We all share the same goal: to humanely control the feral cat population in our communities. That is the sentiment of the Feral Cat Intervention Coordinator of the Louisiana SPCA, Sara Dawdy. Of course, it should be obvious that we need to behave humanely towards feral cats but it got me thinking. Sara makes the statement as if everybody has the same opinion regarding controlling feral cats, namely to treat them humanely.
But of course there are a lot of people who believe in the old fashion way of trapping and euthanizing feral cats or more accurately killing them. Fundamentally, this has to be an inhumane way of controlling the feral cat population because killing unnecessarily is inhumane. Killing feral cats is unnecessary because TNR is a non-lethal and superior alternative.
Therefore the people who want to kill are behaving in an inhumane way. I have never read a response from these people justifying why they think they should behave inhumanely towards feral cats.
If a person behaves inhumanely he is not showing compassion or benevolence. Therefore it could be argued that he is not a compassionate person. A compassionate person has concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others.
If you want to cull feral cats you can’t describe yourself as a compassionate person. Conversely if you want to conduct TNR programs you are a compassionate person. Therefore people involved in TNR are better people than those who want to kill them.
The point that I’m making is that to trap and kill feral cats is not only less effective than TNR it is a concept devised by people who lack a human characteristic which is desirable, namely compassion. I wonder whether they are aware of this. It is something that they should not be proud of.
P.S.: some people say that it is humane to kill feral cats in a humane way because it puts them out of their misery. This implies that their lives are entirely a misery and hopeless. I disagree with that. You can’t generalise and say that all feral cats live miserable lives. Of course some do but many don’t. Many are cared for by volunteers under TNR programs and live decent lives. In other parts of the world there are hundreds of millions of feral cats regarded as community cats. These cats are welcome in the community and part of it. To cull feral cats unselectively is inhumane.
“Unwanted cat” according to whose definition? Not only are you ingnorant, you are blind and cruel…
Well that hateful troll just made my point about why humans are so adverse to TNR didn’t it. TNR is taking responsibility for a man made situation.
P.S. you are one of the people who lack compassion. Why don’t you help to make the lives of feral cats better as TNR advocates do? I prefer TNR people to people like you. Spewing crappy arguments that don’t make sense.
Yes, some feral cats do get run over just like some domestic cats and just like some humans and some dogs and some pumas and all kinds of creatures because cars and roads are a nightmare for animals. But that does not mean we should kill all feral cats.
A feral cat being run over by a vehicle is no different to a human being injured in a car accident of which there are hundreds of thousands in the US. We don’t euthanize humans because of this. We don’t trap and euthanize pumas in Florida because some get hit by cars on the roads that criss-cross its territory.
Your argument is poor.
Same argument applies. Millions of humans die of incurable diseases daily. Thousands of humans die of dog bites daily on the planet. Should we euthanize all humans to stop this happening? Some feral cats are attacked by predators as are some domestic cats. Lets euthanise the cats first…..In the US around 35,000 people are shot dead annually. Should we prevent this by euthanizing them all before they shoot each other?
Your argument does not stand up.
I have trapped an unwanted cat and I have no place to keep it. I’m going to dump it outside away from here so it can get ran over by a car. I’m being humane according to you. I could have taken it to a shelter and had it put to sleep peacefully and painlessly, but you say it is better to throw it into traffic to die that way. Or maybe an eagle or coyote will tear it in half and feed this cat to its own young. Maybe it will catch an incurable and deadly disease from all the other stray cats and slowly die that way out of sight, out of mind. But since you say that is more humane to do that than have it painlessly and peacefully put to sleep by a veterinarian then that’s what I’m going to do. I’m going to dump it somewhere where it will get ran over by a car, or worse. You’re so wise and loving. Thanks for the advice. Do you want the cat? I’ll send it to you. Otherwise it most certainly will meet its fate in traffic. You know, because according to you, that is the more humane option. Let me know if you want the cat or it’ll probably become just more of your loving and humane road-kill tomorrow.
TNR works when the supply of abandoned cats is not present. Since humans are the root cause of all feral cats it becomes obvious that TNR conflicts with shitty human behavior. Feral cat colonies are direct evidence of animal abuse. Almost all feral cats are working cats while an overpopulation of them is detrimental I suspect well managed colonies are a benefit to the community.
The laws almost everywhere in the US need to prohibit the habit of letting your cat roam astray.
Pet ownership needs to be redefined from a feel good thing and getting a best friend to a life long commitment of love and caring for the pet of your choice. I know the difference is subtle but the devil is always in the details isn’t it.