Water in a bowl isn’t cool enough for Colby!
by Julie Dye
(Griffin, GA)
My sweet, yet finicky 2 year old brown spotted tabby, Colby, refuses to drink water out of his bowl, and therefore wakes me up at least twice a night crying. Why? Because he knows he has trained his Mommy well. So, through the routine we go… I pick him up, give him his kisses, bring him into the kitchen and set him on the counter (and this is a 19 pound Bengal!) He then looks at me expectantly until I turn on the sink faucet for him, and he then goes to town, drinking from the falling water for a couple of minutes, until he’s had enough.
He then usually turns around, lifts his tail, and struts away, and I just smile and shake my head at what a spoiled, but loved, baby I have. 🙂 (His 2 younger brothers, Jazz and Grimlin, both drink from their bowls and let Mommy sleep through the night, so I’m not sure where he gets this from!)
Julie Dye
From Water in a bowl isn’t cool enough for Colby! to Bengal cats for sale
Good blog post. I definitely love this site. Keep writing!