say anything about what you saw”,said Frostfur. “Yes mom”,said Icekit.Icekit headed for the medicene cat’s den and sitting in sorting herbs was Redheart.

        • “The Power Of Family And Friends” part 3. by:icestar.

          “Redheart, can I talk to you”,asks Icekit. “Yes”,mews Redheart. “I think I might be a medience cat”,Icekit blurts out. “What makes you say that”,asks Redheart in a kind voice. “I have had dreams with living Aquakit and Amberkit”, Icekit squeeked. “When did these dreams start”,asked Redheart. “Ever since they died”,mewed Icekit. “The propecy”,hissed Redheart. “What”,asked Icekit. “Nothing. the dreams means nothing”,mewed Redheart.

          • “The Power Of Family And Friends” part 3. by:icestar.

            “Okay! Redheart!”,said Icekit supicously. “Go and have some fresh-kill and leave me alone. I need to work.”,mewed Redheart. Icekit went to the fresh-kill pile and saw there was a mouse and a small fish left. “Icekit. Come and eat with me.”,mewed Waterkit as, he came over carrying a large fish. He almost fell over his fresh-kill but stayed on his paws and layed it in frount of Icekit. Icekit gently licked him on the muzzle and said,”Thanks.” “No problem. Bager.”,he teased. “I am not a bager.”,she fumed. “I am teasing you. Mousebrain!”,he mewed. “Waterkit can I tell you a secret.”,asked Icekit.”Yes. Mousebrain and I wouldn’t tell.”, he mewed.”I am haveing dreams about Aquakit and Amberkit and Redheart wouldn’t tell me why.”,Icekit mewed.

            • “The Power Of Family And Friends” part 3. by:icestar.

              “So”,mewed Waterkit. “So!So!So!So!So!”,yelled Icekit angrily. “Icekit……………..”,Waterkit started. “I don’t care.Waterkit, just leave me alone”,interrupted Icekit. She ran away sobbing and out the tunnel that leads to the forest. “Icekit”,Waterkit called. He followed her but, didn’t see the warrior following Waterkit and the warrior didn’t hear the warrior mutter,”I will make them dispear.” Waterkit followed Icekit’s scent and found her at the border,crying. “I am sorry”,he whispered in her ear. She rasied her head and licked his muzzle and mewed,”I forgive you.” “How touching”,hissed a cold voice. “Bluewing”,mewed Waterkit with fear creeping in his mew. Bluewing threw back his head and yelled,”Foxheart.” Foxheart crossed the border and grabbed Waterkit by the scruff. “W-W-Why are you doing this Bluewing.”,asked Waterkit. “Because of the propecy and no one can know what I am doing.”,hissed Bluewing as, he grabbed Icekit. “She’s frozen with fear.”,though Waterkit. “Waterkit. Waterkit.”,cried Snowheart. “Mom!!!!!!!!!”,cried Waterkit with fear. “Put down the kit,Foxheart.I will pretend to chase you off so, run if you are loyal”,whispered Bluewing. “Aye.”,mewed Foxheart over his shoulder after he dropped Waterkit and was running towards the border. Bluewing raised his fur and yelled,”And stay away. Crowfood eater.” “My kit.”,cried Snowheart. “I saved these kits from Foxheart”,mewed Bluewing quickly. “Keep quiet about this.”,he hissed in the kits ears.

              • “The Power Of Family And Friends” part 3. by:icestar.

                Bluewing dropped Icekit and said,”I saved them from Foxheart.””My kit.”,cried Snowheart as, she checked him over.”I will carry Icekit and Snowheart you can carry Waterkit. After you do that let’s go home.”,said Bluewing as, he picked up Icekit. “I will follow.”,mewed Snowheart around Waterkit’s fur as, she picked him up. They walked through the forest.They placed the kits down at the thorn barrier.Bluewing and Snowheart went through the thorn barrier first then, Waterkit but, when Icekit went through she got tangled in the thorns.”Where is my kit.”, cried a frantic Frostfur. “I am here mom”, said Icekit as, she pulled her fur loose. She walked out of the tunnel and then, fell all the way down the hill and stopped at her mother’s paws. “Your okay”,cried Frostfur as, she checked Icekit over and then started to lick her kit. “Mom stop. I am not a newborn kit”,hissed Icekit as, she moved away from her mom and towards Waterkit. “Foxheart attacked these kits at the border and tried to take them. The crowfood eater.”,hissed Bluewing. “Liar”, thought both kits but, were afraid to say it.”This is war”,hissed a voice that carried great power. “Coldstar”,said everyone in the clearing. “let’s go to the elder’s den.”,said Waterkit. The two kits walked into the reeds that was the elder’s den.

  3. My story is called: “The Power Of Family And Friends”. The prophecy is: a kit of ice and water will rise to take their power but, are half clan but, the kit will need guidence or they will fail.
    clans and tribes: Waterclan,Darkclan,Breezeclan,Skyclan,and The Tribe Of Rising Sun.
    Coldstar– the leader of the Waterclan. She is a snow white she-cat with deep brown eyes. She is kind but, can be harsh. she does not like fights but, will fight if needed to.

