Warriors;; Times’ Day

Warriors;; Times’ Day

by Earthbreaker
(Warriors;; Times’ Day)



Greetings everyone, and welcome to Warriors: Times' Day! Naturally, this is a warrior cats role-play website! You become your own feral cat, and experience your own dangerous adventures, life-risking fights, hunts for subsistence, and much more marvelous things! Any of your friends are also welcome to join and have as much fun as you do! Primarily, everyone here has observed this website because of Erin Hunter creating the spectacular Warriors series! Lastly, the staff, including I, deal with all of your needs and/or requests, so don't be shy and hide behind a den!

A related BloodClan & Tribe of Rushing Water will be made once we have Clans full, and active. Design and competition boards will be made if anyone shows talent. To show that you have talent at doing this, & you want to have your own shop, PM me, Earthbreaker. The Tribe of Endless Hunting & DeathClan will be made once we have the Clans full, and active. If anyone wants to have their own role-playing school, PM me, Earthbreaker, and show me an example of your role-playing. If you are advanced and want to have your own school, do that. More skins & logos will be added later. The Proboards smileys will be changes once they have upgraded the code into 4.5. Until then, be patient. Other enjoyful things will be added later.


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Warriors;; Times' Day

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Apr 11, 2009
Nice site
by: Thundertail

Wow this is a nice site hope you all it to the voting list! I joined Earthbreaker! Nice site!!!

WTD is the best!!!!

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