We Care for a Feral Cat and Her Kittens

We Care for a Feral Cat and Her Kittens

We had a moma feral cat who had three kittens who we have fed and watered over the past year. Then Moma had another little calico kitten, who of course we fed and watered.

We were then able to coax her into the house, took her to vet in carrier and got her kitten shots.

She is now due for her rabies shot and getting spayed.

She is very thin even though she eats and drinks.

We now only have 2 feral cats outside that we feed and water.

Our little Calico is an inside kitten and we love her, but I am concerned she is so small and thin, we’ve had her for over a month now.

Hi.. thanks for passing by and sharing…and of course helping a feral cat. We like that here on PoC.

The small size of the moma feral (now domestic) cat may be her natural condition due to her previous lifestyle or it may be due to an underlying illness.

I guess that will be checked out when she is spayed and vaccinated.


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We Care for a Feral Cat and Her Kittens

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May 30, 2010 Good on you!
by: Maggie Sharp

I love stories like this, it’s so heat warming to hear of people looking after feral cats! These cats are only feral because people failed to look after them in the first place.

I wish little Calico the best, hopefully she’ll start looking better soon.

Keep up the good work!

May 29, 2010 Thank you
by: Finn Frode, Denmark

Thank you for all the good you do for these poor feral cats. I hope there is nothing seriously wrong with the little calico, because she will be able to pay you back for all your kindness. Cats rescued like her often become the most loving and affectionate companions one could ever ask for. 🙂

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