

warriorcatsv02.proboards.com header banner

warriorcatsv02.proboards.com header banner

warriorcats.conforums.com has moved here: warriorcatsv02.proboards.com. We all would like it if you would change the poll please. All of our active members have come here after warriorcats.conforums.com was deleted, and we are an active Warrior Cats roleplay with nice members and many places to roleplay. Its one of the best Warrior Cats roleplays available.

Admin: Thanks for the comment. I can't change the main poll unfortunately as it means starting over but I will add a mini poll to include your new website and produce a final list based on votes. I am pleased you guys are still around. I'd love to know why warriorcats.conforums.com was deleted as it was doing well.

Link to warriorcatsv02.proboards.com

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Feb 17, 2009
by: Squirrelheart

Hey guys, I'd just like to say that I'm sorry for calling you guys names, and for bribing my members to post bad things about you, and vote against you. I've just recently realized that you guys rock! You're tons better than SCR, I hope everyone who sees this goes and joins!

Feb 17, 2009
SCR sucks.
by: agent 007

SCR sucks because they are saying that we suck. Right back at you. =D

Feb 04, 2009
by: Anonymous

This site is the worst possible place to RP. There is flaming, poor posting, and horrible powerabusing admins and mods. Its constantly like your on trial, you get bombarded with questions. And you get treated horribly by this crude, neadrathaws. -.-

Feb 03, 2009
The Worst RP Ever.
by: Anonymous

Going through and reviewing sites- this has to be one of the worst rp's I've seen. Any member comes on, it's constant questioning and flaming. The roleplaying their is horrible grammar and members are very high up. I dissaprove of this site.

Jan 31, 2009
Re: long story
by: Silversun

even though she was underage not long before... sorry.. not going to start that again o.o

I'm glad that we are back

Jan 31, 2009
by: Anonymous

Thanks for the info. I am a bit shocked. It seems you were treated badly. It also seems people are keen to report people and that WC forums are very competitive. I wish you you good luck this time. Stick around and out smart them.

Admin PoC

Jan 31, 2009
Long Story
by: Citrus

Its a really long story... I'll just summarize. One of the co-owners found that one of our members was underaged and reported us. We were deleted and she remade it. Then it was hacked and deleted and remade again. Then, Dave said that if it was deleted again he wouldn't restore it. And one of their admins was underaged, so it was reported by someone and deleted. We moved to http://warriorcatsv02.proboards.com/index.cgi right after the first deletion instead of going with the new owner because we didn't think she deserved it.

Jan 30, 2009
Pleased You're Back
by: Anonymous

H Guys, I am pleased that you are back. I was surprised that warriorcats.conforums.com had disappeared that is why I still listed it in case I had made a mistake. Good Luck. Please tell me why it was deleted.

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