Warrior Chaos

Warrior Chaos

by Rain
(On the best site ever ((CHAOS)))

Warrior Chaos

Warrior Chaos

Warrior Chaos is a brand new Warrior cat RolePlay game site, opened May 8th. We already have 14 members, and we are gaining members quickly.

Our site features four awesome clans:

  1. Stormclan, led by Cloudstar
    ((roleplayed by Rain))
  2. Ashclan, led by Dawnstar,
    who is up for adoption
  3. Splashclan, led by Echostar
    ((roleplayed by Echostar))
  4. Breezeclan, led by
    Spottedstar ((roleplayed by Moonmist)).


Little fights are breaking out between the clans. Stormclan and Ashclan are crossing Splashclan borders, and the clan is feeling frustrated. They aren't strong enough to fight the clans and win, so they are working harder and harder, while the two clans pick on them.

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Warrior Chaos

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May 23, 2009
by: Rain

A quick update. Breezclan leader is now Sorrelstar, roleplayed by Silverstorm.

May 23, 2009
Member Count
by: Rain

We now have 28 members. Just a quick update.

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