We Adopted This Cat

We Adopted This Cat

by Kristi
(Parma Heights, Ohio)

My Norwegian Forest Cat ?

My Norwegian Forest Cat ?

I am still trying to get to the bottom of weather he's a Norwegian Forrest Cat because we adopted him from a animal shelter that had no information on him because he was brought in after his owner died. The more information I read about them and the more pictures I see really lead me to believe he is. I'd love him just as much if he wasn't but I'm curious. He has a double coat that feels like silk or cotton. He's the grey and white cat in the picture. Opinions?....

Hi Kristi: Thanks for sharing. I think that you will agree that he looks very much like a Norwegian Forest Cat. The general conformation is correct to me and the face is right too. Also his coloring and pattern (a tabby and white) is spot on, isn't it? This is a popular color pattern for NFCs. I think the NFC has a very particular face. It is less square than the similar looking Maine Coon, for example and I am not talking cat fancy language.

At the least he is probably a Norwegian Forest Cat "mix". There are, it seems, lots of "purebred mix" cat at rescue homes. When I search for purebred rescue cats and they come up through Petfinder.com I discover that they are say, "Maine Coon Mix" or "Norwegian Forest Cat Mix". That sort of thing.

As you probably realize, you'll need a pedigree to establish whether he is a purebred cat or not. That means 3 years of lineage mapped out. If he is purebred he should be on a database at a cat association and it is possible (although not probable) that the person who previously lived with him was involved in the cat fancy. Although a long shot, if you could find out the name of this person (you might know it already) you might find a connection with the cat fancy and thence to the name of your fine cat; he may have a cat fancy name (a show cat name). You will then be able to research the pedigree.

With a show cat's full name a Google search sometimes brings up the required information because breeders present pictures of their cats on their websites together with their full names. He may be a retired show cat. This is one possibility. He looks handsome enough. He has very nice symmetrical markings. He's a bit of a star isn't he!

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We Adopted This Cat

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May 19, 2009 Honey's pic
by: Wendy

Thanks for your response Kristi. Here is the link to see Honey's picture.


May 19, 2009 Honey
by: Anonymous

Wendy how do I get to the photo of your Honey?

I agree Mally's got the looks of a few different breeds so it's hard to tell what he may be(mixed with).

May 19, 2009 In response
by: Kristi

We adopted him about 6 mos. ago. They estimated his age to be around 3-4 years old. I thought he was your basic longhair, but wasn't sure. I'd post more pictures of him on this webpage if I could. I'll probably check with our vet when we see her and see what she thinks. She works for the petsmart clinic so has probably seen a lot of different cats. We have an orange DSH tiger cat also, but he's 11. They really enjoy each others company. We adopted Mally when Michael's companion of 10 years died.

May 19, 2009 Kristi's Adopted Cat
by: Wendy

Hi Kristi. You have wonderful looking cat. I am not very good at deciphering cat breeds because I have not had that much experience, but if you take a look at the photo of the Ragdoll by Helmi here on Michael's site, the similarity in markings is incredible. How old is your boy? How long have you had him? Do you have other cats? Any guess as to what my Honey might be mixed with?

Wendy-Jupiter, Fl. USA

May 19, 2009 sounds good
by: Kristi

Thank you Michael. I noticed that too when I looked on petfinder that a lot of the cats were mixes. I'm not sure that the shelter will have the owners name since someone else brought him in but I'll give it a try. The only things I know about him that match the breed standard besides the conformation is that he does jump really high (and like heights - he'll jump onto the highest thing in our house), and he's really quiet. He only meows when he wants attention and his purr is so quiet that you can usually only hear it if you put your head right next to his.

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