    Bolderstar– the leader of the Darkclan. He is a dark brown tom with cold amber eyes. He is harsh to the core. He loves fights and always starts them.

    Bramblestar– leader of Skyclan. He is a light brown tom with black swirls on his back and brown eyes. He is very crazy and always doing stupid stuff. he is okay with fights but, his clan rarely gets into fights.

    Blossomstar– leader of Breezeclan. She is a cream colored she- cat with one brown eye and one blue eye.She is a shy leader and lets her deputy do the talking. She never starts fights but, her deputy does but, she NEVER joins in.
    Bluewing– deputy of Waterclan. He is a blue-grey tom with two white smuge marks on his back and blue eyes. He hates kits and loves battles and wants to kill Coldstar and is afraid of the prophcy.

    Foxheart– the deputy Darkclan. he is a redish tom with white paws and copper eyes. He loves to be rough and likes war and does not want to be leader.

    Rosefire/Rose Of Buring Flame/Rose– a reddish she-cat Skyclan with green eyes. She is stubborn but, respetful. She stops fights but,she joins The Tribe Of Rising Sun.

    Greystorm– a grey Breezeclan tom with black swirling patterns on his back and grey eyes. He is tough and mean. He likes fights and blood.

    Frostfur– a white she-cat Waterclan with a black tail. She is gentle and does not like war.

    Snowheart– a cream colored Waterclan she-cat with black flecks. she is firm and does not like icekit. She does not war.

    this is it for now but,i have more charters. please be pacent. please email me if you have a problem with my story.

    • okay here’s the rest of my charters:
      Birchclaw-a dark brown waterclan tom with sea green eyes. he don’t care about fighting or anything else. he is lazy and does not do anything. he later becomes a elder.
      ravenwing- a black Skyclan tom with blue eyes. he does not like to fight because he is afraid he has to fight Frostfur his mate.
      cleo/sky of rising moon/moon- a white she-cat with black stripes with a amber and a green eye.she is kind.she is not a fighter and she is a healer.she joins the Tribe of Rising Sun.
      wolf of moon- a brown wolf with gold highlights with deep cold ice blue eyes.she is kind and likes cats as friends not food. she hates fighting but, will protect her pack but, they die so, she joins the Tribe of Rising Sun.
      Amberkit-a golden she-cat with amber eyes from waterclan. she died at 3 days old because,she froze to death.icekit’s sister.
      aquakit-a black tom with blue eyes from waterclan.he died at 3 days old because,he froze to death. icekit’s brother.
      tigerclaw- a tan tom with green eyes from waterclan.he died at 9 moons old because,he died in battle as, deputy. icekit’s uncle.
      Rabbitheart- a brown tom with black eyes from breezeclan.he died at 10 moons as, a elder.
      Icekit/ice of small stream/ice- a grey waterclan she-cat with gold highlights and unsusally cold ice blue eyes. she hates fighting but, will join a fight.she joins the Tribe of Rising Sun. she is the main charter.

      Waterkit/water of lost river/water- a blue/gray waterclan tom with kind brown eyes. he is not a fighter, he is more of a talker. he joins the Tribe of Rising Sun.

      snakekit/snake of large stone/snake-a grey Darkclan tom with grey eyes. he is a tough fighter but, is scarded of spiders. he joins the Tribe of Rising Sun.

      i am so, sorry but i will finish later. i promise.

      • here is the rest of my charters:
        bonekit/bone of small cliff/bone-a white darkclan tom with blue eyes but, is blind in one eye. he does not like war because he is afraid he will have to fight icekit(he has a crush on her)or a old clanmate.he joins the Tribe of Rising Sun.
        stonekit/stone in large water/stone-a unusally blue/grey with white eyes(he is blind).he can’t fight but, he still hates war.he joins the Tribe of Rising Sun.

        mudbelly-a brown tom with mud brown eyes from waterclan. he died at 8 moonsbecause he died in a twoleg trap.
        wildheart-a pure black she-cat from skyclan. she died at 7 moons because she ate deathberries but, her leader gave her a warrior name.
        smokey/thornclaw-a grey tom with light grey eyes from skyclan. he died with a towleg at 9 moons.
        mosepaw-a brown she-cat with pretty amber eyes from darkclan.she died by getting hit by a monster at 6 moons.
        socks-a black tom with one white paw and brown eyes. he died by getting hit by a monster at 5 moons.

        • elders:

          Stumptail-a old mud brown waterclan tom with a stump of a tail and black eyes. he doesn’t like war because he has seen a lot of war but, will fight for the good of the clan.
          Loudstep-a old white waterclan tom with amber eyes. he doesn’t like war because he has seen a lot of war but, will fight for the good of the clan.
          Raincloud-a old white and blue/grey waterclan queen/she-cat with green eyes.

          pip-a light brown twoleg dog with brown eyes.
          Kricket-a dark brown twoleg dog with green eyes.
          Wishbone– a black twoleg dog with dark blue eyes.


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