Westberry had been hoarding cats for many, many years

Intro: This article is, I hope, an insight into the behavior of cat hoarder and abuser Julianne Westberry. It is written by a person who knew her and who had dealings with her. Click this link to see articles about her (the link opens a new tab/window).

My experience with her has always been positive and she has helped me in the past. I have known her for 10 years or better, she has always had far more cats that any one person should have.

Myself like many others just assumed all was well, she didn’t have to be a clean person to care for cats. She lived in Anderson when I first met her, the house she was in then had a horrible stench to it, but everyone just assumed again it was from all the cats.

There were deceased cats in the walls of that house when she moved. The house had to be completely remodelled… the entire house.

There were five gallon bucks of cat litter removed when she moved. Reading this now, all the signs were there way back then, but hindsight is 100%. The reason she moved from that house was because she was trying to adopt three little girls. I believe she was successful. They moved to Belton, the first house in Belton. I had over the years gotten cats from her as well as taken cats to her. If I had a question, she was my go to lady. So needless to say it was disturbing that this happen.

I went to her first house in Belton one day to get meds for a sick kitty that I had, she met me at the door and the stench was horrible, the flies were everywhere. I have a feeling this was going on then, now seeing the signs. I had to go home and shower to try and get the stench out of my nose.

Wasn’t too long after that she moved from that location to another location in Belton. I don’t know how she managed to keep those girls all these years, unless once the adoption is final they don’t do checks anymore. I really hate this to happen to her, because I think deep inside she is a good person with a good heart.

Her father did recently pass away, but all this was going on before that happened. The girls should be grown now, so maybe she was feeling alone again or something. I have never known her to have a husband, or boyfriend. She was always just the lonely “cat lady”. Again this is not to bash her name, or add fuel to the flames, but I do honestly believe this has been going on for many many years.

I hope that she will get the help she needs, and on that note she does need some consequences for her actions. She was a smart lady, she knew what she was doing was not right. I request that my name or identifying information be omitted from this, I do still know many people that know her. I will be glad to offer anything information that I have, that I may have missed, because it is puzzling how someone can do such a thing, and I don’t buy the story she snapped, I think this has been happening for years.

P.S. The section in the article that says someone was at her house a few months before this happen, well either she just moved in or that person is lying. Julianne has never had a clean house, always had very smelly stench, the entire time I have known her.

The author wishes to remain anonymous

25 thoughts on “Westberry had been hoarding cats for many, many years”

  1. I also believe others were in on the money scam (which includes collecting pledges for vetting and care via paypal and mailed donations, amazon “wish lists”, auctions with items donated by others, etc.

    She also claimed she was part of a 501c3. I asked her directly is she was a 501c3 and she told me she was and happily collected many pledges and amazon donations from me. Now, we find she made up stories about spay and neutering the cats, vetting the cats, finding homes for the cats.

    And now some of those around her are using bully tactics to silence and scare people. I would like to see her mother investigated, the “boyfriend”, and the boyfriend’s daughter.

    I would like to see the authorities make sure that felony charges are filed. I would like to see those who donated money to her to rescue cats file fraud complaints with the IRS, PayPal and Amazon. Stand up people, we need to keep this from happening again!

    She took one persons cats to board them while she moved, a person who had donated a lot of money to her and, now, only one cat has been found. Julia won’t even tell her where the other cats are and if they are alive.

    A homeless woman’s two well-cared for cats where taken in for boarding, handed over to the BF’s daughter, and now they won’t give them back. The two cats were healthy when taken in and now look unwell, and skinny, stuck in the dirty yard.

    People have let this go on for years and years. I guess many people have enjoyed the $$$$ JW took from well-meaning, kind-hearted people. I am disgusted by the descriptions of the filthy homes. YOU ALL KNEW THIS WAS HAPPENING.

  2. Calling on all legal resources to help in seeing that justice is served in this intentional torture and cruelty and the money laundering scheme she developed. Yes, she was a master mind. To prey on the compassion of others who wanted to see these neglected cats and kittens have the opportunity to live long healthy lives. She devised her plan carefully to collect all the money pledged for their care and dumped them with no care. Water was free but they didn’t even get that. I say she did not keep this scheme going all by herself. Someone else was and is involved in seeing the cover stayed in place. Others knew. She knew out of state and out of county rescues could not follow her so she kept the appearance up through social media. So where are all these animals? Are they all dead? Are they the ones carried out in garbage bags? Are they still hidden until they die? There has to be some capable investigators out there somewhere.

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